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Opioids it's bloody well time to stop making excuses for Kratom

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Am i the only ex kratom user (who may or may not go back to it someday) that doesn't give a shit about this thread? lol.
It's just the OP (who just happens to be a mod) telling their opinion.
Just because they are a Mod doesn't mean they should be stripped of their right to have an opinion.
The fact that it was a Mod that started this thread doesn't phase me anymore than if it were a plain old BLer like myself.

Just people stop getting offended and it will go away if you dont post in here.
Don't bump it and it will fade like other threads.
I personally dont give a shit if it's here or not lol, that's my reason for posting.

This thread is responsible for 9/11

lol - you from Boston!? if you couldnt tell already, I am TOO.. believe it or not! where in Boston you from? I am a "north shore" guy!

but yea, this thread doesnt make a whole lot of sense. I wouldnt go as far as saying demote the mod, because I could really care less who is a mod and who isnt, but this thread made little to no sense when it was first started; esp. a mod who supposedly dropped another persons name on this board. that persons name just happen to be the name of a serious problem here in the US (not serious but people taken it much more serious than they should), so the people who didnt know much about the mod, or the person, may have thought it was some whackass joke about what is happening here in the US and how it relates to Kratom, dope, methadone and bupe, lol. who the fuck knows, but this thread has no become funny and it helps me get through the work day.

so lets continue w/ the stupid talk. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Yaaaa i'm from Boston kid - south shore

This is now the OD social thread
south shore? sorry to hear that, man. lol. nah, you know how the northshore and south shore people are - we just never get along, or at least think that each one of us live on the opposite side of the planet. I am from East Boston but now living Revere/Saugus now, so I am an official northshore guy, ya know?

where in the south shore you living if you dont mind me asking?
Just south of Quincy

The dope scene is out of control here. Kids got hooked on the OC80's and then when they went ghost everybody went to dope and half my friends died.
Just south of Quincy

The dope scene is out of control here. Kids got hooked on the OC80's and then when they went ghost everybody went to dope and half my friends died.

same here, man.. and all over Boston. went from 80's being heavy at one point, way back in 99-04 and then kinda died down for a bit and picked back up in 07/08, then disappeared and 30's got popular for a bit, thats if you already didnt make a move to dope. now the 30's prices are starting to skyrocket so dope has totally took over.
Just south of Quincy

The dope scene is out of control here. Kids got hooked on the OC80's and then when they went ghost everybody went to dope and half my friends died.

Same thing that happened in Phoenix, Miami, and Talahassee. Happening all over the country too. They should have either been more strict with opiate painkillers from the get go, or made treatment/tapering a valid option for those without supply who wanted to get off. I'm still pretty sure you need to show up positive for heroin to even get accepted into the clinic by me, which is all the more reason for pill heads to move on to dope.
yeah, obviously, kratom is NOWHERE near as bad as heroin/methadone/suboxone

Dunno what the mod was thinking tbh.

But if you want to try mu-opioidergics i'd likely recommend kratom or if you're really vary - JDTic.
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