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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

Um.... I though the point was to pick one. Fuck. I think I would just put all my favs on a big spinny wheel and let fate decide =D

That just made me think of the 'wheel of shame' that was on American Chopper (if anyone watches it lol).
If i was lazy i would choose pure heroin, but I'd like to have an endless supply of opium and get a chemistry degree and go from there.... i'd imagine the satisfaction of being able to make any opiate/opioid from the alkaloids myself.... and now i should wake up!
You sir, have obviously not IVed Opana IR. ^^ Opana >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Heroin.

And i would probably choose either MDMA or LSD.
^^I dont think we get opana in Australia, im 99% sure. The closest id get would be Hydromorphone and even that is rare as fuck and ive tried pretty much all the other opes available in Aus(morphine, heroin, oxy, codeine, fentanyl, methadone) though I have never ever even heard about or seen hydromorphone or pethidine, I just know its here....I dont think they use them out of hospitals much though :(
A psychedellic potent opiate agonist :)

I'd probably go with heroin, although I'd prefer if I had that with a nice benzo, from experience klonopin, but there are probably better
I'd say marijuana, if I could alternate strains and it would still count as one drug.

Aw who am I kidding, I'd say marijuana even if I had to pick just one strain.
Cannabis.. even tho heroin is my fav drug, with tolerence after awhile I believe unlimited heroin wouldn't get u very high and would almost become a curse.

With many diffrent strains of pot you could mix it up and stay high all the time..
Man That is tough. Its a toss up between Killer dank weed and Oc80's. An endless supply of 80's would be lovely but i need the weed to kick it in you know. Dank and 80's all day. I dont consider weed a drug persay so id have to and endless supply of OC 80s's would make my life great and my pockets FAT
Easy choice: cannabis. It's the only drug I really feel like doing all the time, it's not gonna kill the shit outta ya, you won't have to stop due to heroic tolerance build-up, and it's versatile for doing all sorts of shit.
i guess i would answer weed... being able to smoke like i drink water would be awesome

if i could still use other drugs i would take the unlimited supply of heroin, i mean come on... pure mountains of heroin and not having to worry about money or tolerance (until you die from od'ing) would be awesome but only if i could still smoke weed

Drugs for the masses!
Well who is to stop me from growing poppys and harvesting the opium, growing coca, or cultivating marijuana while I choose to have an endless supply of pure hydrocodone?

I guess that's a rhetorical question; If I had to choose, it would be a tough choice between hydrocodone & oxycodone, the best opioids I've tried to date.

I'd go with pure hydrocodone; not lortab vicoden or any of that adulturated shit. Just pure hydrocodone powder.

Although Im sure if I were to try hydromorphone, pure heroin, oxymorphone, methadone my answer might be different.