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hows a crack high?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
If I was to smoke a decent amount to get pretty high how long would it last without redosing? If I need 2-3.5 grams of coke for a night out, how much crack could I make outta that to make it go further?
you might as well just find the nearest crack dealer and get on your knees

jk, but in all seriousness ive never tried crack but from what ive seen once you go crack you dont go back
once you start you will forget about posting this and redose every ten min. So. Ya get on your knees lol.
Lol for reals how long a high last? One dose of coke is like 30 min If I remember rite, its been over a year for me
i read it was 5 minutes. But im not sure about if your smoking it all night
yeah, you will hit a rock, bug out and hear robot voices, and a whistle, then you'll smoke another one in about 5 mins. I wouldn't get started on it if I were you.
5 minutes? What's the point of even getting high on it a tiny tiny bit of insulfated coke last longer
its a 3 min. high with the comedown from fuckin hell, and the biggest desire to keep redosing and fiending for more to the point of being completely desperate and pathetic. crack was made for one reason: to make money for those who sell it.
Holy shit that's fucking short. Idk why someone would even do it for a 5 min high and shitty come down
yeah, you will hit a rock, bug out and hear robot voices, and a whistle, then you'll smoke another one in about 5 mins. I wouldn't get started on it if I were you.

i'm thinking about picking enough so i can get geeked the entire nighed lol. i'll try try it once to see how it is. new shit is fun lol

edit: i've done shit like meth and h. i'll be fine.
i have a saying for coke "the only thing you wanna do on coke, is more coke" and with coke the average redose is every 30 minutes or so

with crack you are getting a HUGE smack in the face, then hung out to dry
crack imo is the most moreish drug.......it is a fucking huge blast (if you smoke it right), followed by like 3 minutes of being tweaked, then nothing.
I'll vote for just don't fucking try it. Yes, I have done it (more than I care to admit) and it's shit. The high is immediate and intense, but the comedown is (basically) immediate and even more intense.

If you insist on `trying something new` and doing it, be prepared for the comedown, and the intense desire you will feel from some power that seems outside of you, to do MORE at any cost. It's fucking insidious. I would say be prepared for the comedown with benzos and alcohol (lots.) For harm reduction, though, using crack then taking benzos and alcohol is NOT safe and nobody should do it. So you see the situation is fucked and desperate. Like you will be coming down from crack.

If you want to try something new and waste money, sky-dive instead. It's very similar. You get really high, do something life-threatening, it's over way to quick and you will only want more. At least skydiving is looked at as relatively sane compared to crack.

Seriously, fucking don't. This is one of those cases where curiosity is best left unsatisfied. 5 minutes of `wow` isn't worth hours of `oh fuck I feel like shit and would consider sucking a homeless persons toes/cock/feces for more crack.` Even meth is a better choice than crack.
no, its not nothing, its living hell once the high wears off.

well what I meant was that after 3 minutes, there is really no high at all.......followed by a horrible comedown which does make you want to redose like a fiend.
Crack is the end of the line mate. There are not many drugs more intense than crack, and there is not much worse than coming down off of crack.

From the sounds of it(and what i'm assuming based on your drug usage history) nothing we say here will really change your decision. It's your choice to make, and all we can offer you is our own opinion.

IMO, this is honestly the major one (if only) thing in your life you should seriously just walk away from.
Yea I would avoid it like the plague. I only used crack for 1 week, and even 4 months later I am having dreams about it, and I usually wake up still holding my breath in from the crack hit I took in a dream :\