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LSD Info Request: What's going around - Part Trois

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I got some with a red lady bug on it. Anyone heard of these, haven't tried yet just wondering if they are strong/weak.

Red Microdots Victoria

A friend recently picked up some quality liquid and some red microdots. They are tiny and round, slightly varying in colour from bright to dark red. He said he also had slightly larger star shaped ones which sound alot like the DOI ones from the states.

I was wondering if anyone had any information on these as I am yet to try them and would like to know strength/quality before i do.
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I've got some of the small stars.

Fast come on, normal 12hr acid duration, clean headspace and very little body load. I don't know if they are some RC but they feel very acidy to me.

I don't know if there are different batches but the ones I have sound very similar to yours.

rolls said:
I got some with a red lady bug on it. Anyone heard of these, haven't tried yet just wondering if they are strong/weak.

Fairly average from what I can gather. Not heaps visual but you can get the giggly acid feeling from one trip.
this may be in the wrong thread, delete if it is, i just didnt want to make a new one.

a person i know went to purchase some lsd, but was told they only had 2c-b... but when they received to "2c-b" it was in paper tab form like lsd usually is. from research on the net i found (correct me if i am wrong) 2c-b is usually in powder/pill form? and from field research of one of the tabs, it was said to feel more acid-y. the paper designs are smileys, strawberries, rolling stones and sunflowers.
should the person just assume it acid?
I've only had the white on white tabs. I got them on 2 seperate occasions once recently once over the summer from the same source and had a few trips off each batch. From outside the Boston area.
Reshizzle, if the tabs are as small as normal acid blotter and the trip feels like acid then you can pretty safely assume it is acid. If not, the only other actives that would really feel like acid and would fit on a blotter would be DOB, DOC or one of a couple of other RC's. It's fairly uncommon to find RC's on blotter in Australia and you could rule it out by looking at the trip's duration/effects. Definately can't fit a hallucinogenic dose of 2C-B on a tiny square of paper though.
Johnny they look awesome, he wasn't selling the stars because he hadn't tested them yet but sounds like a riot. Hopefully the round ones are compareable, guess I'll have to wait and see.
Johny Boy said:
I've got some of the small stars.

Fast come on, normal 12hr acid duration, clean headspace and very little body load. I don't know if they are some RC but they feel very acidy to me.

I don't know if there are different batches but the ones I have sound very similar to yours.


Those stars are NOT LSD. I've known people who have ordered RC's and received these. I can't for the life of me remember which RC, but im fairly sure they are from the 2c-x family. Im going to scour the net and find it, but they aren't acid.

EDIT: Found it.

2C-T-7, just as i thought. Have a look at the picture.
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reshizzle said:
this may be in the wrong thread, delete if it is, i just didnt want to make a new one.

a person i know went to purchase some lsd, but was told they only had 2c-b... but when they received to "2c-b" it was in paper tab form like lsd usually is. from research on the net i found (correct me if i am wrong) 2c-b is usually in powder/pill form? and from field research of one of the tabs, it was said to feel more acid-y. the paper designs are smileys, strawberries, rolling stones and sunflowers.
should the person just assume it acid?

You can usually tell by duration. acid normally lasts around 8-12hrs.

but 2cb is usually sold as a pill like ecstasy - well at least wot I've seen in sydney anyway. last time I had 2cb I found it to be alot like acid (but much shorter in duration) but then again perhaps setting may of had something to do with that (large scale, very packed and it was an indoor event).
what i've been getting

3 out of the last 5 times i've gotten some acid
(from late october til my new batch i got today)
i've been getting this print

first time i got them it was on pretty thick feeling cardboard.
and the effects, were quite pleasant, wound up eating 3 throughout a saturday night, then spent my next day wandering around a shopping mall after eating my 3rd one. had really good visuals, everything looked cartoony, posters were moving, lookin at still images was grouse. theyd move around all over the place, colours pretty intense. i was just overwhelmed by "Beauty" i spose.
the thing to note is all 3 of us were on the same shit, and had a really good time, all happy, laughing, connected... went on a random walk down near the maribyrnong river at 3am in a storm lol

anyways.. i got them again just last weekend.
this time it was the same print, same size.. just i noticed it was about half the thickness.
i'd had no sleep in 60 hours after goin thru a gram and a bit of rock speed (very close to pure) so worried about the intensity i ate half.
an hour in i had slight movements here and there.
general dissociation and confusion which i normally get.. then it seemed to plateau... spent this time just by myself chilling out listenin to music and talkin to people on msn waitin for my mate to get home.
4 hours after the first half i ate the 2nd half... within 10 mins it all seemed to kick in, had lots of audio hallucinations (bubbling noises)
body felt weightless, i could see things in the air...
long stories short i had one of the best trips of my life.
i ate a half tab every 3-4 hours... (total of 2 tabs) and was tripping hard for 24 - 26 hours.
really intense stuff, really pleasant.
now normally a trip like this would leave me tired for days after wards.. the next day i was fine to function normally... felt rejuvenated... all chilled out.

got em again for new years to mix with 3 green supermen,and half a gram of whizza.
dont wanna overdo it so im gonna go in increments.

but yeah heres a photo of the designs.

