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Miscellaneous (In my subjective opinion) Mushrooms are waaaay better than LSD

Well, one thing worthy of noting is that you can grow mushrooms relatively easily once you are successful a few times doing so. So for that, advantage goes to the fungus. Not only that, but if you want to do so and store them for a rather long time (years), you can grow a shitload, dry them cracker dry, grind them up then vacuum seal them and just load capsules intermittently, of course vacuum sealing the bulk of them for future use. But yeah...I look at them very differently for the most part, and because of that, I may prefer one over the other under certain circumstances.
Well, one thing worthy of noting is that you can grow mushrooms relatively easily once you are successful a few times doing so. So for that, advantage goes to the fungus. Not only that, but if you want to do so and store them for a rather long time (years), you can grow a shitload, dry them cracker dry, grind them up then vacuum seal them and just load capsules intermittently, of course vacuum sealing the bulk of them for future use. But yeah...I look at them very differently for the most part, and because of that, I may prefer one over the other under certain circumstances.
That is a huge advantage for sure, natures pharmacy is great if you know how to make it yourself.
Cannabis, mushrooms and even opium are great medicines you can have unlimited supply of if you are handy enough to grow it somewhere.
Although having unlimited access to opium is not the best idea for some lol.

Now i just wished there was a natural source of ketamine somewhere hehe.
I guess making your own nitrous is the closest we get lol.
Actually seems quite easy if you have the right equipment. (please dont try this lol)
Well, one thing worthy of noting is that you can grow mushrooms relatively easily once you are successful a few times doing so. So for that, advantage goes to the fungus.
Except that from another angle, if one is able to procure the necessary precursors, reagents, and proper equipment to manufacture LSD, a little bit of precursor can produce a jaw-dropping amount of acid dose-wise. Just consider: say you start with 8 g of ergotamine tartrate – which, incidentally, comes from the fungus that grows on rye: ergot – but let's say that 8 g yields 1.2 g of LSD (being conservative). That's 12,000 doses @ 100 µg each. Granted, growing shrooms is ~1,000x easier, but still.

LSD also takes up far less space. Blotter can be snuck around places just sitting inside your wallet – piece of cake. And it's much easier to ingest. Mushrooms require you to eat 3.5 g dried, nasty-ass-tasting psilocybe mushrooms. Or if you capsulize them, well then having to do this is still less convenient than chewing and swallowing small tabs of paper, in my opinion.

Not only that, but if you want to do so and store them for a rather long time (years), you can grow a shitload, dry them cracker dry, grind them up
Just wanted to interject what I said earlier about this, to wit:

> "Chopped mushrooms expose more of the mushroom's psilocin content (~30% of the active alkaloids) to the surrounding environment, accelerating its rapid deterioration. It's advised to chop up shrooms to avoid stomach issues since we don't digest the mushroom fibers, but you want to do this just prior to consuming, not in advance."​
Also, drying them is an absolute given in virtually any circumstance. It's the only way to reliably measure your dose, at least to some degree. You ever eaten any shrooms before they've been dried? OMFG do they ever taste terrible! Plus you have no idea how much you're taking and they can't be stored long wet whatsoever before they rot.
I look at them very differently for the most part, and because of that, I may prefer one over the other under certain circumstances.
I agree. They both have different things to offer.
Oh, I've eaten freshly picked ones many times, and yes...it is certainly not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach. I used to use a blender and mix them with OJ because it helps a tiny bit in terms of masking the taste, but only a little. As far as dosing when freshly picked goes, when you know that they are roughly 90% water, it's a pretty easy calculation. In fact, I used to kind of prefer eating them freshly picked, and I also was rather fond of heroic doses so for me, getting kicked in the nuts was what I was really after anyway. I think that it can be quite exciting when you've been tending to a flush for quite some time and are often just waiting for the right moment to harvest them and taking them for a test run.

But sure...for the purposes of easy measurement and storage for the long-term, drying them out, grinding them up, then of course vacuum sealing them is certainly effective and ridiculously convenient and of course the only thing left to do if you aren't consuming them all straight away anway. It really is the greatest benefit of growing your own besides not paying for them. Although making spore prints from high potency strains that you know well is also of great benefit, and is essentially cloning for all practical purposes, so you keep knocking up substrate as needed and you pretty much know what you are getting. And of course there are many crazy good strains available today that were not all that long ago.
when you know that they are roughly 90% water,
"Roughly" is the key word there that doesn't allow for an accurate calculation. And anyway, 35 g of wet boomers? No thanks.

