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How to - Deal with LE.

I'm no expert, but with a single pill I'd imagine he shouldn't have too much trouble getting a fine/drug diversion and avoiding any serious punishment.
Speak to a solicitor. They are the only people who will be able to give you reliable and correct legal advice.
Speak to a solicitor. They are the only people who will be able to give you reliable and correct legal advice.

agreed. All we can do is guess. I recommend him getting quality legal advice and representation. its not something you want on your permanent record.
Your friend should invest in the best attorney s/he can possibly get. In this case, it won't go on a permanent record if the good attorney does well. Even if some money has to be dedicated to this now, your friend will more than make up for it in the future through not being penalized financially in the job market.
Your friend should invest in the best attorney s/he can possibly get. In this case, it won't go on a permanent record if the good attorney does well. Even if some money has to be dedicated to this now, your friend will more than make up for it in the future through not being penalized financially in the job market.

lol, trust the american to reply with a comment that relates to their draconian "if you're found with drugs, you go to jail" system. lol

So long as your mate doesnt have a record he should just get a drug diversion, and no conviction - they make you go speak to a drug counsellor a few times.. thats it.

usually they would organize this at hte police station for a single pill...

Be a good idea for you to tell us if you mate has any prior convictions for drugs etc.
agreed. All we can do is guess. I recommend him getting quality legal advice and representation. its not something you want on your permanent record.

i can tell you from experience that 1 pill will not show up on your record even with a legal aid lawyer as long as your friend has no record as i am sure he doesn't
as by asking such a question you and your amigos would have to be virgins
i can tell you from experience that 1 pill will not show up on your record even with a legal aid lawyer as long as your friend has no record as i am sure he doesn't
as by asking such a question you and your amigos would have to be virgins

This was what I was personally thinking, but i still think its a good idea to get some legal advice just to make sure he gets off with a slap on the wrist.
alot of people i have had contact with for the same reason were charged with no conviction- admitting it was for personal use.
You should be sweet bro. Ask a solicitor about the MERIT program. That is magistrates early referral into treatment. U will need to see a councilor for a few weeks, and then they write a report and include your drug tests that you have done (i think 3 in total) and give it to the magistrate. They will then most likely give u a section 10 which is a no record of a conviction. You could even try legal aid if u r poor and they can do the same thing for u. If u want the number of a good solicitor pm me, i live in sydney and know some good ones..

Good luck dude
Granted he has no priors: drug diversion

Ultra bad luck by the sounds of it

No priors?

Show remorse, dress well and just get a duty solicitor and ask for drug diversion.
Simple. No record and a little talk to someone about drug use. They normally even say themselves we're not here to make you stop drug usage but just to generally talk to see if it is a problem. One guy told me all about his crazy trips before he became a counselor.

But in Victoria a police check will show it as a record anyway, even the arrest and diversions and arrest.
One other thing. Do you know if it was an MDMA or speed pill, or a BZP or possible fake pill?
BZP isnt in the same schedule as meth or MDMA in most states is it? And they don't bring federal law into it. If you truely believe it has no trace of meth or MDMA ask for testing, but it will come back with you with a big fine if it tests positive.

I would just say its ecstasy, incase in contains meth and MDXX and something else..... then they could make the charges bigger.
If I'm just walking down the street at 11 o clock at night in Perth. Do the Police have the right to pull over and ask me to turn out the contents of my pockets and inspect them. and im 16 years old.
Rolls, if its pressed into a coloured pill with a logo on it, and the buyer/user obtained it on the assumption it was MDMA, then (as far as I'm aware) they will be charged as if the pill was MDMA regardless of its contents.

I think I read that in a thread by fortehlulz... Correct me if I'm wrong.
Petty sure under 18s need parent to be there for the search?
Not if its GC/MS tested. They dont like waiting and paying for lab results so they would do you for any meth in it too. Plead guilty to ecstasy and say you take it sometimes but really want help (or get your lawyer to say this). Just tell them to say you've been seeing a doctor about depression but would like drug counseling.

I take into account your early plea
I take into the account of circumstances of your recent death of -someone- they dont look it up (this always works) and anxiety or depression issues.
I take into the account you asked for help.
Drugs are illegal and will not be tolerated.
You will be put into the drug diversion program. Do not leave the building before signing bond.
too much to read..i got through about 5 pages..., i really hope that fortehlulz still updates this regularly, because i have a few questions.

it might have been answered before, and if that is the case, and someone remembers the answer, please tell me.

somewhere near the beginning of the thread it was mentioned about pulling out a recording device when pulled over and asked to have the car searched.

mention that you are recording the conversation, politely decline the search.

do they then require a warrant to legally search the car without consent? or is there some other on-the-spot way that they can search the car?

if the answer is yes, they *DO* now require a warrant then...

how far can this be stretched? say they have a very strong suspicion that the car might contain drugs, because you were seen doing suspicous (but not illegal) activity like getting in and out of another car for a short period of time in a random car park and then both driving off (you know: the stereotypical drug deal), or whatever, can you continue to refuse? will they STILL require a warrant? can they get one right there and then? or can they arrest you, because of increased suspicion, and then search the car? is that an alternative?

are either of these two options legal? if not is there ANY legal way they can search your car right there and then?

this leads me to my next question, regardless of whether you were seen engaging in suspicious activities and are holding a recording device, if you politely refuse a search, will this no set alarm bells ringing? because, i would say it is a VERY rare thing for someone to refuse if they have nothing to hide, unless they just want to toy with the coppers, at which point they might decide to take either route and get an on the spot warrant (provided this is possible) OR arrest you and search the car (also provided this is possible)?

the second option seems like an easy one for them, going with any excuse, like the (non-existent) smell of weed from your car. (are there consequences if they arrest you and don't have anything to charge you with or any evidence??) And this would then satisfy them, because they could eliminate their suspicions beyond any reasonable doubt, and also fuck you right back for flexing your rights to refuse the search, when any reasonable person would be like ‘yeh ok’ cos they would have nothing to hide and would want to just get it over with.

Was watching “the force” on TV the other day. A couple of cops, by accident, saw, through a living room window, someone weighing out plant material. Knocked on his door, he refused entry, but the policeman said that he had suspicion and therefore a right to search without a warrant.

I guess this leads me to my final Q. Is it not just pointless to refuse the search in any case, because IF the police have enough suspicion (such as refusal to search combined with the smell of nonexistent weed) then they can anyway (and will fuck you much harder and search deeper into your car)

that was really long, but thanks for reading, very curious about this, after watching the show the other day
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