I can't do this anymore but I can't stop...methadone?

Mmm...no...have u read about people's experiences with rapid detox? It's not a good way to go about getting clean. It's not some miracle and is not effective long term. I haven't seen any success stories with this method.
Naloxone injection to precipitate withdrawal.
Naloxone leads to rapid detox. It's incredibly dysphoric and painful, but it doesn't last weeks like heroin, methadone, or suboxone withdrawal.

What your reffering too is a technique called rapid detox. It is done under a doctors supervision and anesthesia is used to knock you out. There is a reason for this and it is because if you where not under anesthesia you would be in total agony. It would be torture and doing this alone could very well be dangerous.

I would highly recomend against anyone doing this themselves. It should be done under medical supervision only.

Also tapering off using suboxone or methadone is a much much more common method of getting people off opiates then rapid detox and there is probably a reason for this. I know alot of opiate addicts but i don't know a single one who has ever tried this method.
I didn't say do it herself; where would she get the naloxone if not a doctor's office under supervision?

I'm recommending she try rapid detox if she doesn't have the willpower to taper off heroin or methadone/suboxone. It might be hell but it's over REAL quick.

Methadone or suboxone is signing yourself up for months or years more of the opioid addiction.
Rapid detox doesent help the cravings. You have to really want to quit in order to quit and rapid detox isint going to do that for you. Sure you'l be detoxed but thats only a small proportion of the battle. Suboxone and methadone can help the transition abit and atleast it's better then scoring off the street.

Also it isint too hard to get naloxone if you wanted to get it. If people can get vials of morphine and hydromorphone then a vial of narcan can be tracked down pretty easy.
Rapid detox doesent help the cravings.

Cravings are easy to deal with compared to withdrawal, I would imagine. Cravings are psychological, completely under your control. Withdrawal is physiological, and debilitating.
I didn't do this at all. What a surprise.

I really want to get off this shit again though. :( I just hate how motivated I am one day and how I totally lose it the next.

I hope you feel better and more motivated soon, Mia.

I have no experience with heroin w/d or detox other than seeing friends through it. Out of the opioid addicts I've known, the ones that successfully got clean (longer than a year) for the most part did it with suboxone.

I don't know if you've seen the methadone clinic in W. Oakland, but there are a lot of sketchballs in the vicinity. Unfortunately my psych's office is above it. I've been approached to buy it off people there which was just weird. However, I did ask someone that worked there for a pamphlet/info with this thread in mind. Let me know if you'd like me to PM you their contact information. I know that they require counseling as part of their program, which wouldn't be a bad thing IMO.

I would not elect rapid detox. There are questions about its safety and big questions about its efficacy. It is also very, very expensive. I am sure testimonials to its effectiveness can be found, but the same could be said for really any treatment.

Good luck - and let me know if you'd like the clinic's name and number. I think I would personally go with suboxone if I wanted to get and stay clean, but as I'm not an opioid person really, or a doctor, that's somewhat of speculation.
Cravings are easy to deal with compared to withdrawal, I would imagine. Cravings are psychological, completely under your control. Withdrawal is physiological, and debilitating.

Have you had an opiate habit before Coolio? I fight the psychological addiction every day and I think it's much harder than the physical symptoms. That's just my experience though.
Nope, I don't find opioids addictive in the least. They would have to be free of charge for me to get hooked.

I'm going through cannabinoid withdrawal right now, and I would kill for something to put me into convulsions and extreme pain for an hour, to not have to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal for days or weeks. It's the waiting for withdrawal to end that makes it hard for me.

Consider yourself lucky my friend... I would trade places with you in an instant even though I love herb. Herb I can quit anytime and have never had more than mild stomach issues. It actually feels good to me to quit after a long period of smoking. Opiates have been agony.
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May I offer my thoughts ...
Mia , After reading many topics I clearly remember the screen-name (tis a good name) and have enjoyed reading some of your honest postings ... I really just want to send my best wishes to you <3

I am quite familiar with opiates although I've never gotten addicted myself.
I've had many many "mates" that have tried to get off the slow ...
This is what I've seen (Note: I realize there are many more knoweledgable people than me around here on this issue) ...

*Methadone ... Oh my , This is just an addictive drug as H but unfortunatly way more toxic and just shitty. Heroin for 5 years Methadone for 5 years and continuing ... this is an example of the "ex"- Heroin addicts I know , I could count at least 10 that I know personally ... I don't think I'm irresponsible in saying that these people would be better off with the Pure dosed out to them.
But that is not how business works ofc.
A concoction of Done , Anti-Depressants/psychotics , xanax (and related anxiety drugs) , other ones I can't remember and sleepers too ... !?
Can this possibly be beneficial to treat an addiction? ... Well , it might be better in the states but I find that hard to believe ... what was it ... 70% of US citizens aged 8 to 80 are on some kind of SSRI or other brain changers (like amphetamines for kids) ... this figure would have risen by now no doubt.

Now , I'm all for seeking help but I just don't think your going to find any help when dealing with the corporate health system. Just my observation.

