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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

hows a crack high?

Since I have been smoking crack about 3 times a month the past 3 years let me add more info to this and the original question.

Actually the high is about 10 minutes off a nice hit on the crack pipe. Yeah, it is a short high but very intense. It's like the 30 minute coke high compressed into something 3 times as dramatic. So if you want a short super-intense high that is what you get with crack.

A gram can last me 2-4 hours of partying depending upon on good the stuff is, etc.

I agree - the comedown is pure hell and really makes me question the efficacy of great high vs the shitty comedown.

Also once you buy a few grams you will smoke it and smoke it and smoke it until it is gone.

Yeah - I am even trying to cut down to even less that 3 times a month . . . I have cut down weekly usage to 3 times per month and my goal is to cut down further to 3 times per 2 months to make sure it does not take over my life. I have read too many horror stories out here.
Even meth is a better choice than crack.

for real.. .2g line of crank will have you more high and longer
plus ive come to embrace the meth comedown, i know what i got myself into and the comedown is like my punishment
Crack is the poor mans coke, I've done coke but i draw the line at crack. I've heard of people using crack then taking H just to comedown, so then your left with two habits. A 5 min intense rush for a shitty comedown, not worth the bother mate, Meth isn't much better, only it lasts longer. When i done coke it didn't really do much except make me talk shit for half an hour, but the comedown wasn't to harsh. I haven't tried crack and don't intend doing so, even my mates say they wouldn't touch it and they love there coke
like a very short extremely strong and concetrated cocaine high... extremely addictive
like a very short extremely strong and concetrated cocaine high... extremely addictive

precisely, and coke itself is fairly short and strong.. i could never get passed a full 24hours with an 8ball, even though i tried 8)
So if I was gonna buy a gram of coke would it last longer if I cooked it up and smoked on it thru the night?
Just snort the coke, you'll thank us in the morning, if your not out trying to score more crack
if you bought a gram of coke, you're not gonna get much crack out of it, probably not even enough for an hour.

its pissing me off how many people are here telling you to not do it, and yet you still post asking questions about crack. I can already tell you're gonna be suckin' dick right away for more crack since you can't seem to let it go and you haven't even done it yet!
if you bought a gram of coke, you're not gonna get much crack out of it, probably not even enough for an hour.

its pissing me off how many people are here telling you to not do it, and yet you still post asking questions about crack. I can already tell you're gonna be suckin' dick right away for more crack since you can't seem to let it go and you haven't even done it yet!

you really think crack is the most addicting drug?
It isn't addictive in the way opiates are, you don't have WD's off of it, but in terms of wanting more yes it is VVVVVVVVEEEERRRYYYY addictive. The high is not worth the crash, but it is a hell of a high while it lasts.
you really think crack is the most addicting drug?

Seriously man, just walk away from this one. You don't have the slightest clue on what you're getting yourself into.

I have never once told someone not to take a drug, unless I knew there was no coming back from it...

Honestly, as I said before. If there's at least ONE thing in your life that you need to stay away from, this is one of them. You'll thank yourself when you're still alive 10 years from now.
If you want to do it do it, you know what's in store so you have to make your own choices, we can only advise, and your going on about like it's the best thing since sliced bread, yet you ain't tried it. As i said your choice bud, but people have warned you so if you end up a mess it's your own fault
thanks for trying to help. i don't think i'll become addicted as i've never became addicted to anything else. sure i might want more on the comedown. but plan on buy a fat sack for a night and when its gone i'll eat some benzos and/or seroquel
It's one of the most mentally addictive drugs there is, put away the crack pipe and get the bong loaded that's my last 2 cents
IDK crack is sort of like salvia, I'm glad I tried it but I won't do it again. Never understood why people bother to ask for advice when the plan to ignore it though.
You can blow through $200 in a hour easy on crack, and even if you don't achieve a great high, for some strange reason you body just fiends for another hit.......I would much rather just get some good blow.

Cheap and for some people its the only thing they can get

Hell when did crack ever become cheap ,i used to do crack all the time and its anything but cheap.i used to get an 8 ball that would last about 5 hours or so useing small pieces and at the cheap end and a good deal for the pure amount was 210 dollars to me that aint cheap for the ammount of time you take to injest it ,and yes most definatly you will be putting that little rock in the bowl almost as soon as yer done the one that you just smoked ,if there ever was such a thing as patience with rock you could lie back after a nice hit and chillax with the high but that rock wont let you ya gotta keep fillin the bowl,also just to add smokin pot after smokin crack seems to make the feeling last longer but as far as cheap,,,no way mang after each 8 ball me and my friends always wanted more thats where all my money went when i was making the good coin,now i live on dissability a far cry from over a g a week take home...if ya havent done it ,Dont and if ya want coke just snort it,though you will never get the high that you get from rock in powder form but at least its moere socialable like you can snort at a bar and still have a good time ,you dont see crack heads smokin outside much ussualy inside with the door locked .......
i prolly won't try it now.

my reasons for originally wanting to were cuz i figured if i was gonna pay a certain amount of money for some blow that if i bought crack instead with the same amount i'd get more out of it
even inhalants would be better, high lasts as long but they're not illegal or as expensive and are just as dangerous.

*i was joking inhalants aren't a good replacement
It's one of the most mentally addictive drugs there is, put away the crack pipe and get the bong loaded that's my last 2 cents

oh god I want some weed so bad, its been over a month now. I can't fucking take it! having cancer, and no weed is the worst fucking thing ever.