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actually maybe your right tbh I have only seen horrible pics of meth users obviously all full time users probably don't look half as bad same with crack and heroin after reading my post it does come across as stereotyping a bit my bad bro
its cool :D
I mostly agree with meth being garbage. Not as vehemently, but it’s ruined my life. There are a few people who use it actively and go on to have okay lives but it’s far and few relative to other hard drug.

it was awesome at a point and still is at times. Then there’s reality.
i made this account 16 years ago, back when mdma was still mostly in pill form and i'd come to check the pill reports
Yeah I’m also older and took “ecstasy”/MDMA in the 90s and early 2000s (and still take it now, along with meth and most other illicit drugs (and note: I’m not some burnt-out brain-dead junkie tweaker bartard coke-head [enter your favorite, judgmental, pejorative term for drug user])). Not likely I would be into Primus otherwise, right, enough to pick-out a Pork-Soda-era Primus reference.

because their was nothing worse than eating an E pill and ending up with my jaw clinched clenched for 12 hours from a god damn tweeky ass METH BOMB
There is a lot worse than that, relatively speaking, and anyway did you obtain conclusive proof that these pills actually contained methamphetamine, or was this simply an assumption turned into rumor and spread around locally without anyone questioning the validity of this claim? I’m guessing you can’t be certain at this point, and maybe you should qualify the unverified assumptions in this story a little better.

Personally, meth doesn’t induce bruxism like this in me. MDMA and/or MDA certainly induce bruxism in higher doses though, and this level of inebriation is simply unenjoyable to most users. Moreover, meth’s effects tend to take over when mixing MDMA and crystal meth. Cocaine does it too for that matter. Caffeine on the other hand induces more of MDMA’s effects but also more of its toxicity. (There’s a paper published in a science journal out there about it. I can help find it if anyone has trouble locating it and wants to read about the synergistic effects b/t MDMA and caffeine.) Unless you’ve taken the time to become familiar with meth’s effects on its own or you had your pills tested with GC-MS or similar technology, I’m just not sure you know what you’re talking about, though this mistake is understandable. I’m sure you’ve told this story for 16 years now, and it’s probably not easy to reflect and question this at this point in your life. Regardless, I encourage you to do so.

SO....you're gonna try to tell me that there is a such thing as an occasional meth user, when rule #1 clearly states, there is no such thing as an occasional meth user, no matter what anybody tries to tell you
 who convinced you there are rules? Seems to me like you’re attempting to apply your own arbitrarily written rules on the rest of the world, and that’s just not how things work, nor is it a wise practice.

#2 - Popularity does NOT equal value....
Actually, in a very real sense it does. After all, if something is popular, in general it is something that is in high demand. Economics teaches us about the laws of supply and demand and their effect on price/value. As demand rises, generally so does price; therefore correlating popularity to value.

which also goes against what you were just telling me about thinking for yourself right? right
Faulty logic, and you missed my point. Though to be fair, you’re more than welcome to your own opinion about things. I just wanted the record to show that this is merely your opinion and not some universal truth as you present it.

#C - Oh yea - ive done meth a few times and i wouldn't make a comment about it if i had no personal experience with it to be honest
I honestly don’t believe you. I think you’ve mistakenly thought some MDMA pills you had were laced with meth and consider yourself to have “done meth a few times” without any idea of whether this is true. Clearly, you’ve never had a long, kinky sex session on meth, for example, or you would have to admit the unbelievably strong aphrodisiac qualities the drug possesses. Besides, don’t you know the Primus song, “Damned Blue Collar Tweakers”?

- it's the worst drug i ever did and ive done almost everything....
Oh? It’s worse than third generation bath salts like a-PHP, Hexen, and Isopropylphenidate? Worse than fentanyl with all its associated fatal ODs? Is it worse than butylone or one of the myriad unpredictable synthetic cannabinoids? You’re telling me Datura/Jimson weed is a better drug than methamphetamine?

but you think the quality might change my mind?
I have no idea what you have or haven’t done. Working with what you’ve said so far in this thread, I’m making educated guesses based on my knowledge, experience, and similarity of your comments to those of others I’ve known who simply weren’t aware of their ignorance regarding the finer points of N,α-dimethylphenethylamine. But yes purity makes a difference for sure, as with virtually any substance.

i can tell you this: no drug felt like it polluted my system quite like meth - a minimum of 10 days until i felt like it was out of me and i started to feel like me again
What was your route of administration, champ? You were vaporizing it, snorting it, swallowing it, etc.? Any idea how much you used? Were you using it with experienced meth users or just sorta winging it on your own? Or again: were you just assuming you had pills cut with it?

easily the worst drug out of them all and ive also seen the people around me and what it does to them
People who are against meth (or any drug) either haven’t used it, or really sucked at using it and fucked up as a result. Everyone else enjoyed it or was indifferent. If people close to you couldn’t handle it, this explains your attitude toward the drug, but does not help illuminate the truth, in my opinion. Meth certainly has its flaws, gotchas, and particular set of dangers to be aware of. It’s not for no reason it’s reputation is sketchy – some people don’t handle it well and this makes it hard on the rest of us, unfortunately.

