I can't do this anymore but I can't stop...methadone?


Jan 9, 2009
I've been using heroin for the second time for about six months. I am totally mentally and physically addicted to it, if I don't use every six hours I'm dying for a hit and naeseous, exhauasted, shaking, etc.

The first time I quit I did it cold turkey in a super expensive rehab program... but I can't do that right now. When I quit I was in a totally different place, I was broke, just dumped by my abusive boyfriend, had no job no family and I was really wanting to get clean. I felt like I had completely fucked up my life and didn't trust myself to make my own decisions.

I want to quit now not because my life is a mess but because I dont want it to become one. I dont know if I'm going to keep making the money I am now forever and heroin is starting to fuck with my work. And I don't want to be a junkie, I want to be free and not be dependent on this drug just to be normal.

So my dilema is.. how do I go through the horrible process of getting off of it without the drive I had before. My friend that I use with told me I should
do methadone because I won't have to go through WDs and I'll still be on some kind of an opiate. I didn't do suboxone or methadone last time because my therapist was against it so I really don't know anything about it. I really don't want to be in a program I have to go to everyday or get drug tested all the time.

I want to figure out what I want to do by Monday so any advice is appreciated. I'm going back to school in a few weeks and I don't want to be nodding off in class or waiting in a bathroom stall for people to leave so I can get high or missing class because I'm sick. And I really don't want to start this new year off just using everyday.
Methadone will allow you more time for your own life rather than scoring & hitting ad infinitum - one daily dose & you ought to be sorted - it's probably a tougher WD than heroin in some ways - however the less time you're on it the better it is to get off it.

Good luck - it can be done i promise you.
Methadone will allow you more time for your own life rather than scoring & hitting ad infinitum - one daily dose & you ought to be sorted - it's probably a tougher WD than heroin in some ways - however the less time you're on it the better it is to get off it.

Good luck - it can be done i promise you.

Sound advise B9, once you've been stabilized on Methadone with the right dose it should hold you so you can focus on other stuff, WD is different for everyone, some would say it is harder but it’s certainly the safer option and yeah you don’t have to stay on it long, good luck mrs mia wallace
Id try suboxone first before id try methadone. For matience purposes anyway. Opiate withdrawals suck ass and ive been going through them this week too. Im coming off MScontin plus a IV dilaudid habit so ya it sucks. Just been getting by on codeine as of late.

Id say try subs or methadone and try to keep busy. Im not sick now but im craving like a motherfucker. The mental withdrawals are the worst.
Personally I didn't taper off my methadone I had to quit cold turkey, and the w/d's were a nightmare. If you can I'd suggest subs, doesn't take much and you have your level head back again and you can start working on the areas in your life you need changed. Sorry to hear about your struggles, best of luck, I've been on both suboxen and methadone programs for 3-4 years - now I'm off, if you want to shoot anything by - feel free to pm.
My first thought was Suboxone, not Methadone because I got the impression Methadone was a thing of the past and Suboxone was the new drug. But my friend told me Suboxone did nothing for her WDs and that methadone will get you more fucked up and so I should do methadone instead. What's the real difference between the two?

Also, what are the requirments? Do you have to have been using a certain amount for a certain time? Do you get a prescrip or do you have to go to the clinic/center to get the pills?
I dunno mrs_mia_wallace :( I'm asking the same question over here! After a while everything externally becomes fucked up too lol.
Hi, i hope you don't mind but these links should answer your questions.

I quote, ‘When used to treat narcotic addiction, methadone suppresses withdrawal symptoms for 24 to 36 hours. Individuals who are prescribed methadone for treatment of heroin addiction experience neither the cravings for heroin nor the euphoric rush that are typically associated with use of that drug’.

