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Indigo Children/Adult Thread


Bluelight Crew
Sep 14, 2009
Ran a search for indigo children on bluelight and found little.

This thread is for Indigos to come and discuss things related to your being, as well as others to come and discuss the topic. Heres a brief history of my path to enlightenment:

I am 17 years old as of this post.
My whole life I've felt very different from most. In some of my earliest memories i recall thinking everyone else must be a robot because i didn't understand why they thought the things they did. The older I got i began trying to put a label on myself to fit in, and it worked somewhat, Though deep down i still felt out of place. I attended a Christian church for about a year and a half, but never truly believed any of it. I Continued to pretend to be something im not till i was about 15.

I started to smoke weed. Cannabis was the start of my spiritual journey. It made me think and speculate. Weed, after a few months, lead to my first use of LSD. This first two times i tripped i had no in-trip realizations, it was just a good time. After my third trip however, i had a conversation with a friend of mine about the nature of acid. We came to many conclusions but the most significant is that the LSD experience isn't "not real". Its not an Hallucination. It is an altered perception of reality.

From there i began studying anything that i found interesting, which is anything with minimal egoic influence. Mostly i studied different religions and sciences. (I did not think of it in terms of ego and non ego at the time. Its a pattern i noticed more recently.)

I am now a very successful juggler, boyfriend, son, and brother.
I am still struggling as of now, though. I know the ultimate truth, the key to enlightenment, but the resistance from my ego is surprisingly strong. This battle of Ego and God causes much anxiety, making it difficult to pursue a worthwhile career, or achieve a lasting inner peace. My feeling of contentedness comes and goes. My mom (Who is Indigo) Told me about Indigo Children a few days ago. Since I've been doing tons of studying into Indigo-ism (If you will :) and find it to be the most accurate portrayal of me, my being. I am sure there are many indigos very unaware of the vast yet simple truth they can uncover just from being themselves.

A word of advice to Indigos, and everyone else. Stop Resisting, Stop Contradicting, Stop Thinking, and just BE.
Saint Germain prefers to call them violets. An indigo aura represents a balancing of the male and females energies and may produce more androgynous physical characteristics. The violet children are related but are the passionate warriors who want to change the world....the people who showed up at the Seattle protests 99 were the start of the violet generation.

Completely speculative that any of this has any basis in reality, but its fun to think about.
Saint Germain prefers to call them violets. An indigo aura represents a balancing of the male and females energies and may produce more androgynous physical characteristics. The violet children are related but are the passionate warriors who want to change the world....the people who showed up at the Seattle protests 99 were the start of the violet generation.

Have read about them being violets. Just preferred to use Indigo due to its popular use.
How does someone know if they're an indigo? Is it just because they feel "different" to everyone else, or have an altered perception of reality? That could be explained by any number of personality disorders in the DSM-IV. And how is one meant to measure an aura, if such a thing even exists? Curious (and skeptical) minds want to know. :)
^ I think the color is just a name, that probably comes from certain metaphoric meanings for the color indigo. It's hands down my favorite color. I think what the indigo child myth means is that certain people are just more drawn to personal, solitary journeys into mysticism and the esoteric side of things, by their natural character. I must say, most of the people I've met who have this sort of interest, myself included, have been more toward the middle of the gender gamut, no matter which anatomical sex they were. I'm not saying this is statistically correlated, necessarily. But anecdotally, it rings true in my experience. I think all human communities need at least a few people like this.

Also, not to quibble, but anyone diagnosable with a personality disorder, by definition, needs to be failing at life in some documentable way.
If you are indigo majority of stuff you research on it will ring unbelievably true. A doubtless sensation of truth. Enlightenment is evolving before the rest.
^ I think the color is just a name, that probably comes from certain metaphoric meanings for the color indigo. It's hands down my favorite color. I think what the indigo child myth means is that certain people are just more drawn to personal, solitary journeys into mysticism and the esoteric side of things, by their natural character. I must say, most of the people I've met who have this sort of interest, myself included, have been more toward the middle of the gender gamut, no matter which anatomical sex they were. I'm not saying this is statistically correlated, necessarily. But anecdotally, it rings true in my experience. I think all human communities need at least a few people like this.

Also, not to quibble, but anyone diagnosable with a personality disorder, by definition, needs to be failing at life in some documentable way.

Good point about the personality disorders. :)

But really, isn't "indigo children/adults" just a New Age term for something that has always existed? There have always been people naturally drawn to mysticism, introspection, and solitude. I don't see it as anything special.
^ No, it's really quite common, actually.
Not like, 'Who likes ice cream?' common, but definitely on the order of 'who likes LSD?' common.
You would probably know if you are Indigo or Violet the same way you would guess your astrology sign if you didnt know what it was and trying to judge by the description.

Indigo isnt necessarily the coolest or bestest color to be btw. Its just the color that starts to manifest on earth (According to the legends) before the shit goes down and things get crazy and a new world starts. But there will still be violets and blues and all kinds of other colors that overlap for several generations at all times.

The Indigos have balanced male and female energy. They tend to have an androgynous look about them....maybe a lot of the emo kids who look neither masculine or feminine are Indigo children, unless they are just copying the look of others who are.

