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Indigo Children/Adult Thread

Even if this is an example of the Forer effect on most, which im not denying.
When you are an indigo, and you read about it, something just clicks. Its much more than just thinking you fit into those traits. Agnu's post is a perfect example of what happens.
i wish it were called something else. with that name i can't take the phenomenom seriously. i'm open to most new age stuff, but this is stretching it too far. until there is an objective independant assessment able to determine "indegos", it will continue to be too fluffy for me.
i wish it were called something else. with that name i can't take the phenomenom seriously. i'm open to most new age stuff, but this is stretching it too far. until there is an objective independant assessment able to determine "indegos", it will continue to be too fluffy for me.

Understandable. The name for it was created 30+ years ago. I like to call it evolution, cause thats what it is.

Dont get me wrong, I don't believe in it whole-heartedly. Everything New Age/Metaphysical/Religious is all speculation in my mind. The only thing I believe 100% in is myself.
You would probably know if you are Indigo or Violet the same way you would guess your astrology sign if you didnt know what it was and trying to judge by the description.

Indigo isnt necessarily the coolest or bestest color to be btw. Its just the color that starts to manifest on earth (According to the legends) before the shit goes down and things get crazy and a new world starts. But there will still be violets and blues and all kinds of other colors that overlap for several generations at all times.

The Indigos have balanced male and female energy. They tend to have an androgynous look about them....maybe a lot of the emo kids who look neither masculine or feminine are Indigo children, unless they are just copying the look of others who are.

The violets however are a warrior activist generation who confront the power during the period of transition. They have been on the scene just slightly longer but there is a lot of overlap.

That sounds like a self-fulfilling prophesy/excuse for them always existing, yet this "new world revolution" not yet occurring.

Kinda like Pat Robertson, and the world ending in 1982 . . .but then, he said, God decided not to. Excuse.

What you call and "indigo child" is probably just an introspective person. There's no need to assign colors, "auras," and all sorts of other devices people like to sue to make things sound mystical, mysterious, or divine. It's a common trick.

"Violets" are just activists. There will always be activists. Again, the colors/aura tags are completely unnecessary, and indeed only serve to confuse and make the concepts a bit more difficult to understand.

Furthermore, a common trait in these beliefs, is that the believer/practitioner is somehow above everyone else: "older soul," wiser, more intelligent, unique, etc. .
What do all of those things have in common? We all desire them (except for the first one, lol). So why not invent a system in which you DO posses those traits above everyone else? There you have it *sigh*
It's just you being narcissistic.

I consider it extremely rude to claim that you're "better" (subjective, in any case, which only serves to make it more infuriating) than everyone else, and so I have been explicitly unfriendly in this post. I'm tired of people creating exclusionary groups for the betterment of their own egos.
Just looked that up, and I figured there would be some name for that whole situation haha. :)

This thread is the first time I've heard of this term "indigo children". So far it seems almost like the people in this thread are posting my exact thoughts with amazing accuracy. I don't have any way to tell if this is the "forer effect" or not.

LoveSpiritsDestiny's post sounds pretty much identical to my life. Minus the IQ test. It's hard to dispel all this stuff as new age garbage for suckers searching for self validation, because so much if it isn't subjective at all in how its observed, others are pointing out these traits in people.

The "evidence" is always presented in a skewed fashion. Like this.
That sounds like a self-fulfilling prophesy/excuse for them always existing, yet this "new world revolution" not yet occurring.

Kinda like Pat Robertson, and the world ending in 1982 . . .but then, he said, God decided not to. Excuse.

What you call and "indigo child" is probably just an introspective person. There's no need to assign colors, "auras," and all sorts of other devices people like to sue to make things sound mystical, mysterious, or divine. It's a common trick.

"Violets" are just activists. There will always be activists. Again, the colors/aura tags are completely unnecessary, and indeed only serve to confuse and make the concepts a bit more difficult to understand.

Furthermore, a common trait in these beliefs, is that the believer/practitioner is somehow above everyone else: "older soul," wiser, more intelligent, unique, etc. .
What do all of those things have in common? We all desire them (except for the first one, lol). So why not invent a system in which you DO posses those traits above everyone else? There you have it *sigh*
It's just you being narcissistic.

