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Indigo Children/Adult Thread

I've been labeled an "Indigo", and it seems to fit. Monstrously above average intelligence, a tendency for the strange, and a seeming inability to fit in with those trying to "fit in", along with certain mystical experiences which I will not divulge currently.

Everyone keeps telling me to, "play the game" to "get ahead", but you know what? Life isn't a fucking game. There is no getting ahead. I hate forcing myself upon other people to do my bidding, and when I try to, it blows up in my face spectacularly. There's a certain pattern to the universe that I think goes largely unnoticed, and to those who say that humans are disrupting - bullshit. Humans are being disrupted.

It's hard to quantify, because it's something that's not quantifiable. It's like asking why a convert was drawn to a relatively obscure religion. There isn't really hard data - you just "know".
^ What led you to that conclusion?

I'd imagine that most teenagers and young adults think they're unique or gifted in some way, but really aren't that different to everyone else in their generation. I probably fit the "indigo" label, but there's no way I'm going to start calling myself that. I'm just your generic loner/weirdo.
Another example of the Forer effect.

Just looked that up, and I figured there would be some name for that whole situation haha. :)

This thread is the first time I've heard of this term "indigo children". So far it seems almost like the people in this thread are posting my exact thoughts with amazing accuracy. I don't have any way to tell if this is the "forer effect" or not.

LoveSpiritsDestiny's post sounds pretty much identical to my life. Minus the IQ test. It's hard to dispel all this stuff as new age garbage for suckers searching for self validation, because so much if it isn't subjective at all in how its observed, others are pointing out these traits in people.
I don't take it too too seriously, like a lot of constructs. I did find it interesting how closely it matched to my experience of the world. That's either an amazing relationship of me to it, or just an amazing property of this kind of statement, regardless of the beholder. But which I cannot say.
I don't take it too too seriously, like a lot of constructs. I did find it interesting how closely it matched to my experience of the world. That's either an amazing relationship of me to it, or just an amazing property of this kind of statement, regardless of the beholder. But which I cannot say.

Much agreed, it's fascinating to me regardless of its "validity".

Also, the Forer effect seems likely but on the other hand, if I showed most people I know the list of indigo traits, I doubt many of them would identify with it at all. I know maybe two people that would.
this sounds like its just a sign of the times...

every hippie that took acid in the 60's and 70's probably felt the same way you "indigo children" do.

what do you people have in common with each other? 1. you post on internet forums, so you're likely introverted. 2. you post on an internet forum that focuses on drugs, and psychedelic drugs specifically.

No wonder the situation sounds so familiar: you're living the same life as thousands of people around the world!

You stumbled upon drugs, had a life changing experience, and now you are searching for something to say, "I'm special!" Well, you are special- just like everyone else.
this sounds like its just a sign of the times...

every hippie that took acid in the 60's and 70's probably felt the same way you "indigo children" do.

what do you people have in common with each other? 1. you post on internet forums, so you're likely introverted. 2. you post on an internet forum that focuses on drugs, and psychedelic drugs specifically.

No wonder the situation sounds so familiar: you're living the same life as thousands of people around the world!

You stumbled upon drugs, had a life changing experience, and now you are searching for something to say, "I'm special!" Well, you are special- just like everyone else.

Yeah I assumed the same haha.

Way I see it, in "real life" there aren't a lot of people like "us" that I get to meet. So it can be a little isolating for some in that sense, sure this personality type using psychedelic drugs tend to magnetize to this forum, so it's really not anything that unique.

I was never really disappointed to hear that my "life" wasn't that unique.. It was kinda cool actually. I started looking at the Psychedelic Discussion forum and met a lot of people in similar situations to mine, and I just thought it was interesting how my single perception of the whole "big picture" of my life was just completely dependent on how long I didn't hear of any other people like me.
Another example of the Forer effect.

Nope, I am an infinite consciousness having the experience of Me. The shitheads who made this society the way it is reside in their own construct. I simply watch the construct unfold into an even shittier state of existence.

But, I do see your point.
post-formal cognitive development + unsatisfactory self-image/conception + socially reinforced narcissism = identifying as indigo
post-formal cognitive development + unsatisfactory self-image/conception + socially reinforced narcissism = identifying as indigo

I don't think an indigo child's parents would be too happy to hear you say that. 8)
^ Oh, some do that too! ;)

But even those who travel are distinctly different in many ways from anyone traditionally called 'gypsy'.
I always considered myself different & met a few others like myself. I asked a coupla of them if they were breech too & they said, "yes." Many years later I found out about "Indigo" and think they were born breech too.

From my studies of breech, I found out that Breech tend to have ADD and learning disabilities. I also read that they tend to be genius (but never again could find that article). We're also easily hypnotized, tend to become artists, philosophers, "save the world," etc.

One twin is usually breech because twins sit in the womb better like that. Thus, one twin will be of the head, the other of the heart.

Most of what I gathered is original research.

I wrote a webpage about it Here.

I'm also transsexual.
How do you guys think one becomes an indigo child?
go to your local paint shop

or alternatively just decide to call yourself indigo because it sounds way cooler and more mystical than to say "I'm different"
How do you guys think one becomes an indigo child?

I think Ur born that way, which is why I suspect it's because of Breech Birth -- all the blood goes to Ur heart instead of Ur head as in a normal birth.