How old is everyone?

31. Just got into the scene about 6 months ago. Actually did X my first time back in 1986 and always said I'd do it again if I had the chance. And guess what ... I got the chance about 6 months ago!
i'm 20 been raving since tribal massive oct 23.99 but my first one was tribal massive in 97. woo hoo!!! FTT is the shiza!
I'm 30, and I first rolled at the Burning Man festival a year and a half ago, and it was the BEST. I LOVE raves. I look like I'm 20, and I'm usually kinda afraid of telling people how old I really am, 'cause I don't want people to treat me differently 'cause I'm chronologically older. But I'm happy to see so much acceptance for people of all ages. I guess the only thing that matters is making sure everyone is having a good time!
Hey there wow Do I ever feel young I have so far only found one person youger than me I'm 15 right now and 16 on saturday. My first time was about a year ago, it's the best thing that could have ever happened to me.!!
I think maybe it's time for me to explore the rave seen soon, i have never been to one but I love the music.
Beffy K
Roll Roll Roll your boat............
go p-e-achy! Im 17 also! Im such a strapping young man! hehe what ever, maybe it's just from dancing so much. whew! 18 on august 9th.yeah baby!love4ever now i can buy my own smokes!
I never knew there was such a range in ages here
Anyways, I'm 18 and have been rollin for about 3 months and goin to raves for almost a year.
PLUR...I love you all :)
21, and valentine's day will be my 2 year anniversary, damn, I've been eating beans for 2 long! Not ready to stop yet, tho!
--the aymi is 20 been going to party's and being generaly a bad giirl since i was 14 or so....
I'm 22 yrs old. I'll turn 23 on April. I lost my e-virginity on 08/99; then I rolled again on 10/08/99 and my last time was on 01/14/00. I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm 22 yrs old. I'll turn 23 on April. I lost my e-virginity on 08/99; then I rolled again on 10/08/99 and my last time was on 01/14/00. I LOVE IT!!!!! I lOVE THE MUSIC!! THE LIGHTS!!! THE UNIVERSE!! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!

19 rolling into 2yrs. Age is a matter of the mind ---> If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
[This message has been edited by orbit (edited 21 January 2000).]
Just wanted to contribute to this post and help get it to 100. I'm 22.
I'm 29, and lovin' life since I started rollin in Oct. Man life is fun...Searchin for beans trying out new ones, goin to clubs in NYC. It's all a freakin blast. Best time on e have been in a room with close friends and everyones favorite CD's and stories. Loads of fun.
Here's to rollin until we are all old and crusty. Great thread.