I quote, ‘opiate addiction is a very common problem in our culture today. But the use of Suboxone for opiate addiction is making a difference in people living with opiate addiction. Using Suboxone for opiate addiction does work. In fact some consider Suboxone a miracle drug’.
when you quit cold turkey at the spendy rehab, how long did you stay straight? for most junkies the physical symtoms can be tolerated with a mind to being shut of the habit. i have quit smack and methadone with the help of an understanding general practitioner doctor. it was the insomnia that was the killer and he gave me sleeping pills for a time then swithched me to another crazy med which had the side effect of drowsiness.
i never looked back and truly one smack addiction with several overdoses did a lot of damage to me. the depression and insomnia have been constant companions during the 39 odd years since i put that nonsense down.
if you have the will - you will prevail.
I have tried both methods, Suboxone and Methadone, and Suboxone didn't work for me. That is not to say that it isn't a good method though, but it just requires more self-control than getting admitted into a Methadone clinic. With suboxone, you pick up a prescription and have to take the pill everyday by yourself. I just wound up wanting to get high so bad that I would sell my script to cop heroin. The positive thing is that you don't have to worry about going to a clinic everyday, but I find that suboxone may help the physical withdrawal symptoms, but it never did much for my cravings.

I am currently on Methadone, and I love it. Like some said, it's a more gradual and slower process to get off of it, but being on methadone will help you get your life in order and such, then you can focus on getting off it. I went on Methadone on 2/9/2009 and this is the first time I have refrained from using for nearly a year. I am on 100mg and tapering down 5mg every month. In the beginning, you will have to go to the clinic every day, but as time goes on and if you stay clean, they will give you take homes. I only go 3 days a week, and come 2/9/2010 I will only have to go once a week. Methadone is the only thing that worked for me.

Basically, you have to do what is right for you. No one can tell you what that would be. If you think you have the willpower to go on suboxone and take it everyday by yourself, then go for that seeing as it is easier to eventually get off of. But if you want to still feel a little opiate buzz, have something that will help you get your life in order, and not worry about how you're going to afford that next hit, then go for Methadone.

PM me if you'd like to talk more about this. I'd love to help you in anyway I can.

I would shoot for suboxone first. It's much easier and less time consuming. Unless you can have a doctor prescribe you methadone. Though in that situation you have to be careful. When I was prescribed the methadone I constantly tried to get high off it. I clearly wasn't ready to get clean.
The other side to methadone, is you need to go to a clinic everyday. For some people thats an issue, for others it isn't. I would try suboxone/Subutex first and see how that works. If it's no dice jump on a meth program.
i would agree that suboxone (if it works for you, for some it doesnt) is the way to go. Methadone is almost as bad an addiction as h imo. Transitioning from h to subs can be kinda difficult for the first few days, but once you get into subs are so much easier to get off when you decide too. also, though i did get kind of a buzz off subs in the beginning, i got fucked up on methadone (not like shooting h or anything but still) and since its so easy to up the dose i just kept upping it. i think, if this is even possible or safe, the best way would be to get some methadone, use that to taper a bit for a few days, do a line of h (just to get it in your system) then go to a suboxone doctor. my 2cents
Methadone is much harder to get off of. Suboxone (dosage dependent on your habit) should cover WD's just fine... in spite of keeping WD's at bay just fine some people do not like taking Suboxone because it prevents you from being able to get high while on it, and because it is less recreational.

But Mia, if you really do want to quit and are serious about cleaning up, you should not want to be getting high during the recovery process (on an opiate) so Suboxone is considered a miracle drug for those who really do want to quit. It gives a lot of energy too, whereas methadone makes many people feel groggy.

You can obviously see which one I would recommend, and I have been on both. But methadone only gives you a buzz for a couple weeks and once you are stabilized it does not get you high at all... unless you want to keep chasing a higher and higher dose- in which case you will be on methadone for years and years and years.

Give the suboxone a try, if you are serious about this you will be very happy with the medicationl
I didn't do this at all. What a surprise.

I really want to get off this shit again though. :( I just hate how motivated I am one day and how I totally lose it the next.
Methadone maintenance isn't for everybody , it can be looked at as being "liquid handcuffs"
Can't say that naloxone would be a particularly good idea... though it'd be a motherfucker of a kickstart into hell and pain.

Suboxone is what I'd recommend... you owe it to yourself to kick the habit...
Naloxone leads to rapid detox. It's incredibly dysphoric and painful, but it doesn't last weeks like heroin, methadone, or suboxone withdrawal.