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Opioids it's bloody well time to stop making excuses for Kratom

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Let's not name or reference the person originally mentioned in the OP, in the interest of being polite.

Again, the only edits I've made are removal of names. If I have to keep doing it, thread will close.
This thread needs to be deleted by a real mod. No offense, but you are delusional if you think Kratom is the reason your friend is living with a heroin junkie and as you suspect, likely shooting heroin.

I promise you that no one who gets their first taste of an opiate high from legally buying Kratom ends up becoming a junkie. Your friend was already a junkie, and he may have relapsed starting with Kratom again but he was already a heroin addict. Once a junkie, always a junkie.

No one goes from Legally bought Kratom, which has a ceiling effect about as high as a few hydro condones, to h. In fact, if you are introduced to opiates through legally purchased Kratom then you are likely to stay in the legal high market and aren't going to pull an h dealers number out of your ass.

This is actually blatantly false. My first opiate was Kratom, back in seattle in 2003. I used it daily for six months, and when I couldn't feel it any more because of the ceiling effect, I moved on to oxy, then dope. I was eventually banging a gram of dope a day.

I wouldn't say kratom is the reason i did H, but I never would have done H if I never did kratom. I'm off the dope now, and only using kratom and UEI kratom daily, however I definitely was opiate naive before kratom, and by chasing the high I ruined about 5 years of my life.

I won't go as far as to say EVERYONE who does kratom will end up on harder opiates, however if you're self medicating for depression, or have an addictive personality, eventually due to tolerance, you're either going to more to actual poppy based opiates, or move up to UEI/Gold Reserve. (The withdrawals from UEI are on par with coming off a few bags a day).
Let's not name or reference the person originally mentioned in the OP, in the interest of being polite.

Again, the only edits I've made are removal of names. If I have to keep doing it, thread will close.

Then just delete this whole thread. It started as a personal attack. And it's threads like these that will lead to the ban of Kratom, because the op seriously ignorantly compared it to heroin.
^^ thread started off much more WHACK than it is now; esp. since the persons name was XXXXX upfront and that is a serious problem happening right now in the US -- the OP forgot to mention, or didnt even think that, so I took it as a complete joke since I did not know anything about this persons personal life.

not only that, but the comparisons could not be further from the truth or cold hard facts; its just someone who must have never done dope, kratom, or other opiates that cause serious problems, because hearing what was said HAD to be coming from a person who never had the experience themselves, but who knows, maybe I am wrong -- am I?
What a weird turn this thread took after I read it earlier today.

exactly.. and here I am being called out and being told to watch what I say, lol.

this thread has completely taken a turn and is now a completely different subject than original

someone even posted FIRST -- meaning they were the first to reply to COMPLETE STUPIDITY, but now people are getting threatened to be banned, to watch what is being said, the moderators are editing the thread, etc.

what the fuck just happen here? lol
I take kratom when I don't have norcos. It is a great relacing plant. I have done harder opiates and it is no where near the potency of those. The op is one misinformed person. This thread should just end.
I am shocked this post has not been closed because if it was anyone else, besides a mod, this thread would have been closed by the third reply, lol. but yet this has gone 3 pages w/ complete nonsense being said.

things are VERY OFF in what is being said in this thread and there was even a comparison comparing Kratom to bupe and methadone, lol. thats why I figured that OP/mod is not an actual opiate addict themselves and just talking about another person they know, which I think is a roommate or a boyfriend or something in this case.
who cares, its the process of airing out thoughts that you can start to see them in a clearer objective light

no point in having a tantrum because someone posted that they don't like kratom
I thought we had a thread for complaints about kratom, but until it pops up again I'm keeping this open.

but now people are getting threatened to be banned, to watch what is being said, the moderators are editing the thread, etc.

Nobody's going to be banned. Names were removed to protect the innocent. There is no conspiracy.fnord
This is actually blatantly false. My first opiate was Kratom, back in seattle in 2003. I used it daily for six months, and when I couldn't feel it any more because of the ceiling effect, I moved on to oxy, then dope. I was eventually banging a gram of dope a day.

I wouldn't say kratom is the reason i did H, but I never would have done H if I never did kratom. I'm off the dope now, and only using kratom and UEI kratom daily, however I definitely was opiate naive before kratom, and by chasing the high I ruined about 5 years of my life.

I won't go as far as to say EVERYONE who does kratom will end up on harder opiates, however if you're self medicating for depression, or have an addictive personality, eventually due to tolerance, you're either going to more to actual poppy based opiates, or move up to UEI/Gold Reserve. (The withdrawals from UEI are on par with coming off a few bags a day).

Alright I should have been more clear, a very small percentage of Kratom users end up becoming heroin users.
This thread seems kinda off the wall to me...I know I haven't been a member that long, but I have been reading bluelight for about 8 yrs now, and I thought the purpose of the forum was HR, as well as the dissemination of REAL info about mind-altering drugs and chemicals (not alarmist shit or misinformation). If the OP doesn't like kratom, he/she doesn't have to use it. drugs are subjective, and affect everyone differently. I have only "tried" kratom once, while pretty dopesick, and it seemed to help a little...may have been somewhat psychosomatic, I don't know. Other ppl I know have reported very positive effects from it.

Also, seems like the OP is both worried about and angry with his/her friend. maybe a conversation with that person is in order, rather than name-calling (myself and a lot of others here are "junkies", and calling someone down for an addiction they are struggling with is totally non-compassionate/judgemental). What the hell is that about?
Alright I should have been more clear, a very small percentage of Kratom users end up becoming heroin users.

By the same token, a small percentage of craft beer drinkers also become chronic alcoholics.
What puzzles me is that atara is talking about SMOKING kratom? As far as I'm aware you'd have to vape grams of the stuff to really feel much of taking it that way. Unless your friend is using some sort of enhanced extract or something?
What puzzles me is that atara is talking about SMOKING kratom? As far as I'm aware you'd have to vape grams of the stuff to really feel much of taking it that way. Unless your friend is using some sort of enhanced extract or something?

Yeah, what the hell?! You can't smoke kratom....
/thread......demote moderator. This comes off as a drug induced rant riddled with untruths. Nobody smokes kratom and you need to differentiate plain leaf from UEI/tinctures. Not cool for a moderator who people are supposed to look up to/respect.
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