I consider it extremely rude to claim that you're "better" (subjective, in any case, which only serves to make it more infuriating) than everyone else, and so I have been explicitly unfriendly in this post. I'm tired of people creating exclusionary groups for the betterment of their own egos.

agreed, but as compelling as it feels, i'm refraining from being unfriendly. :)
I am a child of darkness meself. :)
^Yeah, I would also say I have a touch of tweed to me.

Wow. I find it hard to believe this person followed through with a reply like u might as well pack a bowl with a response like that u seem to have the whole world and life figured out yet u found ur self replying to such a post until u have come to terms u understand life and theory of ife and reality then ur world which is very blk and white might start looking better with a little reality in color that until u can make a point with out putting spiritual people open people the real people of today who find beauty in believing in something they know isn't flat its round just like our world. Hippies and. Were people whom don't follow connforemity but funny thing is neather were many other big thinkers or believers I believe as much as I believe in god and what I see in front of me my point is never let anyone tell u ur out of touch when sometimes u might be onto somthing either large or small if the world did have open people what would cause excitement about discovery and thought and if u respond to a blog with assumed knowledge of what ur talking about u have no idea what ur talking about do some research on whan indigo child is and maybe u might realize u have no idea what ur uttering there is a reason people call us indigo children is do research flower chilren they were the 1970s indigos and so yes they are a lot alike open and always searching for like minds I pitty ur confusion as the whole theory of indigo children is actually a beautiful thing! Wake up and realise the world and our equal but seperate realities are connected in very amazing ways which were all just begging to understand.

this sounds like its just a sign of the times...

every hippie that took acid in the 60's and 70's probably felt the same way you "indigo children" do.

what do you people have in common with each other? 1. you post on internet forums, so you're likely introverted. 2. you post on an internet forum that focuses on drugs, and psychedelic drugs specifically.

No wonder the situation sounds so familiar: you're living the same life as thousands of people around the world!

You stumbled upon drugs, had a life changing experience, and now you are searching for something to say, "I'm special!" Well, you are special- just like everyone else.
I definitely am tainted by a large splash of black that I know came from my alcoholic and abusive grandfather, but my other grandfather is a mason so I definetly feel the touch of the whole spectrum. Lately I've been working on my gold/white and because I recently decided I'd rather be a lion than a house cat I've been adding red to my personality. Colors are a wonderful thing when you learn to guide them through your body and manifest them in free space.
Down's Syndrome children have a certain personality, so do virgins, breech-born & Indigos. I haven't met another Indigo in awhile . . . there was this stunning, fragile, young heroin addict in Tucson a couple of my friends knew well. I only saw her once. She was a prostitute. Sometimes the men would just give her the money and not have sex with her.
They don't annoy me but I don't know anyone who goes around saying "I'm indigo." I suppose Jesus-Christ (if he existed) was Indigo and he was annoying to ppl that liked the status-quo and who were clueless.
I guess the only way for sure if you are is for some who can see Aura's and tell you.. but i don't have that gift... But i did read a lot into what the indigo child is...interesting stuff
I don't believe that "aura" stuff. I identify "indigos" by their demeanor. Like I said earlier, I haven't seen one in a long time . . . if I did I'd try & hook up with them & fall in love.
How do you guys think one becomes an indigo child? Is it hereditary? Is it a god-given gift not attached to hereditary?

there is some belief that indigo may be the next evolutionary stepping stone of the human race, in which case they must be protected

it sorta reminds me of the book the crysalids, where society would crack down on abominations and things that were different, and while this was happening there was a whole new group of outcasts forming together with psychic abilities

i have a gifted Iq, and am diagnosed with adhd, and i have ways felt a certain chasm between me and society, just because society in north america has so many flaws that are seen as normal and acceptable and our media is warped and corrupted,

and i also do have quite a few symptoms of random dtsms, its seems everyday when ever i read a new condition i feel like i can relate to something about it,

maybe treatment of these conditions is just blocking off the indigo part of the brain

although i find i can collect my thought clearer and more efficiantly with more creativity when i am on my dexedrine for adhd,

it doesnt block off my mind it expands it