I also was rather fond of heroic doses
Quoting a Terence McKenna phrase?

so for me, getting kicked in the nuts was what I was really after anyway.
Bad analogy. I'm trying not to get kicked in the nuts as much as possible, personally. Maybe that's just me, lol ;)

just waiting for the right moment to harvest them and taking them for a test run.
The rush of growing mushrooms is what got me into manufacturing MDMA all those years ago…
That is a huge advantage for sure, natures pharmacy is great if you know how to make it yourself.
Yeah but I mean… LSD is made from ergot (the fungus that grows on rye) essentially, while MDMA is made from sassafras oil, traditionally. Opiates come from poppy, while DMT is found all over the place, from canary reed grass to mimosa jurema root bark, then you've got Mescaline from Peyote and San Pedro, and on and on…

Although having unlimited access to opium is not the best idea for some lol.
True, lol. Although to be fair, every resource is essentially finite when you get down to it.

Now i just wished there was a natural source of ketamine somewhere hehe.
There is; it's called India, lol. J/k, but srsly it's listed as an essential medicine by the World Health Organization, so on some level its production is virtually guaranteed, because as any anaesthesiologist will tell you: it's an indispensable tool and is used quite commonly.

I guess making your own nitrous is the closest we get lol.
There's propofol, which doesn't look too difficult to synthesize:


Actually seems quite easy if you have the right equipment. (please dont try this lol)
DMT extraction is pretty easy.
Yeah but I mean… LSD is made from ergot (the fungus that grows on rye) essentially, while MDMA is made from sassafras oil, traditionally. Opiates come from poppy, while DMT is found all over the place, from canary reed grass to mimosa jurema root bark, then you've got Mescaline from Peyote and San Pedro, and on and on…

True, lol. Although to be fair, every resource is essentially finite when you get down to it.

There is; it's called India, lol. J/k, but srsly it's listed as an essential medicine by the World Health Organization, so on some level its production is virtually guaranteed, because as any anaesthesiologist will tell you: it's an indispensable tool and is used quite commonly.

There's propofol, which doesn't look too difficult to synthesize:


DMT extraction is pretty easy.
Yeah ive been extracting Dimitri for over 10years, have grown shrooms and weed in the past to.
I bought a few thousand Danish flag popey seeds recently.
Going to do a guerilla style grow next year.

Would be cool if i could one day synth some high purity LSD before i die.
But im no where close to having the knowledge or resources to be able to.
Maybe i should join the CIA just to get my hands on what i need to do so lol.
Yeah ive been extracting Dimitri for over 10years, have grown shrooms and weed in the past to.
I bought a few thousand Danish flag popey seeds recently.
Going to do a guerilla style grow next year.
Cool, cool. Some other projects you could take on, perhaps:
  • Extract mescaline from San Pedro cuttings
  • Grow a liquid mycelium culture and extract psilocin from it
  • Inject a tryptamine into the substratematerial that you use to grow mushrooms.
    • For example, inject MET into the substrate and the mushrooms should put out up to 25% more alkaloids including 4-HO-MET.
    • Perhaps beware 4-hydroxy-5-methoxy-tryptamines though, which could be neurotoxic.
Here's one:
  • Capture a specimen of claviceps purpurea, aka: ergot, the fungus that grow on rye.
    • While growing a robust ergot culture, find maybe a half acre of land growing rye.
    • There's only a short window each spring when rye flowers.
    • Armed with spray bottles filled w/dH₂O + the ergot – that you've carefully multiplied w/argar – mist the flowering rye.
  • Now just let that shit get nice and healthy, and prior to harvest, fill up some trash bags w/ergot cuttings using a machete.
  • Do beware that ergot can cause serious infections, so take all proper precautions to avoid that. We all wanna leave with the limbs we came here with, ya know what I mean?
Would be cool if i could one day synth some high purity LSD before i die.
Well now you'll need tartaric acid and the goal is to extract ergotamine tartrate from the ergot using d-tartaric acid.

But im no where close to having the knowledge or resources to be able to.

It's up to you to learn the necessary chemistry. Not for nothing, but attending a University for Chemical Engineering is a good initial strategy to get you around chemicals while you learn the fundamentals. Not completely necessary, but it is a way.