I must say it disturbs me somewhat the level of trust that is seemingly portrayed towards the Health corporizations amongst these threads ...
I would never judge anyone seeking help or otherwize but I just reckon it's a worry that the people who make this mess are the same ones always promising a cure. ;)

Sorry if I sound insensative to your dillema , this is not my intention rather I want to be back here and know your well and posting many groovy comments %)

I guess I'll just stick with the whole " 'Done" thing for now and see how this progresses ... I'm by no means an expert but I did grow up around these same habits on this hemisphere of the globe ... I know just a little bit enough.
True Story :)

I would say ... there's a place to rest your bones over here if you ever need it ... In the hills near the rainforest ... at one of the most popular places on the planet (damn tourists lol) ... well , sounds unlikely doesn't it , but I reckon if you can afford habits like that you could probably afford a plane ticket.
Free ganja for Mrs Mia Wallace no doubt =D

Well , that's a true offer but I'm just trying to make you feel better.
Stay cool Mz Wallace ... Dont be a |=| ... lol , best I could do , damn that's a classic film <3 anyhoo ... Cheers.
All the best with what ever you may do ...

DO NOT USE METHADONE!! I was on it for 6 months and when I got off I had horrible withdrawals for 3 1/2 weeks!!! It was worse than the WD from oxycontin (my opiate of choice). Methdone, big no no
its a tough choice but here is the way i see it:

use suboxone if you have a mild habit or simply can or will not go to a clinic every day.

if you are a seasoned vet that is IVing dope every day and has tried SEVERAL TIMES to kick without success i would go for methadone. it helps with cravings a HELL of a lot more than subs but you have no freedom. go to a clinic everyday!? thats not even an option for a lot of people.

having said what i have i should not that im on suboxone. i have been on methadone before but only a few day and ODed on fentanyl. i know that i would be WAY better off on methadone for helping me not think about dope but i dont have the option right now. im in the middle of nowhere. suboxone works for me....to an extent. if i had money and access to dope I WOULD BE FUCKED. the suboxone wouldnt do shit to keep me from getting high. i have been on it for years though and cant function without it. i start looking for a knife or a rope if you know what i mean. so, i dont really have an answer i guess. i dont even know what the fuck i am doing and anyone that says they do is probably going through the honeymoon period of either drug. sorry to be cynical but life just sucks a giant asshole most of the time.
look, I was just in your situation like less than a week ago. I was on suboxone for 5 months, then the dumbass doctor weaned me off WAYYY too fast, so I relapsed back onto black tar heroin back around thanksgiving. I got very very bad during this relapse, and actually started IVing the heroin. I stole a bunch of shit from my dad, and got kicked out. Well fast forward to a week ago. My dad forgave me and I bought back all the stuff in pawn. So what I did, Is my mom gave me the money, and I checked myself into the methadone clinic. BEST DECISION I have made in a long time! suboxone was a huge waste of money, and just not effective at all. Methadone however, Is extremely effective, and its extremely affordable. (80 bucks to start on the program, and this also pays for 1 week of 'done, and its 55 bucks a week or 8 dollars a day). Look, I know how you are feeling about having to start school soon (so do I) and don't want to wake up sick and miserable every day. You should really look into the local methadone clinics in your area and try to find the cheapest one, or the closest one. Yeah you will be addicted to methadone, and yeah the withdrawal won't be fun from it. But seriously don't listen to the nazi 12 step fags that make methadone out to be the devil. You have to remember that the positives of methadone maintenance therapy certainly outweigh the negatives at this point in your life. It WILL stabilize you, You will not feel sick anymore, You WILL be motivated to fix your life, and you will get counseling while your in the program. Then here in a year, maybe longer, you can start tapering off. And from what I hear, If you only taper 2-5 MG every couple weeks, its pretty damn painless up untill you get to around 10 MG. Then it sucks jumping off to 0 MG, but I mean really think about the benefits this is going to have, its going to allow you to fix your life without the risk of relapsing! you can ask me any questions you would like about the methadone maintenance program!
DO NOT USE METHADONE!! I was on it for 6 months and when I got off I had horrible withdrawals for 3 1/2 weeks!!! It was worse than the WD from oxycontin (my opiate of choice). Methdone, big no no

I beg to differ. I disagree with this statement 100%. Seriously, Why are people so damn negative with methadone? like all the lame 12 steppers that talk about it like its the devil? and I hear people talk about how the withdrawals are like taking an elevator straight to hell for a month. the withdrawal is probably worse than oxycontin like you said, but IMO oxycontin withdrawal isn't that bad either. Heroin withdrawal is way worse than methadone withdrawal to me, the only thing is that methadone withdrawal is less intense, but lasts a long ass time. Seriously though, methadone has saved tons of peoples lives!
For those of us who absolutely cannot stay clean without some sort of opiate; have tried and failed more than once or twice, methadone is a good route to go.
For those of us who absolutely cannot stay clean without some sort of opiate; have tried and failed more than once or twice, methadone is a good route to go.

I completely agree. I have seen your responses on other posts, Thelung. It sounds like me and you both agree on similar things. How many MGs are you on daily? Im only on 35 at the moment, but im still going up.. Ill probably stabilize at or around 60-80
DO NOT USE METHADONE!! I was on it for 6 months and when I got off I had horrible withdrawals for 3 1/2 weeks!!! It was worse than the WD from oxycontin (my opiate of choice). Methdone, big no no

If you just stop taking it, of course you're going to withdrawal. You have to setup a taper with your doctor and slowly wean yourself down to nothing.

If you just stop taking it, of course you're going to withdrawal. You have to setup a taper with your doctor and slowly wean yourself down to nothing.


yep thats correct. A taper is the correct way to go about it man.

but Im so tired of these 12 step nazi straight edge fagmos spitting all their bullshit about methadone being the devil. Noone cares dude, you probably haven't even had an opiate addiction. And no, vicodin 7.5's don't count bra.