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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

hows a crack high?

even inhalants would be better, high lasts as long but they're not illegal or as expensive and are just as dangerous.

*i was joking inhalants aren't a good replacement

actually, if you want to know kinda what crack is like, do a whip-it. you'll get sorta the same auditory hallucinations, but you won't get the speedy part of the crack. duster, in terms of the auditory shit, is even closer, but MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more dangerous. I can attest for that, as I'm a 25 year old that walks with a cane because of a car wreck caused by stupidness and duster. it fucks up your brain so much, it makes you think its ok to drive and do a hit real quick whilst pulling out of a wal-mart parking lot.
oh god I want some weed so bad, its been over a month now. I can't fucking take it! having cancer, and no weed is the worst fucking thing ever.

no fucking doubt... i fiend for weed more than anything, i cant live without it
i do meth on occasion and i know how addictive that is. but ive had tweakers look me dead in the eyes and say "dont ever fucking try crack" and thats saying something

the way i see it, if you are gonna crash and burn when its over, you might as well take a longer flight (speed)
I can smoke, I just have to rely on my father to buy and get the weed, because I just moved here recently and don't know anyone, and cannot currently work. he refuses to buy anything less than an ounce, and apparently can't find anything like that, but I know for a fact he could at least find a dub or something. it pisses me off that he doesn't understand that its so hard to eat/get an appetite without it. then he gets angry at me for not eating. he's just the most stubborn, rude, asshole there is. no joke.
MAn pickle just try smoking crack! Honestly, in my opinion, crack isn't the craziest most addictive drug out there. It's a personality thing: there are lots of people out there including myself who have smoked crack on numerous occasions, been fine with one or two hits off the pipe, put it down and not touched until months later. There are also some people who are just born to suck dick for crack and rock it up all day.

Try it man. You might not even like it... I like coke but don't care for crack because it is too speedy for me, while good coke is very mellow to me.
By the way crack can be cool in some situations: When I'm on the road and riding freight long distances (2-3 day ride) it can be nice to have some rocks to smoke/flying high goin 60mph on a metal mechanical beast. Also crackrock is way more cheap than coke so when I'm on the road it can be much more affordable.
don't listen to him. notice he's the only one thats saying its alright, while you have 2 pages of people telling you to stay away from it.
I'll add to this discussion one more time. Yeah - the crack high is awesome wild but the comedown is pure hell. Also, everytime I smoke crack the same amount lasts a shorter and shorter time. I smoked some this weekend and now I am sick of the stuff - - - so I am going to once again try quitting for good. Yeah - it is wild fun but the bad definitely outweighs the good. Luckily I am very very busy the next month so it should be easy to stay away from the crap.

Now in terms of a nice stim high that is a good bang for the buck and with a comedown that is not as bad I'd take meth any day.
How's a crack high....

Short, intense, never the same as the first, hugely "need creating" which you never had until you picked up the first rock, and completely un-sustainable.

It can be tempting to want to experience the crack high, but i gotta say it's a real fucking waste of your time... you end up chasing a high that doesn't come... just some relief from the need you created that was never there in the first place.

Do you best to explore non-addictives... they have the power to give you some experiences that make your life better not completely fucked.
I totally agree with the "need creating" part. Some compulsive need to either use crack or some other substance - and it lingers on in subtle ways.

BTW i used some dxm first time yesterday and I feel so much better today! - I feel relaxed, not compulsively thinking abt a drug. Its helped me with the post-crack low.
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Trust me, you don't want to start smoking crack. I've done coke but as other posters have said I draw the line at crack.
I've driven around with crack dealers and the second you meet over ten people who smoke it you will never touch it. They're all dirty, tweaked out, scratching their faces, etc. One of them sold my friend an iPad for $90 worth of crack.

Not worth it, stay away from it.
Trust me, you don't want to start smoking crack. I've done coke but as other posters have said I draw the line at crack.
I've driven around with crack dealers and the second you meet over ten people who smoke it you will never touch it. They're all dirty, tweaked out, scratching their faces, etc. One of them sold my friend an iPad for $90 worth of crack.

Not worth it, stay away from it.

hahahahahaha, shit man this quote remoinded me of a time this crack head made crack and was smoking it on ciggarette ash i hit it too hard and he flipped it fucked it all up , anyhow when he then shot up a little he put on a rob zombie song more human than human grabbed his kongo drum and w his tongue hanging out acted as if he we a memebr of some fuckin cult absolutely insane just cause of the drug i was told u can just smoke coke and it will have enough baking soda in it to get the crack high i dont know i trieed it and i was really sped up it wasnt that great and i here you beg for more when its gone or SUCK DICK, LOL