Maybe i should join the CIA just to get my hands on what i need to do so lol.
I found this Reddit post from nine years ago interesting: I am a chemist who has illicitly synthesized d-lysergic acid diethylamide AMA.

Point is: if you want something, you have to get motivated and be on a mission! Don't talk about it; be about it! Let's go :rockon:
"Roughly" is the key word there that doesn't allow for an accurate calculation. And anyway, 35 g of wet boomers? No thanks.
I have been successful in doing it many, many times. I have eaten in excess of 50 grams of freshly picked mushrooms before, of course going for 5 g dry equivalent at the time, obviously, and have never been surprised by any outcome doing so. Of course it isn't for everyone, but through experience it is close enough for me. And I am only speaking for myself.

I have weighed them when wet, and weighed the same batch or batches when dry, and the 90 percent rule applied with some variations based on strain. I also have done it with multiple strains and found it to be generally true. But once again, I am just speaking for me. I wouldn't ever have gotten into eating wet mushrooms without testing the hypothesis. But again...close enough for me.
Quoting a Terence McKenna phrase?

No. I was not even consciously aware that it was a TM quote when I wrote it until you just reminded me, quite frankly. Mostly because I have not read any of his material in a very long time. Decades, perhaps.

As a general rule, I always dosed high with psychedelics because I was after something of a transformational experience and was often disappointed with smaller doses, so that was just me telling a historical truth about myself. Everyone else can do whatever they want, of course.
Bad analogy. I'm trying not to get kicked in the nuts as much as possible, personally. Maybe that's just me, lol


The rush of growing mushrooms is what got me into manufacturing MDMA all those years ago…
Cool, cool. Some other projects you could take on, perhaps:
  • Extract mescaline from San Pedro cuttings
  • Grow a liquid mycelium culture and extract psilocin from it
  • Inject a tryptamine into the substratematerial that you use to grow mushrooms.
    • For example, inject MET into the substrate and the mushrooms should put out up to 25% more alkaloids including 4-HO-MET.
    • Perhaps beware 4-hydroxy-5-methoxy-tryptamines though, which could be neurotoxic.
Here's one:
  • Capture a specimen of claviceps purpurea, aka: ergot, the fungus that grow on rye.
    • While growing a robust ergot culture, find maybe a half acre of land growing rye.
    • There's only a short window each spring when rye flowers.
    • Armed with spray bottles filled w/dH₂O + the ergot – that you've carefully multiplied w/argar – mist the flowering rye.
  • Now just let that shit get nice and healthy, and prior to harvest, fill up some trash bags w/ergot cuttings using a machete.
  • Do beware that ergot can cause serious infections, so take all proper precautions to avoid that. We all wanna leave with the limbs we came here with, ya know what I mean?

Well now you'll need tartaric acid and the goal is to extract ergotamine tartrate from the ergot using d-tartaric acid.


It's up to you to learn the necessary chemistry. Not for nothing, but attending a University for Chemical Engineering is a good initial strategy to get you around chemicals while you learn the fundamentals. Not completely necessary, but it is a way.

I found this Reddit post from nine years ago interesting: I am a chemist who has illicitly synthesized d-lysergic acid diethylamide AMA.

