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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Numero Cuatro

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how is the brisbane market in terms of quality and availability. I have not used for 15 years but was interested in a dabble for old times sakes. Is there anything in particular i should be on the look out for. And from my limited inquiries seems fairly dry in these parts.

Im from Brissy, and the cid here does vary in quality alot, but recently i have gotten some really nice DNA printed tabs and some sugar cubes, all depends who you know though, but yeah generally speaking it does vary alot, im not sure what other sheets are going around so i cant really tell you what to look out for, but generally the tabs here in brisbane have been mentioned by people from other states aswell
marley and scoo.. if you look back a few pages not sure on the exact page but yeaqh was a while ago week or more before easter i posted a pic of the getafix and there effects i had a whole wizard 4 tabs at a doof fully fucked me up for the first hour to hour and a half. have had them in just single and doubles as well good tabs have just about dryed up now its on o the mickeys.
Should try 6 and a half then mate ;)
Nice tabs those Getafix. Get em whilst you can!
Some nice liquid going round Perth at the moment, minty fresh 200mics.. had some 3 weeks or so ago.. will be indulging again this weekend, beautiful stuff. :)
Friend of mine is trying the monkeys at the moment. He said he was having a great time, so he followed it up with four more. He was talking to me on messenger, but he has gone quiet now....

...I think the boy is in for a looooooooong ride.
No price discussion in Aus Drugs dude. I assume there is no problem linking this.

My mate has finally gone to sleep. Five monkeys in five hours. He ended up in a ball for 5 hours wondering when someone was going to save him. Couldn't see because the visuals were so strong. Couldn't hear for all the noises he was hearing. A real 'can't see the forest for the trees' day for him.

At 7pm, he was still fucked. Wanted a massive D&M with me, but I was not in the same mood. Sounds like he had a blast though. Can't wait to try one.

Just one; and go from there.
funky monkeys ne plusa ultra! 140 solid mikes on good stable paper. double dipped, a few sheets there were, for 280 per tab ;-)
No price discussion in Aus Drugs dude. I assume there is no problem linking this.

My mate has finally gone to sleep. Five monkeys in five hours. He ended up in a ball for 5 hours wondering when someone was going to save him. Couldn't see because the visuals were so strong. Couldn't hear for all the noises he was hearing. A real 'can't see the forest for the trees' day for him.

At 7pm, he was still fucked. Wanted a massive D&M with me, but I was not in the same mood. Sounds like he had a blast though. Can't wait to try one.

Just one; and go from there.

Wow.... It does sounds like that guy had a blast! Oh wait that guy was me =D.
Monkeys are fantastic! I had one's at 2.30am - 3.30am - 4.am - 5.am - 7.am. I am pretty experienced with acid and have been doing it for about 7 years. I knew they were good ones after the first hour. I tore my place apart making temporary beds from cushions off lounges unintendedly and trashed the place ect. During the hours between 4-5am I sore the whole world end in a 2012 doomsday styled prediction with my eyes open. Only to realize later it was light from a car passing by my window. I was gone for most of the day and it didn't start to ease up until around 8 pm by which point sleep was needed and sedation was required. I was sound a sleep by 10pm. The early hours of the morning 'were' very much a case of being unable to see the forest for the trees are in the road sort of thing. In future I think I will get best results from just 2 at the same time and only two!. 5 was just ridiculous...
There's no such thing as double dipped.


Once a tenpack has been laid and the solvent allowed to evap under redlight, there is then further room for additional crystal-bearing solvent to be taken up. 'Double dipping', AFAIK, does not produce a double loading (e.g first pass 140ug a blotter, second dip will give more like 200ug per blotter total) but it DOES increase concentration - How effective the second dip is determined by a) the kind of paper being laid to, b) the quality (and therefore solubility) of the crystal and c) the actual laying technique used (e.g capillary lay vs dip n' dry)
Just a warning to anyone getting Dark Stars, the latest batch in Perth are different from the first wave of awesome LSD.

First twigged onto the fact it was an RC by a weird metallic taste but nobody else seemed to share it. In any case, I had a single tab and was tripping for about 12 hours and still had residual effects (possibly compounded by a lack of sleep) at 18 hours after dropping.

It wasn't bad by any means, just very long and unexpected.
There's no such thing as double dipped.

BWAHHAHHAHHA ROTFLMAO. really. tell that one to the folks that tried the 800 ug Drop Bears and the 1200 ug Mop Bears. most cardboardish blotter can take up to 3mg active no probs...
Just a warning to anyone getting Dark Stars, the latest batch in Perth are different from the first wave of awesome LSD.

First twigged onto the fact it was an RC by a weird metallic taste but nobody else seemed to share it. In any case, I had a single tab and was tripping for about 12 hours and still had residual effects (possibly compounded by a lack of sleep) at 18 hours after dropping.

It wasn't bad by any means, just very long and unexpected.

Thanks for the heads up. Are they the same print as the old dark stars?
Same print and same size.

They're not bad tabs by any means, just don't think you're going to be functioning properly for the next two days.
BWAHHAHHAHHA ROTFLMAO. really. tell that one to the folks that tried the 800 ug Drop Bears and the 1200 ug Mop Bears. most cardboardish blotter can take up to 3mg active no probs...

I heard about some pretty shitty Hoffman reprints lately that were reputed to be 250+ ugs but were apparently quite underwhelming, despite SWIM being told not to eat more than one. They were supposed to be double dipped too. I don't buy into the whole double-dipped myth :! 8o %)
I had half of a mickey and i tripped harder than i usually do. I'd say they're at least 100ug. (i usually get shiity 40-50ug ones and half a mickey was stronger than one of these.

I remember hearing about people laying acid on paper and noticing that a couple of tabs had an undissolved crystal still attached to them. There is no guarantee that one trip will be as strong as another even if they come of the same sheet.
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