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JaNEWary -- January getting/staying sober thread

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Thanks cf :) :)
I wouldn't say I relapsed, as I am still deep in addiction, but I am going to start increasing the time between... Gain control slowly. I will start a blog tonight, I need that.

Hey, whatever you need to do to get your life on track. No judging here. :)

Had an alright day so far, went and meditated for an hour before yoga, hour of yoga, got home rested for a minute then back out to run for 15-20 mins sit ups/pushups after that. Resting now. Oh yeah I also figured out what books i need for school before meditation this morning, so picking those up tomorrow.

Meeting up with someone I met in rehab almost 2 years ago now, the time i went to rehab before this last time. Gonna grab some dinner with her, will definitely help to talk to someone. Been doing things by myself all week without really speaking with anyone so I'm kinda going a bit nuts >.<
Herbavore... it's been awhile hun.. Good to see you. I'm going to hang out with you guys for a bit. I'm tired of being a pothead, it's been 5 months, yuck!

Very glad I didn't delete my account at that time I mentioned it.

caseface, I also practice yoga and meditation. You are giving a lot of time to it. It must be nice to experience those benefits... What are they for you?
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^^ Well so I only started up doing this a week ago, and only 4 days now counting today for the Yoga. But already:
-instead of always feeling down I have Ups and downs, which is improvement.
-I can focus on reading more easily.
-I don't always feel tired and fatigued/low energy, When I stand up from sitting now I feel ready to jump of and move around!
-I've still been having problems with body temperature regulation which seems to be improving as well.
-I haven't been able to fall asleep any more easily yet, but I am feeling more motivated to wake up and get out of bed in the mornings instead of falling back asleep till noon.
-less back pain, and my back won't crack anymore! (before it would crack without me even trying)
-less sore after working out when I've done yoga that day too.

Something really weird and unrelated just happened though... I was a regular in other drugs throughout my using, however it's been over a year since I've been in there because I didn't have computer access for 5-6 months before i got clean, and haven't been in anything but SL and TDS since getting clean and computer access, except when I got onto blue light just now I opened it up, scrolled down and click on other drugs subconsciously... I don't know if this was a fluke or if there is something to be seen about my state of mind in this. I don't know, but was weird.

Feelin kinda down now that I'm back home for the night, this is always when it's the worst. Just got back from hanging out with someone i met at rehab almost 2 years ago though, we aren't close friends but it's always good talking to her about things. We're really similar so it's easier then with random new people.(especially since we learned each others life stories in rehab.) Anyway, I only see her once every month or two so not close friends but still good hanging out none the less, first time I've hung out with somebody in a long time actually.

Anyway, another 24 down. 244 Days and tomorrow I will have 8 months. :)
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So I woke up this morning still sober....

Which means as of today I have


It's been 3 weeks since I have had alcohol and cigarettes and I feel damn greaaaaat! As far as I can remember this is the longest time I have not had an alcohol on my system so kudos to me!
Good Morning Sober Life...

Another miracle of recovery happened today... I woke up at 8:00 AM.... Without an alarm.... Because I'm sober and was ale to train myself to waking up at 8 am over the last week... What what!
^It feels great doesn't eat, you wake up every morning feeling great and ready to go through the day.
I think the focus on working out the last week has been a huge help with it, and yeah it did feel good! I still have nothing specific to wake up for until school this coming week - So I kinda feel weird/awkward being up this early and wondering what to do but hey who cares, I didn't fall asleep till probably almost 4am last night - but still got up a 8am naturally... That's progress.
Feeling grat and ready to go through the day -- true that Maya. In fact, let me get away from this machine and get some sun! Of course, I run the risk of being blown away by these 50mph gusts! Have a better one, everyone!
^ thats great thats coming my way then JAG.. O well it will be fun..

Good Morning Sober Life...

Another miracle of recovery happened today... I woke up at 8:00 AM.... Without an alarm.... Because I'm sober and was ale to train myself to waking up at 8 am over the last week... What what!

I have received so much help with my sleeping from exercise.. but what ever its from its great news case!!!
^^ I still didn't fall asleep until like 4am last night >.< I think besides my mind stuck on the ex the main thing right now is PAWS from having just had 8 months. I always have extra trouble falling asleep at a month mark, it's just lasted way longer this time probably due to extra stress. But I'm confident that I would still be sleep till noon if i hadn't started working out so Im'a stick with it and I'm sure the sleep will come with time. :)
^^ I still didn't fall asleep until like 4am last night >.< I think besides my mind stuck on the ex the main thing right now is PAWS from having just had 8 months. I always have extra trouble falling asleep at a month mark, it's just lasted way longer this time probably due to extra stress. But I'm confident that I would still be sleep till noon if i hadn't started working out so Im'a stick with it and I'm sure the sleep will come with time. :)

It's definitely your ex paired with paws case. The exercise will help. Also, maybe meditation? Does that work for you? It doesn't really work for me, but maybe that's just cause I may not be doing it right lol.
blah I really fucked up hard. I was about to get my life straight money wise, job wise, etc. Back on track. Took Less than two months for me to fuck that shit up after 8 months clean. I got clean the 27, but fuck up the past week. Ran out of alprazolam and am now about to be 100% homeless. fml. 36 hours clean....
^^ I still didn't fall asleep until like 4am last night >.< I think besides my mind stuck on the ex the main thing right now is PAWS from having just had 8 months. I always have extra trouble falling asleep at a month mark, it's just lasted way longer this time probably due to extra stress. But I'm confident that I would still be sleep till noon if i hadn't started working out so Im'a stick with it and I'm sure the sleep will come with time. :)

Yeah it can take a while sometimes for your sleep patterns to return to normal. For a lot of people, sleep is one of the last things to get better after getting clean.

I feel for you because I know how much I hate not sleeping. It's miserable.
Cloudy said:
blah I really fucked up hard. I was about to get my life straight money wise, job wise, etc. Back on track. Took Less than two months for me to fuck that shit up after 8 months clean. I got clean the 27, but fuck up the past week. Ran out of alprazolam and am now about to be 100% homeless. fml. 36 hours clean....

Don't be too hard on yourself, Cloudy. It's counterproductive. All you can do now is move forward and learn from your mistakes. 36 hours is good, keep it up!
blah I really fucked up hard. I was about to get my life straight money wise, job wise, etc. Back on track. Took Less than two months for me to fuck that shit up after 8 months clean. I got clean the 27, but fuck up the past week. Ran out of alprazolam and am now about to be 100% homeless. fml. 36 hours clean....

Haven't seen you around BL in a while. What have you been up to?
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