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interesting places you've rolled

Theres a few strange places i've took pills.....

1. School,

2. A river,

3. A childrens tent,

4. A boating lake,

5. Howells (A posh department store in the UK)

6. Hospital,

7. Train,

8. A quarey (cant spell sorry!)

Cant think of any at the moment but i know theres a few more than that, havnt got the greatest memory.
I will be rolling in a limo with a bunch of friends in a few weeks.

I dunno how that will go, hopefully i dont get the incredible urge to wander around as I usually do
lol check this, this past week, end of semester 2, last day, I was peaking during 2nd period science and I shook my science teachers hand and told her I'd miss her. LMAO
back of a cop car
(don't worry, I wasn't in trouble. i had locked my car keys in my car outside a club and they were helping me find a tow truck)
alphanumeric240 said:
I will be rolling in a limo with a bunch of friends in a few weeks.

I dunno how that will go, hopefully i dont get the incredible urge to wander around as I usually do

Not far to wander in a limo, unless you're really well off and get one of those long stretch limos.

:D :D
Me and a friend ate a couple of pills and some mushrooms on a train to a gig.

It was packed and we got stuck behind another train that had broken down, was quite an interesting night.
Once about 6 of us were rolling and we went to a friend's house, on the way back we took a bus and about 4 people were peaking. Thank god everyone else on the bus was drunk.
school??? that is just a waste of a roll if you ask me...

one time i dropped a "jumper", didnt kick in for FOUR HOURS...by then i was on a train ride home and it was awkward to say the least 8(
Vaious bizarre locations used for warehouse type illegal events.

An Abbatoir was the worst. It stank and everyone who'd done acid seemed to be having a very bad time.

An empty Olympic swimming pool in France.

A footbal stadium (not a game but a rave held there, illegally)

A mental hospital.

Were many more but my memory is shot. [ponders]
Interesting places you've rolled

Where are some of the places you've rolled that are different than the standard rave, party, or house? For example, at a theme park, a haunted house, on a plane, etc! And how was the experience?

Personally, I've only rolled in houses and outside but I'm thinking of rolling at a laser tag place! I think it might be pretty cool 'cause of the lights and music, although I sure will sweat a lot!
i rolled at an amusement park, it was a BLAST :D it was hilarious. i went on the tilt a whirl about twenty times, i didn't get sick and it blew me up like nothing else. I went on a more intense ride, and i could keep my eyes open it was too much for me. So, the rest of the time i ate dippin dots and walked through the shops touching everything *lol*. The water rides were the GREATEST too. on one of them, we were riding in this big floating thing with about eight seats, and there were two boys about 11 years old with our group, and we were all talking their EARS off and giving them bracelets. it was good times, i hope to do it again this summer :D
the majority of times i role its in mountain/rainforest settings, or in parks/skateboarding...driving around finding creeks to swim in, trees to climb.

Im from the Gold Coast in australia, and springbrook, the boarder ranges, lamington national park are all some really great spots.

You can really let the role take over and do anything because there is no one around except friends, no worries what so ever.
French class . . . At work in a warehouse . . . Workin as a bartender . . . Anatomy class. . . Breakfast with my grandparents . . . Breakfast with my parents . . . The zoo . . . Skiing . . .
venzy001! ive been to the boarder ranges while rollin :) im from the same area

my places are:
At work in a computer shop, In the garden, At home, Watching glow worms in a cave, in a bathtub mind u i was on meth aswell... In a lighting shop im not that interestesting