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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Numero Cuatro

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As for the frog tabs in adelaide... my mate had some bout 6 to 8 weeks ago... said he had 1 and a half with slight visuals and a nice euphoric feeling.....
I have moved or unapproved a few posts as they didn't belong in this thread. If you want to have general discussion about LSD then take it up in the LSD Discussion Thread.

Future off topic posts will simply be deleted. :)
Got 3 Obamas today. Will be trying 1 and a half on friday most likely, so I'll report back then. :D:D:D:D:D
Oh, one thing I forgot to say about the Cliffords/Red Rovers...

I had a few cones towards the end of my trip, not something I'd usually do (I've seen how powerful even a single cone can be in sending a trip the wrong way ...), but I had the taste for it this time!

All I can say is WOW .. At first I felt pretty much nothing and considered going to bed. However my friend and I decided to go outside, lay down and stare at the clouds (as you do!)...well, I have never seen more intricate objects, coloured so vividly, ever before! Usually the clouds white, but they really morphed into something else this time around! :D
hey guys, just wondering what folks in perth are getting right now, bin thinking of trying acid and just wondering if there is any worthwhile stuff goin round? dont want my first time to be shitty, so if no good ones around i mite just wait %)
hey guys, just wondering what folks in perth are getting right now, bin thinking of trying acid and just wondering if there is any worthwhile stuff goin round? dont want my first time to be shitty, so if no good ones around i mite just wait %)

Hey Disco.

There were cheshire cats going around a few weeks/1month back, they were by far some of the cleanest tabs of LSD i've ever had, very nice.

At the moment there's yellow smileys on a brown background (which i believe are LSA.. dont quote me on that though, the actual blotter paper is a lot bigger.. avoid these). And then there's the Cliffords/Red Rovers.. which i cannot vouch for as i didnt try them when they were offered to me.. but i watched my two friends on them and they seemed relatively weak as 1 tab.

That's all i know of whats going around 'blotter paper-wise' at the moment in Perth.
Well, i'm not going to run out and try to find them

They'd probably get you guys going

My friend "William Head" took 3 1/2 tabs in Sydney and said it wasn't quite as good as a drop of trifecta liquid but he was expecting worse...

Think of it this way... When a tab is decent, it is usually peraded every where for being so. I have not seen this with the obama's and was skeptical.

They haven't entered my circle and i know nothing about dosage or how they have been stored.

Everything is second hand info and i don't like to go off that
Polys - bird design, 120 ug swiss cheese per.

Laughing Buddhas - Shiva Family Special release, megadose, not to be sold, bristle with crystal, mikes unknown, but obviously off the charts. avail to no one who shouldn't have one in VIC and select parts of the globe
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Acid light - Blue star blots doing the rounds in South East S.A... Blue five point star on white paper

Bengal tiger print - SUSPECTED DOB! hope to reagent test this weekend... Larger than normal, thick cardboard. Sheet is 3 tigers playing in a river, backside is dark blue. Strong DO* like taste and 24hr duration with mild visuals off 1.
apologies, the buddha is not laughing. he be waay beyond that. the papers are the most visually detailed artwork seen to date. holographic.
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Bwahaha, this liquid is decent shit. had a half dozen cubes, very clear-headed and bubbly visuals - Mild minty aftertaste. Good acid, but nothing phenomonal. I'm guessing this is the Silver?
had 20 x at 2 this morn and nil bubbles
:( new liq (storm):(
apologies, the buddha is not laughing. he be waay beyond that. the papers are the most visually detailed artwork seen to date. holographic.

I saw someone with a holographic tab in Sydney, i thought he was shitting me when he showed me. Except this one had the communism symbol on it..
had 20 x at 2 this morn and nil bubbles
:( new liq (storm):(


Unless the liq was highly degraded it wasn't storm

I put my life on it

That shit is A grade

Please get your facts or storage right

What state/region are you situated skube?
i've had a few friends that reckon the red cliffords are better than cats :s
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More on topic; had one and a half obamas yesterday at 10:30am. Came on around 11-11:30, tripping quite nicely till about 6, when the visuals subsided largely.

Decent feeling acid, had a great trip, no bad vibes or anything. Maybe not the strongest, but I would buy again - plus I have a feeling they're stregnth might of had something to do with the way they were stored............ dealers...... sigh

Anyway I'd probably rate them about the same as the cheshires (with purple ohm background).
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