Point is: if you want something, you have to get motivated and be on a mission! Don't talk about it; be about it! Let's go :rockon:
Im in no hurry lol, but yeah you laid out a great blueprint here.
If not me someone else will probably take it and go with it.
Whenever I have taken acid no matter if it was one or as many as 16 tabs all I can say is that sometimes the high lasts too long and I want it to end because my body hurts and Im just plain tired of the trip. although Ive never had a bad trip i have help others through their bad trip while I was tripping and that can suck. Acid makes me feel normal I keep coming back to the thought and feeling that this what normal feels like. I would watch everyone else react in a myriad of ways whereas I just felt happy and as if I were a regular person. I never feel so-called normal, I rarely ever had any viuals of any sort. As a matter of fact I was the safe driver for everyone else that was tripping or on anything else, because I had so little reaction no matter how many or what I took. Now shrooms on the other-hand I truly felt on a trip and the body buzz and intensity of music was to die for I also noticed that my anxiety over the next few weeks was noticably less than normal for me. The one time I ate mescaline was the most intense thing Ive ever experienced. The only drug I have ever taken besides oxycodone or alcohol that I knew I was a truly unsafe drive and I must say personally that it depends on the person, the atmosphere, the source and the people you are with determine your trip, so choose carefully. It never seemed to affecr me but I have seen some messed up stuff others experienced on any and all psychedelics we have done together,
Whenever I have taken acid no matter if it was one or as many as 16 tabs all I can say is that sometimes the high lasts too long and I want it to end because my body hurts and Im just plain tired of the trip. although Ive never had a bad trip i have help others through their bad trip while I was tripping and that can suck. Acid makes me feel normal I keep coming back to the thought and feeling that this what normal feels like. I would watch everyone else react in a myriad of ways whereas I just felt happy and as if I were a regular person. I never feel so-called normal, I rarely ever had any viuals of any sort. As a matter of fact I was the safe driver for everyone else that was tripping or on anything else, because I had so little reaction no matter how many or what I took. Now shrooms on the other-hand I truly felt on a trip and the body buzz and intensity of music was to die for I also noticed that my anxiety over the next few weeks was noticably less than normal for me. The one time I ate mescaline was the most intense thing Ive ever experienced. The only drug I have ever taken besides oxycodone or alcohol that I knew I was a truly unsafe drive and I must say personally that it depends on the person, the atmosphere, the source and the people you are with determine your trip, so choose carefully. It never seemed to affecr me but I have seen some messed up stuff others experienced on any and all psychedelics we have done together,
I feel the opposite way, once im tripping i like to keep it going.
I usually always redose when taking lsd for example.
Sure its a bit of a waste, but i only do it a few times per year.
So i dont mind eating a few extra tabs to keep it going for longer.

But i do feel its a neccesity to stock up on cannabis and nitrous when i do acid.
As long as i have gas around i can just pay down and listen to music forever when tripping.
Id take 4-AcO-DMT over Mushrooms any day of the week and ETH-LAD over LSD. Everyone is different which had been spoken about this thread numerous times, but even above those id choose 2C-E that is simply the best psychedelic drug out there IME. But that said i have eaten ridiculous amounts of Shrooms/Acid over the years and love them both very much. Drugs are good, why would i wanna use just the same one all the time. Switching things up for me is far more rewarding, it ramps up the novelty factor leaps and bounds. One of my favorite things is experimenting with a psychedelic for the first time, its so thrilling when you find a new flavor.
Id take 4-AcO-DMT over Mushrooms any day of the week and ETH-LAD over LSD. Everyone is different which had been spoken about this thread numerous times, but even above those id choose 2C-E that is simply the best psychedelic drug out there IME. But that said i have eaten ridiculous amounts of Shrooms/Acid over the years and love them both very much. Drugs are good, why would i wanna use just the same one all the time. Switching things up for me is far more rewarding, it ramps up the novelty factor leaps and bounds. One of my favorite things is experimenting with a psychedelic for the first time, its so thrilling when you find a new flavor.
Hell yes, man, well said. Also agree ETH-LAD > LSD though it almost feels like splitting hairs when comparing pure products.

And 4-AcO-DMT > Shrooms for the edible convenience alone. Otherwise, I consider Colour (4-HO-MET) superior to both due to the relaxed vibe and clear headspace with excellent visuals and music enhancement. Great for socializing while tripping and rewarding for any experience level. Excellent for someone new to psychedelics who might find heavier fare overwhelming.

Speaking of which, what is it about 2C-E you prefer to other psychedelics? I took it 2 times several yrs ago, ~1mo. apart. The body load was harsh both times, and it gave me nausea and GI tract discomfort that passed after an hour or so. [EDIT: the psychedelia was cool though, very much a phenethylamine-type affair.] Curious what your take is. Oh and I guess I should also note that I have copious experience with 2C-B, 2C-B-FLY, 2C-I, and most other common 2C-x drugs and a few rarer ones, plus LSD and a handful of other lysergamides, and also maybe a dozen or more tryptamines, the MDx drugs, DOx drugs, dozens of dissos and benzos, some opioids, you get the picture. Point I'm making here is: I'm not looking for generalities, and I'm assuming your experience is at least on par with my own in this area, so hit me with the deep dive if you're up to it :)
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Hell yes, man, well said. Also agree ETH-LAD > LSD though it almost feels like splitting hairs when comparing pure products.

And 4-AcO-DMT > Shrooms for the edible convenience alone. Otherwise, I consider Colour (4-HO-MET) superior to both due to the relaxed vibe and clear headspace with excellent visuals and music enhancement. Great for socializing while tripping and rewarding for any experience level. Excellent for someone new to psychedelics who might find heavier fare overwhelming.