nothing good comes out of meth - eventually you still end up with some sort of drug induced schizophrenia -
I know you’ve planted your feet firmly in your opinion, and this dialogue likely will only entrench you deeper in your beliefs, but try to open your mind a little, ok?
 Also, when you say “you” in that statement above, I think you’re prescribing your arbitrary set of rules on the world again. I’ve personally never experienced drug-induced schizophrenia, and I’m middle-aged as a motherfucker with decades of experience behind me. I’ve seen amphetamine psychosis at least a dozen times though, and in each case the person wasn’t using responsibly. They were abusing meth and not keeping up with their health, and almost entirely because they didn’t know better. I’ll grant you that some ppl are more prone to compulsion than others; but ultimately every adult is responsible for their own behaviors, and blaming them on any drug is a bullshit cop-out that should not be tolerated. My proverbial $0.02 anyway.

but go ahead, tell me how great it is when you don't do meth like an asshole
Quod erat demonstrandum.

It’s easy to shit on drugs you don’t know much about, especially drugs that have been demonized and slandered by a sensationalist media, poor journalism, cinematic exaggeration and television drama. Again, not saying meth is 100% safe – I recognize its status as a “hard drug” and the challenges faced by those who eschew harm reductive practices while taking it – but the issue isn’t a simple, black & white, “meth is the worst,” reductionist argument.
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well im really proud of you for being a career functional meth-user

of course i know about those damn blue collared tweekers - it's a great song....

but i don't wanna be robbed...so i go the opposite way from tweekers

enjoy your habit

well im really proud of you for being a career functional meth-user
People don’t often get to hear the stories of responsible use, and I think it’s important to share them so as to lead by example. I am not seeking your approval and I suspect you’re being sarcastic, so I guess we’ll conclude the debate.

of course i know about those damn blue collared tweekers - it's a great song....
Yeah, I’m putting on Sailing the Seas of Cheese now. I saw them live twice during this era; biggest mosh pit I’ve ever seen occurred during the breakdown of “Jerry Was a Race Car Driver” (the part right after he says, “Go!”). If nothing else, we agree on something, eh? 🙂

but i don't wanna be robbed...so i go the opposite way from tweekers
1. that’s a stereotype; I assure you I am not going to rob you, no matter how high on meth I am.
2. sounds like you have personal issues significant to you, but it should be noted these issues are not universally experienced.
3. you go the opposite way by leaving comments on Bluelight’s meth threads?

enjoy your habit

Thanks, I always do.
well im really proud of you for being a career functional meth-user...

but i don't wanna be robbed...so i go the opposite way from tweekers

yea because i don't have to worry about you robbing the mail out of my mailbox on bluelight

I don't mod this forum, so this is in my personal capacity: while it's fine to talk about the pros and cons of different drugs and to have strong opinions that certain drugs just suck, stereotyping or shaming users of a particular drug is pretty frowned upon in this harm reduction forum.

On a macro level meth seem approximately as problematic as opiates in some countries. On a micro level, most property crime related to drug use in Australia has come from opiate users. I've been robed by junkies but never tweakers.
I don't mod this forum, so this is in my personal capacity: while it's fine to talk about the pros and cons of different drugs and to have strong opinions that certain drugs just suck, stereotyping or shaming users of a particular drug is pretty frowned upon in this harm reduction forum.

On a macro level meth seem approximately as problematic as opiates in some countries. On a micro level, most property crime related to drug use in Australia has come from opiate users. I've been robed by junkies but never tweakers.


i think they both steal equally - that's a tough call there

but hey let me stop there before i start stereo-typing again

sometimes i do that...what can i say, im human

but i apologize

smoke meth - enjoy it - i won't say anything else about it

yea because i don't have to worry about you robbing the mail out of my mailbox on bluelight
Lol, well played, sir. Well played.

i think they both steal equally - that's a tough call there
To me, the correlation between drug-dependency and victim-bearing crimes is not evidence of causation, but rather it also correlates to poverty and desperation, which lead heavily to criminal motive in many cases throughout affected regions. In other words, I think poverty leads to crime, not drug abuse. Drug abuse (as opposed to “use”) itself most likely leads to poverty, we might speculate, and this certainly helps explain the correlation, but it's reductivist to conclude that the de facto result of any particular drug use will inevitably lead to criminality, no exceptions.

but hey let me stop there before i start stereo-typing again
Then again, stereotypes are wonderful timesavers, and they're kind of a social shorthand, as it were. This can be very useful when one considers how brevity is the sole of wit. They're also a bit lazy.

sometimes i do that...what can i say, im human
Same, both counts.

but i apologize

smoke meth - enjoy it - i won't say anything else about it
Good man. All the same, I really do appreciate the concern, and believe you, and others, have the best intentions at heart. Anyway I'm just thrilled at the Primus reference, so you had me at that, you rascal you

I encourage people to check out this book by Dr. Carl Hart called Drug Use For Grown-Ups – https://drcarlhart.com/