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Local characters / weirdos

Used to be a local speedhead near where i lived known as Skip Mike. Spent his nights whizzed off his tits going through skips and taking all sorts of "treasure" back to his gaff.
Some of it was pretty serviceable though, was the guy to see if you ever needed a phone charger....cos he had hundreds of em =D
Used to be a local speedhead near where i lived known as Skip Mike. Spent his nights whizzed off his tits going through skips and taking all sorts of "treasure" back to his gaff.
Some of it was pretty serviceable though, was the guy to see if you ever needed a phone charger....cos he had hundreds of em =D

Ahh we had one called speedy keith. 50 odd years old, scratty dog. Used to walk round all day and when he saw you say the exact same line every time

'just passing... got any speed?' 'no keith'
Just the generic walking weirdo in Blackburn. See him everywhere walking around day after day, it's creepy.

There's this other guy who walks around town who has got some monstrous deformity like elephantiasis or something cause he has a proper massive head :(. People always take the piss out of him and stuff, it's harsh as fuck.
There's an old guy in my area who walks around exclusively in a full wizard outfit. Purple robe, big gold staff and all this weird jewellery, the works. Also sometimes has a cat on his head lol, he's really tall too, very noticeable. Every town has their local nutter, there's been one everywhere I've lived.

Could this be the same place where there was the Jesus man. Its fairly self explanitory, he dressed and acted like Jesus. I read that he is now dead.
Had to bring this thread back. Ive witnessed a new local character in action over the past few weeks.

I was sitting down by the river a couple of weekends ago enjoying the sunshine when I heard this guy shouting at people on the way by. As he got closer I reliased he was shouting at every single person he passed. I kept my head down hoping he wouldnt notice me.

Next thing he shouts

" Beatles ya cunt, ehh the fuckin Beatles, hink yer fae Liverpool"

I couldnt contain my laughter, the guy next to me got,,

"poof eh big fuckin poof wearing a pink tie"

I thought this was a one off but my girlfriend was walking home over the bridge a week later and heard him shouting,,,

"Never a fuckin penalty, aye cheatin fuckers, never a penalty and im a catholic"

Her telling that story was funny as fuck as she didnt get the significance of the football game that weekend.

This guy is still on the loose, I heard him today shouting,,,

"Osama eh, osamas naw dead, he's in the white house wae obama"

Cant fuckin wait to meet him. Next time im out with my pals and I see him im going to talk to him.
I thought all the Scottish tramps moved to Manchester or Blackpool though...
We had a cracker in our area

We called him feel bill .. think "feel" is scottish ? well it means crazy anyway so pretty much crazy bill , i know it means touch in normal context but slang here for crazy so ... anyway

Had the classic looks , teeth crooked and missing in areas, slightly hunch back and scruffy hair and not a word said you could understand but this guy was more than your usual .. you could easily identify feel bill because of his tools of the trade , his trusty home made wheel barrow which was a piece of shit but no matter where he was he had his wheel barrow .. for years we had no idea why he had this piece of shit every where he went until one day i was working in a place near our area which was surrounded by wooded areas and a forest walk

So i was working away with some of the other sub contractors and here comes feel in about with is barrow and making these strange sounds which to him was talking to the other subs i was with , i was like how do you know this cunt we call him feel bill and he lives in our area ,, well the joiner explained that feel bill would come out to this place we were working every day with his barrow and his hack saw to cut down bits of branches from trees as he thought he could use it for fire wood lol

poor cunt young kids used to even scare the bugger , im talking like 7 year olds chasing him along the street n shit .. was funny when you was younger like lmao

oh ti fuck ive not seen him in years now .. probably working on a new wheel barrow but ran out of tree branches to make it and doenst have one to go gather more resources lol
Our local character is Ziggy the Bag man. He even has a few Facebook pages devoted to him

He is called the bag man because of the collection of shopping bags he uses as a mattress. He smells bad, enough to suddenly realise you are within 20m of him when you walk down the street. The council tried to move him on about 20 years ago but the local church gave him a spot against one of their buildings and gave him a 2m long stick that his pile of crap has to fall with the radius of. As a result he now as a 4 diameter circle of shit to live on.

Legend has it that his family is wealthy and it started off as some sort of student rebellian when he first studied at the local Uni and they think one day he will wake from his crazy and submit a thesis on living rough. Personally I just think he is as crazy as a mad cow. I usually get him something to eat when I walk home from the local pub if I'm ever in the area though.
running man in bristol is totally sane and clean n booze free he runs up n down the gloucester rd all day n night n he was a raging piss head but found once after detox the aa meetings went only so far, so he took to running his name is dave
I like the uni cycle man in bristol. its his favorite mode of transport. saw him in st Andrews park yesterday. totally wicked.
In the Sé area Porto , Michael Jackson is alive n well.

Well a guy that actually belives he is Michael Jackson. He's got several different looks from the Thriller era onwards.

Occasionly he will bust a moonwalk and let out a trademark MJ "noise".

Here he is in The Sao Bento station
used to quite often see uni cycle man going up the insanely steep bit of hill onto cromwell rd, was always totally awed by that.
used to quite often see uni cycle man going up the insanely steep bit of hill onto cromwell rd, was always totally awed by that.

yeah its usually around that area i see him. he can even get up st Andrews hill without stopping. i can't manage that on my bike without wheezing!
Pavement dave, named because every time you see him he is lying face down somewhere absolutely wasted.

Apparently he had a successful business which he sold for a few million and used the proceeds to go on an almighty bender.
I just ran up the street chasing a UPS van in my flip flops, which came flying off my feet, so I suppose I looked the local weirdo there.
lol flip flop frank

i dont know his name btw i just thought it was a good one lol