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Opioids Loperamide (Imodium) Megathread v. 2

I just wanted to stop in and mention something about constipation that obviously is an issue with this and other opiates:

I found this tea called Smooth Move that seriously works better than laxatives without the cramping. Give it a shot.... I can find it at Wal Mart/pretty much any grocery around here in the States.
Yeah lol, jumped off 1mg. I know its a fairly low dose for some reason bupe wd's bother the hell out of me. I can make it off 1\2g of BTH in 3 days pretty much no problem. Well, plenty of problems but always bearable. Bupe is never tolerable for me. Back pain kills me.
I ended up taking about 18mg more that night and made it just fine. Took about 30mg yesterday, 18 mg today (so far). I think the first dose was a little much for me. I did have about 90% relief (I think that's about all we can expect) but it was enough to function. Second day was MUCH easier than usual. Got a Christmas tree and went out to eat with the family. Felt well WD wise both days, first day honestly it felt like I ate a handful of darvocets. Not really pleasent, but I'll take that over dope sick any day.

Today is day 3, took 18mg about 3/hours ago. No real wd symptoms other than achy back, but i dont really feel great. Going to take about 8mg more. I think that should do it.
I'll try to take 0 tomorrow and see if it just pushes the WD off. Either way I'll post and let y'all know.

Oh, and lolwhat, more of a taper isn't an option. Moved from philly to central Illinois a week and a half ago. I know litterally no one, and I'm out. If I could, I would... Believe me.
Oh, and lolwhat, more of a taper isn't an option. Moved from philly to central Illinois a week and a half ago. I know litterally no one, and I'm out. If I could, I would... Believe me.

Those aren't obscene doses, so I wouldn't worry.
How about eating before taking the loperamide? Say 2 or 3 hours before? Does this make the lope less or ineffective or no difference?
How about eating before taking the loperamide? Say 2 or 3 hours before? Does this make the lope less or ineffective or no difference?

It takes so long (3-4hrs) to kick in, probably no difference. I can't be sure though.
Dont think it makes a difference, if it does it's not much imho. I took another 16mg after that post and I'm still feeling fine. Its just shy if 11pm here, I feel like sleep is going to be no problem. I'll stick it out tomorrow and see just how bad the symptoms are and post back tomorrow. If I had to guess I'm thinking 20mg would make me not even realize I kicked a 12 + month dope habit (and 2 weeks of bupe) 3 days ago.... That in its self is pretty fricking amazing!
It's an extremely useful drug, but don't forget you're still dependent on opioids - just easy to obtain ones that don't get you high.

Either you need that opioid high even if you're not displaying w/d symptoms (then loperamide will be a crutch between highs), or you can decide to kick for good and it can be a means to that end if used minimally in dosage/duration. YMMV
It's an extremely useful drug, but don't forget you're still dependent on opioids - just easy to obtain ones that don't get you high.

Either you need that opioid high even if you're not displaying w/d symptoms (then loperamide will be a crutch between highs), or you can decide to kick for good and it can be a means to that end if used minimally in dosage/duration. YMMV

I'd give anything to have known about this in years past. I found out this past spring from here and gave it a shot and it helped me take a long break from kratom. I took the lope for 5 days and jumped off with no problem. Eventually, I got back to taking kratom but I'll never forget thinking "Placebo? Placebo?" that first time after I hadn't slept in 3 days.
So, I have experience using loperamide for kratom withdrawals. I've decided to quit and am at day 1 or 2. I say 1 OR 2 because the last time I had good kratom was what I finished on Sunday. Yesterday I had grass clippings that did nothing but make me dizzy since I took A LOT.

My tolerance has skyrocketed over the past few months. I've been a daily taker for 3.5 years and it raised only slightly to about 15-20 grams a day max. Recently, it's up in the 40s.
So, my question. Should I expect that I will need a lot more loperamide than in times past?

For example, in the spring I only needed like 20mg of lope to keep withdrawal at bay. That would last about 14 hours. Last night I took 40mg (20mg 2x) with 6 hours spaced between. Anyway, here I am at 9 hours since my last 20mg dose and I feel like I need to take more as w/d is creeping back in.

Could it be possible or is it mental? Or is this a matter of letting the loperamide build up in your system? Just seems like quite a jump to my own past experiences and from what I've read from others.
40mg seems like an excessive amount for kratom (I'm not judging you may very well need it), but I would need 1-200mg of BTH to get high and I've only taken 40mg today, and didn't really need the extra 20mg.
40mg seems like an excessive amount for kratom (I'm not judging you may very well need it), but I would need 1-200mg of BTH to get high and I've only taken 40mg today, and didn't really need the extra 20mg.

