I Just Need To Post Vs. Lend me your eyes and ears, your wisdom and beauty.

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alright time to cut the endless work providing, energy sucking, nothing bringing to the table.. living green carpet.
Grass lawns suck ass. Plant food and flowers!


And have a nuclear bomb proof underground bunker with a fully equipped gun and weapon arsenal, independent internet access, an independently self-sustaining power generator run on renewable energy, a free weight set with a power rack, a treadmill, a power bike, a punching bag, sandbags of various weights for carrying, a database of every recorded song in history with bohs speakers, a drum set, a bass guitar, a Martin acoustic guitar, a couple electric guitars including a Fender strat and a Gibson SG with a vintage Marshall amp connected to a good PA system, composting toilets, an air recycling unit, hemp and cannabis, psilocybe mushrooms and hydroponic gardens full of natural foods (fruits and veggies, esp berries, like Maqui berries, garlic, cayenne, and all sorts of green leafies!) and medicines of all sorts like Sangre de Drago, Sangre de Grado, Annatto, Turmeric, Clavillia, Coca, Cacao, Sour Sop, Gotu Kola, Tobacco, Skullcap, poppies, Icoja, Guayusa - and of course, also including B. Caapi, Chacruna/Challyponga and Iboga root :))

And a tempurpedic mattress.

And porn.
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its up to us.. <3


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Trolling in recover is not allowed

That wasn't a trolll post....buuuut okay?

What's your deal Neversick....you've been given me a rough time ever since I got here.

I already told you once before...if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you.

Just PM me.
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^^ what religion are you?

I woke up this morning in a fucking panic because I had a dream about my ex. Ugh.
In my thoughts, religion is far from synonymous with GOD... I think Gods putting his faith in humanity too=D
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I get and respect that. Most of my concerns about God are actually about the religious institutions around God, and even though I feel that the Church and I support one another, should I be wrong about it, at least the way of life is good all the same. :)
I fucking hate trolls,that claim they love god.

BTW I hate god too.
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I love nature and believe in anything that exists, i believe in goodness, pain, survival and not a God that I have not seen my entire life.
I deleted it gr33ney<3, worst thing we can do is feed a troll.. but they seem to have acquired a ban, so it seems we have a vacation from G&L=D
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I was able to take a picture of Coal Harbor yesterday before me and my family went for dinner. Such a lovely place, and this is why I am so in love with Vancouver.
Give me your best "get over your ex" tips, please!
This is a serious one that I read in a book and it really helped me. When your brain starts reminding you of good memories with that person, deliberately focus on a bad memory of them instead. That helps to form a negative connotation in your mind rather than a positive one.

Other than that, get out, meet people, all those things i'm not doing. Good luck!
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