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LSD + Cannabis fuelled weekend


Dec 29, 2011
Hey guys, I've recently been having some intense moments of anxiety when smoking marijuana ( something I've NEVER experienced before ) and I'm almost positive it's because of the weekend just passed.

Last Friday, I dropped one "Dracula" reported to be of 100-120ug's and had some very profound experiences, some-what of an ego death and some extremely intense moments accompanied with mind-blowing visuals.

The next day I end up at a bush doof for new years eve, knowing I'd more than likely have a high tolerance from the previous day, I drop two of the "Draculas" and experience some mild euphoria and some less than ordinary visuals; go figure, I had tripped balls the previous day. Towards 4AM that morning I take another "Dracula" and didn't come down until at least 7PM that night with an after-glow lasting for two or so days.

During this entire time I must have smoked at least upwards of 4 grams of bud.

Now, as previously mentioned; I've been getting some shocking anxiety every time I have more than a couple of cones. I was diagnosed with anxiety about a year ago and given a subscription of Paroxetine which I normally avoid taking because of the horrible side-effects and because my anxiety could always be managed by smoking marijuana. But, it has gotten to the point where I feel I need to start taking Paroxetine on the regular.

I've decided to stay away from Lucy for at least a month while limiting myself to one session a week ( 1g or less of bud ).

What are your guys thoughts on this?
weed and lsd can be a dangerous combo.

even for experienced habitual smokers.

if you're already getting anxiety from weed. You should most def not do it while on lsd yo :) as LSD it self can cause anxiety I know on the comeups on strong trips i've had to down a few pints of beer to settle the anxiety from the LSD. and I'm a very very experienced tripper.

lay off the weed for a while if its causing u anxiety man, its you body/mind telling you TOO MUCH MAN TOOOO MUCH! :)

give it a few months break, then maybe get back on to it, but dont thrash it hard as if u do, the anxiety paranoia WILL come back :)
Weed doesn't do much good for LSD IME. At least not in the first 80% of the trip.

On a separate note I have found with all drugs that once you have consumed a certain amount over the years (you may not be old enough for this just yet ;) ) the negative effects can tend to outweigh the positives if you don't regulate your intake and methods.

For example, after almost 20 years of smoking pot I slowed down and invested in a vape. Now I can vape myself to a very high place without any paranoia, anxiety and lethargy. I only smoke weed now in social settings, usually whilst drinking.

So, if it is the weed causing you trouble, cut back or stop for a while, and then consider a re-intro with vaporiser if you want to go back.
Acid and bud is a very nice combo, weed will always enhance and prolong / extend the effects of LSD. I suggest not having any until u have well and truly come up reducing the chance of a panic attack.
3 to the 3 is right, invest in a vaporizer. So much better for ur health not to mention its a shitload better and cleaner high. Got no idea why so many people still use bongs.
hmm... i used to rip bulk bongs on the come up to calm it down, i do the same thing with shrooms....u guys are saying it doesnt calm it?

if i dont do that, i dont smoke at all until like +7 hours then i smoke to retrip :) and laugh my balls off hueheuhe
Acid and bud is a very nice combo, weed will always enhance and prolong / extend the effects of LSD. I suggest not having any until u have well and truly come up reducing the chance of a panic attack.
3 to the 3 is right, invest in a vaporizer. So much better for ur health not to mention its a shitload better and cleaner high. Got no idea why so many people still use bongs.

meh, when i was smoking heavily i had a vape, i still liked to smoke bongs more often than not. but my bong had 3 perc's so it wasnt so yucky.
i dont have any smoking equipment these days
Yeah I still smoke bongs and pipes even with my vape but the vape is definitely a great investment for any stoner.

To the OP, sounds like a good way to get horrible anxiety and ruin weed. Be very careful. Psychedelics and weed pretty much ruined weed for me. Especially taking them while not smoking/withdrawaing.
For me personally I have always smoked a lot of weed while tripping, it has been fine for me but I am experienced with cannabis. I know for a lot of people it can cause anxiety so maybe this is the case for you, I have also read of numerous people who smoked heavily for years and seemingly developed serious anxiety/panic attacks when smoking out of the blue. The best thing you can do is take a break from cannabis and see if this helps, it may well be the case that you continue to experience and anxiety and have to consider stopping for good.

