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Opioids Is it possible to get off suboxone using a short acting opioid?

Jen X

Moderator: NSADD, OD, & Blogs
Staff member
Jun 28, 2021
A while ago I used suboxone to get off methadone and fentanyl.
I started taking the suboxone for pain(ms) and started using it every day, thinking that was safer than hydromorph.
Everytime I get off a long acting opioid I relapse because of the long wd and the anxiety and pain gets to me.
I'm currently taking 3-4mg of subs a day.

I have hydromorph and I should have taken that but I was worried it would start me back to daily use.

I want to stop suboxone and wondering if hydromorph would work and then decrease the hydromorph and be clean for a while.

It's tricky to stay clean because MS flairs up but I want at least 6 months with nothing and use pain meds like a normal person.

Anyone ever use a short acting to get off a long acting one?

What mg of hydromorph would be equal to 3mg of subs?
This is what I consider the merry go round of madness….get on a long acting to get off a short acting, then convince yourself it be easier to come off a short acting, then when it’s time to come off the short acting you convince yourself it be easier to come off a long acting…and round and round we go
I could do a week of withdrawal from short acting and not get on fentanyl, can't do that with long acting ones. The mental part, no sleep gets to me after 2 weeks and i relapse.
Have you tried sleep meds or melatonin supplement to help with that? ...

Personally I was on a combo of sleeping aids and an anti-depressant for several months after coming off smack and it helped.
I've tried natural remedies, zopiclone, mirtazipine seroquel and nothing helps so i relapse after 2 weeks of wd. I just got back from my doctor and he started me at 150mg of morphine in the 24hr version. I see him again tomorrow in case he needs to adjust but trust me with carries thank god. After a week he's going to start decreasing the morphine. He's a great Doctor and i was the clinics tester of the burmese method so he's very workable with me. He said he's noticed people relapsing and i explained to him 1 week of wd is ok but mentally 2-4 weeks is what has caused me and others to relapse.

I know this isn't feasible for everyone , most will still use, but i lost time with my mom before she died because of having to switch from methadone to subs to get enough to travel with(methadone is only given for 30 days max, subs for months if needed). And that bother me to no end. I'm at a good point in my life, going back to work in November and want this stage of my life in the past for good.

I want off everything more then anything, mentally i just can't do 2-4 weeks of wd's. I have high anxiety already. I'm really hoping this works because i'd imagine jumping at 5mg of morphine will be better then 0.5 of subs
If your on subs what have you tapered to ? Where are you at ? 0.5? Taper further to .25 then do every other day, your leveled out on subs don’t make a stupid decision many of us know we make…there is no reason to jump from .5mg go lower
2mg the past few days. Now i'm on 150mg morphine SR
Thanks but i'm really trying to be off everything by christmas
Why ? If your doing .25 every other day by Christmas your almost home free ….I hope I’m wrong, but I think you fucked up, and maybe somewhere in the back of your mind you know it too
No i know from experience that even tapering down it's 2 weeks of hell once stopped. Short acting ones is 5-7 days. I can do a week feeling a little shitty but not 2 weeks.
I think if you taper down to .25 every other day you could use kratom for a week n be straight :/, why did you get on subs in the first place ? Cause the soul crushing wd from a fullago is to much even for a week…
You can taper sub to a point of hardly any wd, maybe some lack of energy and trouble sleeping for a week or 2, really think about this Jenn, I’m sorry but if your mindset is your gonna CT off morphine your fooling yourself
I got on subs because i needed a longer script to travel, was on methadone before that and when i tried to get off methadone last year i got on fent after 2 weeks of no sleep. Subs don't even last 24hrs for me, i exercise quite a bit and have a high metabolism.

Last time i got off a short acting pill i was good by day 5-7. I almost killed myself with fent getting off a long acting one.

Quite a few clinics around the world use short acting to get off methadone because of the long wd
You can taper sub to a point of hardly any wd, maybe some lack of energy and trouble sleeping for a week or 2, really think about this Jenn, I’m sorry but if your mindset is your gonna CT off morphine your fooling yourself

Again i'm not cold turkey from morphine, i'm going to taper it down over a couple months.