Thanks. I too think it seems excessive. My tolerance to kratom has skyrocketed to approximately 40 grams a day. Before, I only needed 18-22mg of loperamide to get through the withdrawals. This was about 8 months ago though. Not exactly sure what to do.
I take 40-60mg omeprazole an hour before hand and started with 20mg. I waited to see if I felt better but I didn't and took another 20mg. I have felt absolutely fine since my last dose which was 9 hours ago. A little too much, weird feeling in my head, but nothing too uncomfortable. I won't be taking any doses that high again, I guess the loperamide just needed to build to be effective. I'm going to lower it and then stop on Saturday/Sunday as that will be a total of 5-6 days of use. This worked for me in the past and I had no withdrawals after stopping.

Really, I'm just trying to lower my tolerance to kratom but I'm sure I fucked up by taking so much lope today. Oh well, like I said I am going to bring it down to 14mg tomorrow and go down from there.
Okay. Long time addict to many things, but first post here. I've got severe pain due to a spinal injury that requires me to take opiates for pain, even though I'm an addict. It sucks. It's a catch 22. Anyway, the doctors have tried different medications over the course of 5 years. It's been a roller coaster. So my most recent doc is actually a NP who, while being sympathetic, is under the thumb of her hard nosed, M.D. boss. I've explained to her that the max dose of 10mg Hydrocodone they have me on is nowhere near covering my pain and the fact that my tolerance is so high after years of use, it's just NOT ENOUGH. But it falls on deaf ears. So every month, I take twice what I'm prescribed and have a relatively functional life during that time. Then.....the cyclic withdrawals and pain until I get my next script. Wash and repeat, ad nauseum. I'm finally to the point I really can't handle another withdrawal and being out of commission for two weeks, so I tried the loperamide route that I read about on here, and it works. It really does. Takes care of almost all the WDs. But after a week, I figured WDs should be over the worst and I knew not to just stop the lope cold turkey, so I experimented by leaving out my nighttime dose of 12mgs. Bad idea. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning in cold sweats and got up nauseous with the unholy runs barfing my brains out. So I've stayed on the lope the second week. Now to the question: When I get my script, should I just be able to start taking the hydros again and drop the lope at once? Any idea of the outcome? Also, I want to give it a hell of a shot taking them as prescribed, not double dosing. Any experience or informed thoughts will be appreciated. And not to sound snotty, but I'd like some intelligent, informed responses from people. Not from people who still think it is all just fun and games. I'm way beyond that point. My getting high for fun days are long over. I'm just trapped in this stupid cycle now and need to maintain responsibly until things can change, like surgical intervention instead of pills being shoved in my face for years. So there it is. Long, but necessary, I think, to fish for some helpful answers.
I'm a little confused about this. All loperamide does is stop diarrhoea as a symptom, really doesn't do anything else. If you stay on it you risk exacerbating the problems associated with constipation that we opioid users suffer from. As far as symptom relief, catapress is a much better drug for addressing symptom relief from opioid withdrawals. Buying methadone off the street would help for those couple of weeks, or bupe (but wait a couple of days first til in withdrawal proper or suffer worse withdrawals). Even going on methadone, although you stabilise quickly and the pain gets above that quickly. Reducing slowly is the only thing that helps really. If you can't do it yourself, you can get your chemist to just give you a day at a time and pick it up every day. Unfortunately opioids cause rebound pain over time, a real problem if used for a long time.
@ Leah, that's just not true. We have hundreds of reports of people who are opiate dependant who alleviated their symptoms of WD in about two hours after first dose of lope.
Yes it's an anti-diarrhea drug. It's also an opiate than can keep you about 90% stable by affecting the CNS / digestive system receptors. Enough so you don't get high, but some WD relief.
@ Tired, yes, you can dump the lope in favour of your hydro when you can get your script.
However, make sure you start with a minimal dose of lope and only titrate up if need be. Give your dose a couple hours to start working. Reason is many people have experienced a huge raise in opiate tolerance with large doses of lope EVEN THOUGH you're not getting high. That would be tragic for someone in your situation who only gets limited hydros. If you inadvertently took too much lope you could build a tolly that is larger than your prescribed narcotic. Start slow.
All this drug has ever done was not give me massive diarrhea has no good opiate or euphoric effects.
Leah, they are all awesome options. IF someone had the ability to go those routes. No ones disputing that fact, this is more about how viable an option lope is for WDs.
FOR ME, this was day 3. Got up about 7am, dosed 18mg around 10am. It's now 1am (technically day 4.5) and I feel fine. Like totally fine. I can't stress how normal I feel right now. I can't believe a month ago I was at the point where i wad killing a brick of pretty killer philly heroin in two days no problem. This has been, hands down, the easiest "get clean" I've EVER done.
For WDs, lope FTW