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Opioids Loperamide (Imodium) Megathread v. 2

Is very good news. I am on 200 mgs of oxy a day rx'd it for a humerus snap and shoulder shatter. Had 2 days where I went from being on much more oxy than now to nothing then lope and had an experience similar to yours where I felt, dare I say it, happy ? Without oxy ?
It's funny you say that, my first impression was kinda like, " Am I really feeling better?" I wouldn't say euphoric for myself, but definitely happy, I'd say more for the relief it gave me from the WD.

Did I have something close ( I hate to use the word "blocking") a blocking effect when I got my Rx. It was about 12 hours from the last Lope does, that night and the next morning it didn't feel like much from my normal Oxy does. Did you have or anyone else experience anything like this?
so whats the deal with lope and quinine ,does it allow it to cross the bbb easier or what ,ive used lope in the past but I had to take close to 100 to get relief ,does the quinine work ,if so how much would it take

so inhibiting the p-450 glycoprotein helps as well?

this is kind of all over the place,so many subjective reviews,i know taking a lot works but is there anything u can take with it so you don't HAVE to take so much for relief ?

It doesn't allow it to cross easier, it allows it to stay across the BBB longer because it goes across BUT P-glycoprotein (PGP) pumps it back real quick. Well if you take a PGP inhibitor like quinine or cimetidine a certain amount of time before you dose your loperamide you won't have to take 100 pills to feel relief. For someone like me (6 foot, 140 LBS, .5 grams a day of decent Black Tar Heroin smoked) I would take 1 gram Cimetidine then 40mg (20 pills) Loperamide and I'd feel almost complete relief, add xanax or valium and I Was 100%! Just be careful and make sure you taper off it quick otherwise you can get addicted to it as well. Even if I decide to use H one day I have to take 20-30 loperamide to actually get high (unless I wanna IV >.5grams) and it's not a potentiation thing, it's just after taking loperamide and using together for a long time my tolerance is stupid high. It sucks having to take so many peoples a day and sure it's cheap but it adds up.
why not just take some morphine or oxycodone..

if you not trying to get high. why the fu** do u use it then ??

not to find out how i get doped from imodium haha.. :)

i see if there no opi's around. there must be other alternativs-. some says kratom works. not for me..

have any of ya got just a little buzz from imodium?.. have read about people there have take 200pills? who says constipated?

codeine extract.. from headace pills... dosent work from my country there also magnesium inn and acetyl acid.. the geeks say is dificult to extract the magsesium out so when u drink the extract u get delly belly. but if you can make a good extract i bed thats the best legal alternativ.

You dude are obviously ignorant to drug addiction. People take it NOT TO GET HIGH you DO NOT GET HIGH FROM TAKING LOPERAMIDE/IMODIUM it only helps take away withdrawal symptoms in people who have hxc opiate/opioid addictions and get dope sick. They aren't looking to get high but just relief from the pain that is screwing them up.
It's funny you say that, my first impression was kinda like, " Am I really feeling better?" I wouldn't say euphoric for myself, but definitely happy, I'd say more for the relief it gave me from the WD.

Did I have something close ( I hate to use the word "blocking") a blocking effect when I got my Rx. It was about 12 hours from the last Lope does, that night and the next morning it didn't feel like much from my normal Oxy does. Did you have or anyone else experience anything like this?

I had experiences like this when I first started taking loperamide to help me with withdrawals. If I took Lope in the morning not expecting to use that day but then ended up picking up (but not much) I wouldn't feel it at all!! But once I started shooting up at least .2 of H on top of the Lope then I started feeling the dose again but now when I don't take my Lope and use, instead of being okay for 18-24 hours like I use to be I get sick in like 8-12 if I don't take the lope... it sucks... don't take it unless you want to taper REAL quick
People are so rude, you can get high from this shit, and getting high from diahrea pills is no different from abusing pot or meth , if someone wants to use their knowledge to make lope a safe iv alternative why complain u can buy it at cvs and have a good time like anything else, okay so people died from it, 2 people how many have died from dope on here? I suspect a few more, only thing that bothers me on here is people with a closed mind, if we werent dirty drug addicts wede be on addicting games . Com. At least lope dont have ur skin falling off like krokodil or watevr that shit is
how cool is it to take a drug with 0,3% [h=1]Bioavailability[/h]

When you have explosive diarrhea bioavailability is overshadowed by considerations of a more immediate practical nature where urge for relief and fear of catastrophic embarrassment battle for supremacy.
Loperamide is so legit it blows my mind .. Some people call it a placebo... But coincidentally I manage to sleep like a rock for10hours at a time when I would normally be 100% dope sick tossing and turning miserable hating life. I do blaze medical 420 very heavily and the combo really takes over. The trick is taking the "right amount". Some people read the bottle and it says do not exceed six pills in 24 hours. But what they don't know is is that if you have a heavy opiate tolerance then your body can actually absorb such a massive amount of that substance ** if you are opiate tolerant** if you do a little research you will see that loperamide is an opioid that supposedly doesn't cross the BBB... But it definitely does if you take enough. I'm not condoning or trying to persuade anyone to take this personally speaking from experience that I no longer have to live with opiate withdrawals anymore. I just wish I knew for the past five years about the simple grocery store remedy. This knowledge that I have is gold literally priceless in regards to someone feeling horrible and needing relief. Keep in mind this is a remedy I use when I no longer have Suboxone or other more favorable opiates. Literally this is last case scenario.
Last case scenario is just toughing it out IMO, but if you're taking loperamide it's because you know how psychologically (and physically) painful that is.

