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[LSD Subthread] First time LSD

The acid isnt very strong these days. I would suggest taking all ten. At a death metal concert. Or maybe go out into the woods by yourself, take them all, strip naked (make sure there is an electrical storm) run around and try to start a fire before the acid takes hold and you cant start a fire because the tree's wont shut up. Ignore the imps, they only want your soul which is of no real value anyway.
ENJOY. *walks out thinking of the sheer terror, laughing mannicaly*
Atleast someone can find it.
I've been wanting to trip for the longest time but ive been unable to come accross it :(
Hopefully soon ill be in the same boat as you but i think when i find it, i wont be sittin on it ;)
first time trying acid...

well....me and 3 of my buddies are trying acid for the first time tmrw (well be doing 1-1.5 hits each).

We dont have a house or anything to do it in so were just gonna be outside. Is there any chance that we would get bored just chilling outside and walking around (with music and weed)? Cuz i dont wanna waste my first experience and be disappointed :p. Should we go ahead and do it or wait untill someones house is free (and have things to do like play video games, watch a movie, etc)?
Theres a boatload of these threads in the drug basics forum you should check out.

But anyway, I prefer to be outside, personally. I feel contained/confined, and like I've lost a certain amount of freedom a lot of times that I trip inside. Its ok, and with some drugs or during certain times its preferable. But by and large, I prefer to trip in the great outdoors.

Go camping if you can, weather permitting and all. Find a shallow stream or creek and walk around barefoot. throw rocks in the water. watch ants carry stuff around. Sit in the grass and smoke pot. watch clouds. chase fireflies. start a well managed fire if there is a sober dude around. roast marshmallows in it.

Go somewhere with some shade. Its no fun to be frying on acid with the sun beating down on you mid-day (if its warm where you are).
most important is that you feel safe in your enviroment. if you feel safe outdoors than that's cool. nature is definately enough on acid..
where outdoors are you planing? somewhere in nature or in the city? i'd avoid being around lots of people on your first acid trip. if you have a quiet spot go for it...
The problem is that we live in Canada so its pretty cold....about 0 C or 32 F.
also, were only teens so we dont have acess to a car to go out of town to a campground. Wat we were planning to do was to go to a nearby forest where noone really goes and just chill and trip out for a few hours untill we come down enough to go in public... I guess the real question is: Is nature/music/weed interesting enough to keep us entertained for a few hours =P?

edit: we live in a semi-suburbian area and the forest we mite go to is surrounded by fields...its pretty random cuz theres tons of houses around it but theres a huge area (a few sq. miles) of just forests and fields =P
From the sound of it, I would definitely wait until you have a vacant house for you guys to start experimenting.
yeah, doesn't sound good. acid is a very deep and long trip. prepare yourself for 12 hours of tripping. wait for the right opportunity and it'll be much more enjoyable. that can definately be in nature, but i wouldn't want to spend 12 hours in the freezing cold because of being to paranoid to go back to my parents house...
nah the cold wont bother us.... that temperature isnt considered too cold here lol. Anyway were all used to it (after a fucking cold-ass winter -_-).... my only concern was boredom
yeah, wait for better weather. Not having a house is alright as long as you can find a nice comfortable area. You have to feel comfortable about your surroundings, there should be no second thoughts or anything like that.
i don't know how you can get used to it, what is your secret? i live in michigan and it's 27 degrees right now and i am inside and still feel cold.

as for getting bored, what makes you think being able to go inside will make you less bored?
yeah, honestly, it will be pretty difficult for you guys to play video games, and it might even be too intense for you to handle. just wait for a better day. :)
burn out said:
i don't know how you can get used to it, what is your secret? i live in michigan and it's 27 degrees right now and i am inside and still feel cold.

as for getting bored, what makes you think being able to go inside will make you less bored?

Cuz inside theres a lot more options...like watching a movie, doing something on the computer, playing video games (maybe not cuz apparently itll be difficult =P) etc
The first time I tripped really hard I was outside almost the whole time. Just make sure that you will be able to get back inside by a comfortable time, you don't want to be stuck outside at like 9 PM. I would recommend taking it as early as you can so you have the evening to be able to go back inside and chill out.
ya were gonna start pretty early in the day (before noon). My experience with shrooms indicated it will be much better in the daylight (better visuals along with a better mental state). This way by the time it gets dark were already coming down and in case we want to go somewhere later on we can handle ourselves around strangers :p
Keep in mind that you probably won't be able to get to sleep until maybe 15 hours after dosing.
ah, I did not realize you were so far north. I would not want to be outside for 8-12 hours or so in near/at freezing temps. I was thinking a nice 80F or so with a pleasant breeze. :)

I'd stash the acid for a later time to use outside, or wait until you have an inside space to try it in. And as someone else mentioned, make sure its somewhere you feel comfortable. Mill around a bit and just chill out for a while if you aren't sure, and see if its suitable.
kamikaze__ said:
nah the cold wont bother us.... that temperature isnt considered too cold here lol. Anyway were all used to it (after a fucking cold-ass winter -_-).... my only concern was boredom
this does not have to be the same when you're on acid. cold wheater and a long walk outside did play it's part in a bad trip for me. and please do not waste your acid by playing video games or watching tv.
just wait for a time where you got a house with no one in it, or even better wait for nice warm weather.
Trust me the temperature will be an issue. If its 32 degrees out while your tripping its going to feel 10x colder. It'll end up becoming an obsession that you cold and start to really bug you.

I like the cold, and even when I chill inside while tripping I'm usually freezing my dick off in the 68 degree house.

Black: What's wrong with watching TV or playing Video games on Acid. They can be a load of fun. I mean, I wouldn't recommend spending the whole time doing that, but sitting down playing some crazy game on the console, or even watching a silly cartoon is just a lot of fun.