The violets however are a warrior activist generation who confront the power during the period of transition. They have been on the scene just slightly longer but there is a lot of overlap.
How does someone know if they're an indigo? Is it just because they feel "different" to everyone else, or have an altered perception of reality? That could be explained by any number of personality disorders in the DSM-IV. And how is one meant to measure an aura, if such a thing even exists? Curious (and skeptical) minds want to know. :)

DSM-IV diagnosis has the same construct validity problems that "Indigo Children" does. At least the "Indigo Children" construct projects positive potentials.
So what do you all say about the whole indigo mythology? Like how these people are souls who chose to come into this planetary reality, from "other places," to guide the transition of the new world along?

I've heard these are the left thinking creators of reality, they manifest through logical sequences. There's also the right brain constituents, who can pretty much do anything they want by will alone because the creationary force in the right brain is so much more abstract. And, at a strange date, these souls are supposed to link together into a planetary unified consciousness, of free will, to fix this damn situation. Left and right brain creators of reality, unified into a force infinitely more powerful than any institution of earth.

Nice thought, anyway.
I am a black childe of the Night personally.
Its odd that a "indigo child" feel dfferent to everyone else; I mean, they are. Everyone is. ts called humanty.

While many of the characteristics of the DSM-IV may be classifiable as indigos, many of the characteristics of the DSM-IV can also be applied to people who aren't or wouldn't consider themselves indigos. This makes me question its validity in general. I myself am an indigo and know so because the first time I was told I broke down in tears and since then I've been told by numerous people, some even complete strangers that I am. One characteristic of indigos is that they commonly are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. Another is that they are highly intelligent. I can connect to this fully, based on life experiences. When I was a child I struggled in my classes at school so as recommended by the school I was tested for ADD. The results came back positive and they were going to put me on drugs. My mom refused and thought there may be another reason as to why I was struggling. Shortly after my teachers recommended that I take an IQ test because they felt I was intelligent but I wasn't applying myself. The results came back and I was told I have an IQ of 136. 130 is generally considered gifted. So within a months time I went from having a mental disorder that could only be fixed through drugs to being gifted and not being challenged enough in classes. Think of how many other children that have this happen to them. This world is so quick to throw a kid on drugs just so he/she can conform to everyone else. It's ridiculous! The DSM-IV may have validity to an extent, but in my opinion for the most part its bullshit. If it wasn't for my mother's resilience to me being medicated I would have went the last 10 years of my life in a dull conforming drug-induced closed state of mind. Once I was put in the "gifted" classes my grades shot up instantly, whereas before I would have been lumped in with the others and never would of had a chance of reaching my mind's full potential. Recently my "skills" as an indigo have been improving greatly to the extent of which I have seen auras and have been contacted by trans-dimensional beings (aliens in their own way) through my dreams. I live each day to the fullest extent, filled with empathy, joy, and an open mind. I've always been interested in "weird" things and have always connected better with my teachers than with my peers. It's not that I can't connect with my peers, it's that I feel as if many of them do not understand; however lately with an environmental change to college and a shock to my central nervous system, I find that I gravitate more towards those who are indigo. But in today's society where greed, injustice, violence, and corruption are part of every day normal life why not give a kid a drug that will dull them down and make them like everyone else. I've been told on numerous occasions I'm far too idealistic. But there is no such a thing. Anything great that has ever come into existence from human intelligence has been "far too idealistic." Our ideas make us who we are, and who we are molds our perception on reality. So why not take your ideas and make them reality instead of saying "that's impossible." When I propose the idea of Peace, Love, and Happiness people shrug it off as if it's something that's impossible. That is the exact reason why it hasn't occurred yet. Instead of being a skeptic with objective ideals why not be a believer with altruistic and beautiful ideals? We all want the same things deep down inside. Peace, Love, and Happiness. Just believe!
How do you guys think one becomes an indigo child? Is it hereditary? Is it a god-given gift not attached to hereditary?
^i think the idea is that they are older "souls" who have chosen to come "back"

i am still having difficulty grasping the value of such a fluffy label and why people feel compelled to identify these specials. what are they really meant to be doing?

I am a black childe of the Night personally.

carpe noctum, brother.
Yep, if a child doesn't conform to The Program, why not drug the shit out of them?

My generation especially are foreign and elder souls who chose to hold the burden of guiding this transition on Earth, that is rapidly approaching. These people will be able to unify in consciousness to focus an intent on changing this destructive and manipulative world, with the reality creating power of millions unified.

So, to all these people who know they are these entities: be ready to shed your ego when this time comes, for the human common good, to eradicate what the governments claim is common good.
My wife is an indigo. I do think that, unfortunately, a lot of such wonderful, unique people are considered "weird" or "wrong" in some way by society at large and drugged from a young age to try to help them fit in with the machine better. Indigos (or anyone, but especially them) have a responsibility and urge to blaze their own trail. We've got plenty of cogs; we need people like these to create something new and evolve the machine. Perhaps one day, with their help, we will shut it down completely and begin the new paradigm.