If you are insistent on smoking but even a break doesn't fix the anxiety you could try having a few drinks or a valium or two a while before smoking to see if that takes the edge off.
Ive smoked Cannabis for 12 years and tripped 3 times on Lsd. 2 gravity bongs on lsd caused ego loss and crazy open and closed eye visuals and brought such a sense of fear during ego loss. Be careful even veteran smokers like myself can be blown away smoking on acid! Best bet is to a take a break from smoking for a period of time and you should be okay. :)
I have also been diagnosed with a anxity condition and have had some VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYY scary expirences from smoking too much pot while on LSD,I find the best time to smoke weed on LSD is when your comming down it makes some visuals more intense ect ect BUT if you want a really intense trip have 1 cone just before your peak it will bring it on alot faster ;)

You have to treat lucy with respect or she will kick your fucking ass,Try to dose once MAX every 1-2 weeks :)
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^ I couldnt agree more. I personaly haven't tripped since Mid october and wont be dropping anymore until i feel Lucy calls me :)
I have also been diagnosed with a anxity condition and have had some VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYY scary expirences from smoking too much pot while on LSD,I find the best time to smoke weed on LSD is when your comming down it makes some visuals more intense ect ect BUT if you want a really intense trip have 1 cone just before your peak it will bring it on alot faster ;)
agree 100%
i've ruined some trips by smoking on the peak (made me kinda over-analytical, confused and somehow muddied the whole experience) and i only smoke on the come down, and sometimes a little on the come-up now (for a distraction or something).

i don't think it is unusual for people to have an altered experience of pot-smoking after a psychedelic trip, especially a difficult one. i know i've felt different when getting stoned in the days following a weird trip.
it should definitely pass, just give it some time and allow yourself to get back to normal.
it goes without saying that you pushed the limits of endurance with that amount of sleep deprivation and dropping two days in a row. not only did you take a shitload of acid, but you tripped for a very long time.
i reckon it's just a matter of giving your mind some time to recover and get back to normal. a break will do you good, and IMO it's nothing to be worried about. usually we get symptoms of whatever it is we are prone to (anxiety, depression etc) when we push what our brain can handle.
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Ive smoked Cannabis for 12 years and tripped 3 times on Lsd. 2 gravity bongs on lsd caused ego loss and crazy open and closed eye visuals and brought such a sense of fear during ego loss. Be careful even veteran smokers like myself can be blown away smoking on acid! Best bet is to a take a break from smoking for a period of time and you should be okay. :)

I agree, I'm a veteran smoker and every once in a while a strong sativa can make me lose my shit when tripping especially on a high dose of psychedelic. I smoke stupid amounts during the come down though.
I made the mistake of having buckets b4 the peak, got caught in a loop, forgot i already had 1 bucket so i had another and then boooooooom, ego loss (scary time) and the most vivid/scariest hallucination. My partner dissolved into darkness, her whole body disappeared except her head which shrunk to the size of a coin...(i started laughing at the time and though wow this is cool and then caught on i was loosing my self going into ego loss, only came out of that moment when my partner spoke to me, it seriously felt like an eternity even though it was only about a minute or to) something i will never forget and honestly the scariest moment in my life and i have done some crazy shit, nothing will EVER COME CLOSE to the fear i felt during that moment. It did bring on closed eye and open eye visuals which i don't regret one bit. Either way i wont be smoking until the comedown! Either way i havent felt the need to touch Lucy since and i have actually quit smoking weed now which i can thank the acid for.
I always love weed with LSD but yeh timing is a big thing, and I always wait at least 1.5 hours into a trip and I'm not fully fucked enough, then I test the waters with a little cone. Sometimes if u have just taken a small dose smoking from the outset in necessary.

If a have a taken a solid dose of LSD or are comboing it with other psyches usually put the bong in the cupboard out of sight, as often when I'm really fucked and wandering around the living room talking to myself or others (or people I think are there), I pack a fatty out of complete habit and punch it and compromise my trip. So its good to move the bowl,bong, bag of hydro, out of the line of vision. JUst don't hide anything so well you can't find it! ...hate searching for drugs trippping!
Don't discount the fact you tried to trip for almost 3 days, with ever increasing doses. After even 12 hours the brain is usually crying out for a rest. What you described as an afterglow in my experience would be more likely your brain settling into a puddle in the bottom of your skull.

If you are feeling these type of feelings a week after such a heavy session then you need a break. Perhaps your new year resolution should involve some healthy exercise and meditation without the need for drugs. If you are lucky you might be able to return to enjoying weed again but there is more of a risk you have caused permenant damage. There is hard evidence that cannabis causes psychosis for a reason.
Never been a problem for me.
The only time I ever had a problem with the combo was when I didn't smoke on the comeup, waited 3 - 5 hours, thought the acid was really shit.

Well had two cones, turned out to be fucking crazy acid, and I nearly lost my mind that night. I usually just smoke all through the trip, sometimes it even serves to level me out rather than muddle me, this is just me though.
I can't do acid without a nice sack in my reach... Ill smoke from before I drop all the way through the trip unless I'm tripping so hard I forget to have a bowl hah.. all the way until I smoke my last bowl before bedtime at sunup..
AND DM! - I wouldn't recommend addictive drugs to try and deal with a non addictive drug that is causing your problems... more then likely a benzo will easily negate any anxiety when smoking but one might enjoy this comb so much and not smoke without a benzo in the future leading to nasty problems.

Something to consider.
AND DM! - I wouldn't recommend addictive drugs to try and deal with a non addictive drug that is causing your problems... more then likely a benzo will easily negate any anxiety when smoking but one might enjoy this comb so much and not smoke without a benzo in the future leading to nasty problems.

Something to consider.

Like your previous post with the Marijuana and Acid combo :p