Speaking of which, what is it about 2C-E you prefer to other psychedelics? I took it 2 times several yrs ago, ~1mo. apart. The body load was harsh both times, and it gave me nausea and GI tract discomfort that passed after an hour or so. [EDIT: the psychedelia was cool though, very much a phenethylamine-type affair.] Curious what your take is. Oh and I guess I should also note that I have copious experience with 2C-B, 2C-B-FLY, 2C-I, and most other common 2C-x drugs and a few rarer ones, plus LSD and a handful of other lysergamides, and also maybe a dozen or more tryptamines, the MDx drugs, DOx drugs, dozens of dissos and benzos, some opioids, you get the picture. Point I'm making here is: I'm not looking for generalities, and I'm assuming your experience is at least on par with my own in this area, so hit me with the deep dive if you're up to it :)

Well for me personally i find 2C-E to check off all the boxes in spades that i look for in a psychedelic drug. Ive tried many also around sixty different psychs and twenty dissociatives, tons of empathogens as well. It can be incredibly euphoric specifically once the peak begins and prosexual. Yes at times the come up can be a little jangly and you might feel nauseous for a bit but that doesnt always happen for me and when it does it passes after less than an hour. Even on the trips when its rough and i puked this is from highdoses immediately after the purge i feel better , less than 20mgs doesnt do that tho and i feel fine.

Ive gone up to 60mgs orally and hurled hardcore but once ot peaked i was swallowed by fractal rainbows and catapaulted into the heaviest duty trip you could imagine. Well next box is the impressive visuals pretty much only comparable to what open eye DMT visuals do for me but obviously of a different character. Incredibly complex persian carpet like patterns on all surfaces similar to some of the other 2C-x drugs but just way more intense and all encompassing.

Ive gone through these CEV like mind movies where i was flying over Mayan Pyramids or quickly moving thru a desert surrounded by cacti, all sorts of wild shit. Mentally it is very intrusive and confronting in the level of psychedelic mindstate it allows i have gone on these thought patters where i feel like i was uncovering all sorts of universal truths, alot of the other 2C-x are less intense in this regard and an easier ride, more recreational.

2C-E is a beast in that regard and you have to completely surrender yourself to the experience and not put up a fight, its gonna show you things about your life and the world that can really open up you eyes, and you can learn alot if you do so. Honestly i feel that its just if not even more powerful than the classics and its repeatable. Its not something i take very frequently anymore and i generally will like once maybe twice a year on average now.

In my twenties i tripped on it maybe fifty times and its the psychedelic ive used most along with LSD and Psilocybin. Its definitely not a toy and its something you dont approach casually cuz there its such a degree of altered conciousness and its long lasting enough that you have to pretty much dedicate an entire day to it. Also it increases my creativity artistically by leaps and bounds and the artwork i create in the time following my trips with it have been the best pieces i have ever created in my life.

Hope this helps explain why i love it so much, you really should explore it more if you have the means cuz it truly goes deep. Im forever grateful for the experiences this drugs given me. It truly is a magical substance.

Some of the best times of my life 😊
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@Cosmic Charlie

ETH-LAD and most of all 2-CE..these are psychedelics I have been dying to experience...not trying to souce but seriously how does one go about finding such things? Even RC's I just don't understand, if I asked numerous dealers they would be like uhhhh wtf? Is this something I must learn to synthesize myself or a dark web sort of thing?
I have never ordered off the dark web because:
I dont trust it/being ripped off
I fear that if I did order, it could get stopped or found and then go to jail?
Also have never fucked with any kind of crypto currency yet in my lifetime.

I guess I should stick to setting up a shroom grow or something.. I have really been dying to try would be any kind of Mescaline, so I guess I need to order San Pedro or Peruvian Torch?
This is just a personal experience and opinion I'd like to share, it may help others who would like to try one or both of the substances.

In my teens I tried lsd a few times, it is good and you can have a really good time both in company where with the right people and atmosphere you can laugh and enjoy the trip and also alone where you can have introspective and awareness increasing trips. But lsd is strong and heavy on your mind and body and if you're not completely at ease personally a trip may become unpleasant and it's not easy to reverse it.

I don't have any particular memory of a trip that went very wrong honestly but I would not do lsd again because it is very strong and the aftermath too, when the trip is over you are very shaken.

Instead I tried mushrooms recently and boy are they gooooood!!