As I've said many times - the track with this drug is taking as little as possible.
Guys this stuff really does work for some people. I dosed up with 32mg of Lope a couple of hours ago due to W/D symptoms from oxycodone and I'm definitely feeling it. I have the giggles and it feels similar to taking hydrocodone with zero withdrawal symptoms. I believe the Lope actually passed through the BBB at some extent. That was due to taking 600mg of Tagamet an hour before dosing on Loperamide and also eating a burger with a bunch of black pepper. 32mg of Loperamide doesn't seem too bad for me at all. It just made my stomach gurgle for some time with no stomach pain. I'm thinking of experimenting with a little more but not sure yet.
You're in a 15 page thread which is actually "part 2."

It wouldn't have made it this far if it only stopped diahrrea and nothing more :)

However there is no high. Just relief for the dependent.
Ive taken 20-50 mg chewed loperamide with cimitidine, a monster rehab, and tonic water on several occasions and enjoyed the feeling for 2 days.
I actually viewed that post....

not any less gut wrenching than usual.

And I mean reading your post, not chewing loperamide - not sure which is worse.
Guys this stuff really does work for some people. I dosed up with 32mg of Lope a couple of hours ago due to W/D symptoms from oxycodone and I'm definitely feeling it. I have the giggles and it feels similar to taking hydrocodone with zero withdrawal symptoms. I believe the Lope actually passed through the BBB at some extent. That was due to taking 600mg of Tagamet an hour before dosing on Loperamide and also eating a burger with a bunch of black pepper. 32mg of Loperamide doesn't seem too bad for me at all. It just made my stomach gurgle for some time with no stomach pain. I'm thinking of experimenting with a little more but not sure yet.
What was your average daily dose of oxy?
Wondering what a good minimum baseline dose for about 100-140mg oxycodone for my poor little ?
What was your average daily dose of oxy?
Wondering what a good minimum baseline dose for about 100-140mg oxycodone for my poor little ��

Squares are 2d shapes so shouldn't be effected by drugs.


I'd say I'd feel that quantity and I would start with 60mg (NOT 60 PILLS), increase 6-8 pills every three hours until shit (no pun) is bearable.
I always take loperamide for diarrihia but have never gotten high off of it and the only thing it ever did for me was stop the horrible cramps and slow down the runs.It doesn't matter how much i take either ,it only helps with cramping and that's it....wish it did do more for me,guess i am just the type of person it will not do much for and also last time i took alot of those about a week or so later i ended up in the hospital with viral pancreitis,now do not know if the loperamide had anything to do with it or not as i was also taking a large amount of gabapentin so people be careful cause stuff tends to add up in your body.I actually think it was both meds and i drank alot of Dr.Pepper.I didn't believe my doctor about Dr.pepper but as soon as i got out of the hospital i started dranking it again and you guessed it side started hurting,since then i have quit Dr.Pepper and overtaking meds and my pancreas has not hurt.I also cut out as much fat from my diet as i could.:)
Crazy, another member in this thread mentioned problems with that exact combination. I actually stopped taking gabapentin a long time ago just to be safe. Your mileage meshes with most people - good for stopping withdrawals (if there is a God who created both opioids and withdrawals, he's a fucking sadist).
Just wanted to give my $.02.
I'm 34 years old,took my first perc at 13. You can say I've been doing this a while.. Lol. I've been on Ir's oc's op's BTH methadone.. Ect. Had about a yeah run snorting a bundle or two of philly dope a day. 2 weeks on sub's, quick taper to 1mg a day. Mild detox symotoms. I've kicked enough that I can do it, but it sucks. It's 1:24 pm now, about 36-48hrs from my last sub dose. At 11:35am I took 20mg liquid, and 16 mg tablets.
Honestly, I'm feeling a little bit better . not awesome, but better then I was. Would I do a bag of h if I could? You fucking bet... But having moved here (mid Illinois COUNTRY.. I can't even see another house, no car, no people I know) a week ago I don't think it's going to happen.
I'll post back, I know this has been beat to death , but if it helps one more person, I'm glad I posted!
You jumped off 1mg of bupe?

you might add a little more if the symptoms are still fucking with your life and taper slowly from there.
Crazy, another member in this thread mentioned problems with that exact combination. I actually stopped taking gabapentin a long time ago just to be safe. Your mileage meshes with most people - good for stopping withdrawals (if there is a God who created both opioids and withdrawals, he's a fucking sadist).

Really? Is God a sadist? Or did you mean Physicist, lol?

What goes up MUST come down...would happy times be so good if not for pain? Would the sunshine be so nice, if not for rain?

You gotta take the good with the bad, bud, and if you can't abide by that then you got no business doing ANY drugs...or anything for that matter, because, well it's just part of life, pain & suffering...and you'll either survive it and come out alright on the flipside, or you'll give up when it gets bad.

The choice is yours, man, and I don't mean to sound like a pompous ass, lol, that's just the way I've always looked at it.. God didn't make me do opiates I used my free will, and I wanted to use them...in retrospect, should I have thought that thru a little bit more?
I think maybe most of us should've, but I don't regret it.
I've read two different things on whether or not loperamide just prolongs withdrawal and wanted to get some opinions from you guys. I used it once to come off kratom, 5 days at around 12mg a day. I had no problems coming off of it after stopping. No withdrawals either. Was this a fluke or would I be safe to do the same again. I'm trying to quit kratom for the 20th time and I know this blocks the withdrawals.