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Opioids it's bloody well time to stop making excuses for Kratom

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Apr 1, 2010
Fuck kratom.

Kratom is awful. I saw what it did to a friend of mine and I couldn't sleep for days.

And, of course, because he had become a junkie he tried to sneak away and do it behind my back. For all I know he was actually shooting heroin with that awful roommate of his. He is/was one of the smartest people I knew, and if he couldn't keep that shit under control frankly I don't trust anyone to.

The active principal in kratom is 7-hydroxymitragynine, a full (or nearly-full) agonist at mu-opioid receptors, which is to say that smoking kratom is about as bad as smoking heroin. I'm not speaking to him until he quits, and stops living with an IV heroin addict, though he ought'a've figured that out by now.

If you want to go on opioid maintenance use suboxone or methadone or something that we know isn't a full agonist: mitragynine fooled us for too long. And get a goddamn doctor to watch you.
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I still dont even get it but I have Kratom sitting at home that been there for about 6 months now; only used a few times but never did a damn thing cuz I was a big dope fiend and now on methadone, so didnt want to waste. plan on still using it as I withdraw from the methadone once that time comes; hopefully I dont catch Ebola before then :(
Either you are wrong, or ALL of us are wrong . No offense, but it's you.
Kratom is innocuous when you think of everything else people are doing on this board! It's great for WD too. Nothing like a belly full of plant matter.
taste like F'n SHIT! so no clue how anyone can put up w/ that; the 2 times I did it I wanted to gag, and I sat there and it did zero! of course I was shooting 1-2G's of dope a day and then the other time I "tried" it I was on 95MG methadone, so it really had no chance in this body, but looking forward to the day when I am coming off the done' and have the Kratom to somewhat HELP, or at least hope it does just that.
Either you are wrong, or ALL of us are wrong . No offense, but it's you.
I just have to play my hand as it's dealt, y'know? I think drinking the tea might be okay, but I'll never do it again. Still no better than poppy tea.

Don't smoke the shit.
Being dependent on opiates, with my principal opioid at seperate times being heroin, suboxone, and kratom. I can easily say even suboxone is many times stronger high than kratoms ceiling dose. And heroin is way more recreational then either. Also fuck you for judging someone and calling them a junkie you asshole.
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unless youre dead broke and know ZERO PEOPLE, then Kratom if a fucking waste, man. yes, this coming from a complete junkie, but lets face it, Kratom is nothing to write home to mom about, ya know!?
This thread is ridiculous. I'm actually a bit offended that a moderator would make such a judgmental thread, but more importantly, you are talking about iv heroin addiction and Kratom in the same sentence.

Kratom is as close to heroin as codeine is. Not only that, but Kratom has a long list of health and other benefits to its use compared to any regular pharma opiate, with very few if any cases of OD leading to death. Ebola? Choosing to live with a heroin addict comes from himself being a heroin addict, no other reason.
so others agree this thread is dumb as shit? good to hear that, because I thought it was just me, or maybe I thought it was just a bad joke gone wrong.

pbuilder - to those of us who actually use dope, even codiene is a waste; yes, to people who never had a problem w/ heroin we can compare many things to what the drug MAY feel like, but to those of us who have been using dope for years and years, there is no compassion when it comes to all these other NOTHING opiates in my eyes.

my ex GF lived w/ a heroin addict for years; she'd come home and find me laid out on the floor surrounded by needles and w/ needles in my arm, yet I was the one to leave her? make sense? so I do know its tough to live w/ someone w/ this problem but that is solely up to you, no bitching and complaining about the matter.
so others agree this thread is dumb as shit? good to hear that, because I thought it was just me, or maybe I thought it was just a bad joke gone wrong.

pbuilder - to those of us who actually use dope, even codiene is a waste; yes, to people who never had a problem w/ heroin we can compare many things to what the drug MAY feel like, but to those of us who have been using dope for years and years, there is no compassion when it comes to all these other NOTHING opiates in my eyes.

my ex GF lived w/ a heroin addict for years; she'd come home and find me laid out on the floor surrounded by needles and w/ needles in my arm, yet I was the one to leave her? make sense? so I do know its tough to live w/ someone w/ this problem but that is solely up to you, no bitching and complaining about the matter.

Yea I meant codeine may be an opiate putting it in the same family of drugs as heroin, but it's like comparing a light beer to ever clear or moon shine. Same with Kratom. It's like comparing a kid taking adderall for his ADHD to a iv meth head.

This thread makes no sense.

hate people who say "an opiate is an opiate".

could not be more wrong there, man. yea, maybe on drugs tests, but in real life, not so much.
I agree, fuck kratom.
Not for any reason you said, I just think it sucks.
To OP: This is totally unbecoming of a moderator and you should know better than to make a thread about this.
thread sanitized - let's minimize the slander ok. we don't need to be calling others out about their drug usage here.

If you want to go on opioid maintenance use [...] methadone or something that we know isn't a full agonist

So, use a full agonist?

If your argument is just "kratom is awful because opioids" then, well, don't use the stuff. By no means is it comparable to smoking heroin... you will find comparatively few people standing on street corners handing out glassine bags of kratom powder, you know?
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