The effects are much better and way colorful than lsd, also the visual effects you see by keeping your eyes open and the images you see when keeping them closed are better, they are really funny and made me laugh! Also if the trip gets unpleasant it is easier to make it pleasant again. I was positively impressed by shrooms, the aftermath is good to you feel good and life is more colorful, you don't feel exhausted like when lsd trip is over.
Overall I'd describe shrooms as more natural and soft than lsd, you can have very interesting intro- and extro-spective trips than enhance your overall awareness, I also believe they are good against depression both light and heavy as medical researches are beginning to admit. So if you're undecided between lsd and shrooms...pick shrooms no regrets!
I'm not gonna disagree, I think mushrooms are better, but not for the same reason. I think you have more control with LSD, and a light dose is way easier to be social on than mushrooms. It is just easier to me for certain situations, but I would still choose mushrooms as my favorite because they are kinda more fun. I laugh more, it is weirder, and unpredictable, which I find fun.
Disagreed. Fresh mushrooms (like, picked right off the substrate) taste delicious, like legitimately, tasty. Nutty, earthy, yum yum. Like Doritos, if Doritos didn't suck.
Like the Kiwi's say: yeah, no. There's a reason P. cubensis—wet or dry—is not used by renowned chefs of the world. Well, ok, there are two reasons, but even if one were to parboil and drain away the psychoactive components… Fuck, ok there are three reasons. So there's the legality issue.

Ok, you know what? I got nothing. Different strokes for different folks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You're in a jamband, aren't you? This is the precise reason mushrooms taste good to you, I believe. It's genetic, lol.

Oh and Frito Lay's Cool Ranch Doritos are a classic, flawless masterpiece. And now I bid you good day, sir… I said good day, sir! ;)
@Cosmic Charlie

ETH-LAD and most of all 2-CE..these are psychedelics I have been dying to experience...not trying to souce but seriously how does one go about finding such things?
Both drugs are considered research chemicals. So, look into/read up on/learn how to safely order RC's from a reputable source. Be aware of local laws, state laws, and federal laws before doing so to at least have some idea of the risks involved.

Even RC's I just don't understand, if I asked numerous dealers they would be like uhhhh wtf?
Typically, common street drug vendors don't carry, stock, supply, or bother with RCs. It's a more niche market with its own supply routes that mostly run separately though there is some crossover.

Is this something I must learn to synthesize myself or a dark web sort of thing?
I guess either, but the latter option is gonna be exponentially easier and safer on a few levels.

I have never ordered off the dark web because:
I dont trust it/being ripped off
That's why things like escrow, vendor reviews, and multi-signature crypto wallets exist. Nothing ventured; nothing gained. I've used it w/zero L.E. problems for just over a decade now. I've been scammed a handful of times – twice by markets exit scamming and two or three times due to not extending escrow. Never

I fear that if I did order, it could get stopped or found and then go to jail?
When is this not a risk so long as drugs are illegal? And anyway, most times they'll just intercept and confiscate it while sending you a "love letter" that says knock it off, basically. The feds are reticent to issue indictments over many of the RCs because they can be tricky to prosecute and run the risk of setting an adverse case law precedent. The 1986 Federal Analog Act didn't work as they intended it, after all.

Also have never fucked with any kind of crypto currency yet in my lifetime.
Then you've got some reading to do, sounds like. It's good for your brain to learn new stuff, and this challenge stands as a good test of just how badly you want to try ETH-LAD, 2C-E, and whatever else interests you.

I guess I should stick to setting up a shroom grow or something..
Why not? Though shrooms aren't anything exotic or novel, but they are specifically Schedule I and would count as a manufacturing charge if it came to a prosecutor's attention. However, with the darknet markets there is actual case law that sets precedent for using a plausible deniability defense. Look it up.

I have really been dying to try would be any kind of Mescaline, so I guess I need to order San Pedro or Peruvian Torch?
Probably – real deal Mescaline is inefficient to synthesize and a poor return on investment to the clandestine chemist vis-à-vis less-expensive-but-qualitatively-similar chemicals such as the 2C-x series or any of the Mescaline analogues with potentiating substitutions, or even MDMA. The threshold dose of Mescaline is quite high, like ~400 mg-ish. Double that at least if you really wanna trip hard. And given its relative absence from the black market currently, extracting your own is about the only way to go reliably. It's odd though given how well known Mescaline is…