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I really very much doubt you K-holed.

After reading your trip report although aspects of it sound similar to a Khole experience I don't think it is. It's because when you're in the Khole you are completely paralyzed, unable to move or communicate with people around you except for a few seconds when reality snaps quickly and sharply back into focus. If you were able to communicate with your friends and hold a glass of water then I don't think you were on K. Plus, when you're coming out of a K-hole you forget 99.9999% of everything that happened in there.

And every single person I've talked to has never found K to be frightening. Some people hate it and find it to be a lonely experience but I've never come across anyone who's been scared shitless, things just happen way to fast in the hole.
A large dose on Ketaime or whats commonly called a 'K-Hole' is one of the most satisifing drug experiences you can have. So unique.
^^^ I already stated that...twice.

^^ That is exactly what happened to me, I was paralyzed for about a minute. but when I was paralyzed I didnt even think I was in the room I was floating about the universe/having flashbacks and such. But if it wasn't a K-Hole what was it? It also sounds a lot like a Salvia trip. but I doubt Salvia can be pressed into a pill
mikeyc said:
anyone who takes 38 pills in a setting is a reason why drugs are illegal in the first place.dont come on here bragging about how you were on coke, resin LOL, pot, alcohol. alls your doing is self mutilating. You sound so ignorant to the powers of drugs , are you even 18? people bragging about how much they can consume is juts stupid whether it is alcohol X, etc. You should be trying to enlighten yourself instead of destroying your mind. you dont even know what was in those pills, alls you knew was gee I dont feel like myself, and I hate myself so I dont want this to end. I ma not trying to be mean but If you were my mate there is no way I would let you take that many pills. Sorry for the rant but people like this need a big hug, and someone to tell them they are wonderful the way they are.

In which way is he bragging, no way at all, he is informing us of what drugs he was on that might have prvoked this experience.

People like you need to shut up because all you do is bring others down and try to make yourself look like the smart one when really you have nothin better to do , or that your so insecure about yourself you need to fire into others.

Jesus christ almighty - get a life
mikeyc said:
Hey atleast I was right about him or her being under 18, because his thinking reminds me of mine when I knew nothing about drugs. If your going ot eat pills juts get a test kit. It is the only way to go if you are, because on a rgular basis there is going to be shitty pills and great pills coming tO town. Trust me dealers will always say shit to hype up pills. I love braking out the test kit right in front of em and telling them their pills are shit, or telling them good job when the test shows up clean and reacts quickly. All I am saying is that life is long journey and serotonin is your best friend, it can make your days beautiful when it is around, or it can make the journey seem like hell when it is not around. Your attitude here sucks everybody who tries to say something to you, you attack.
yea browns sorry for trying to tell someone that eating that many pills is stupid. I didnt mean to bring everyone down.
mikeyc said:
yea browns sorry for trying to tell someone that eating that many pills is stupid. I didnt mean to bring everyone down.
Don't twist words. You accused me of bragging when I was just listing any possible other drugs that could have triggered the effect. Read over his post again, does it say anywhere that you telling me not the take that many pills was stupid?
I t doesnt matter now I wish you the best of luck, and everyone else, but no use wasting my time.
What? It does matter. you made one idiotic post after another and somehow that's all corrected by "It doesn't matter now." ?

Seriously, you are a moron who twists words and thinks he his omniscient when In reality you are just exploiting one little mistake I made to allow your retarted comments.
This thread confuses me. Are you asking if you were in a K-hole, or are you trying to persuade people you experienced one?

I was atleast, until everyone tried to come in and teach me about moderation. now I'm just trying to get rid of them

I've managed to maintain an idiot-free discussion about it in the 'Trip Report' section though, so this topic can be closed.