Immortal Teknique said:
Those stars are NOT LSD. I've known people who have ordered RC's and received these. I can't for the life of me remember which RC, but im fairly sure they are from the 2c-x family. Im going to scour the net and find it, but they aren't acid.

EDIT: Found it.

2C-T-7, just as i thought. Have a look at the picture.

The picture doesn't look particularly like those stars I posted. Prehapse you should look again.

The points are far more pronounced on the 2-ct-7 one, the ones I poseted have more fat and squat points.

They weigh about 7mg which makes the erowid dose for 2-ct-7 a fair bit off;
Light 10 - 20 mg
Common 15 - 30 mg
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Meh, im not going to continue to speculate, there is no definitive way to know without lab equipment. I still think they are 2-c-t-7, if you saw how many were floating around at one stage, they varied in appearance quite dramatically.
jenkem said:
Reshizzle, if the tabs are as small as normal acid blotter and the trip feels like acid then you can pretty safely assume it is acid. If not, the only other actives that would really feel like acid and would fit on a blotter would be DOB, DOC or one of a couple of other RC's. It's fairly uncommon to find RC's on blotter in Australia and you could rule it out by looking at the trip's duration/effects. Definately can't fit a hallucinogenic dose of 2C-B on a tiny square of paper though.

Im looking at a DOC tab right now. rather large
Any info of Bob Marleys? I could have sworn I read about them on this forum but when I use the search function I get no results.

I can report back and say that the Serpents and Da Vinci's are both quality tabs. Probably the serpents moreso. Dosed the other day and it was interesting to say the least.
does anyone have any info on red hearts, originating from gold coast / tweed region?

picked up one of these recently but have yet to give it a run
I recently came accross some yellow smiley blotter on a brown background(sorry no photo). the card it was printed on was definately thicker then normal acid blotter I'd had in the past and was roughly 10mm by 10mms. I had them on 3 different occasions.

1st time consumed 2. took about 3 hours to notice effects but was blown away by the colour enhancements I was getting. Was definately better with booze and ganja.

2nd time had 2. Same again took at least three hours to feel anything but was significantly decreased in feelings because I wasn't drunk and stoned. After awhile got annoying and I tried to sleep it off. Had some cool CEV but nothing to write home about.

3rd time had 6. Going on previous effects noticed I thought fuck it and ate 6. Drank heaps booze and smoked pot like a chimney. Something odd that I noticed on the back of the blotter was that it had a very noticeable dark liquid like stain on it. Covering roughly 4 or 5 of the blotters (blotters weren't perforated). People always know (generally) that you dont handle blotters to much and how a stain like that got there I assumed was something to do with the loading (maybe). Either way I was fucking munted. Colours to the extreme, a mates face (maybe 2 feet away) was purple on the cheeks and yellow on forehead. But oddly enough I was able to maintain good conversations. Effects lasted way to long. Had to go to work while still tripping which was fucked.

Anyone got any idea what the smileys might haves been dosed with? Research on erowid leads me to beleive DOB.
nfosrch said:
does anyone have any info on red hearts, originating from gold coast / tweed region?

picked up one of these recently but have yet to give it a run

I had some tabs with a red heart on white background about 9 months ago sourced from NNSW.
Was fairly good 1 had me with light visuals and a very strong mental effects.
Good tab but nothing overly special felt like LSD to me atleast.

my innerself said:
Something odd that I noticed on the back of the blotter was that it had a very noticeable dark liquid like stain on it. Covering roughly 4 or 5 of the blotters (blotters weren't perforated). People always know (generally) that you dont handle blotters to much and how a stain like that got there I assumed was something to do with the loading (maybe).

I saw some tabs going around a few months ago which were covered in black stains which my "friend" insisted was the acid.
It was pretty obvious from the tabs (plain brown card and the Liqued had been drizzild all over rather than soaked) and the resulting trip that they were either an LSA extract or a DOx substance.
Long comeup very light visual side light mental effects and strong bodyload.
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