How old is everyone?

28 going on 15.

"Take care, brush yer hair ;) "
18 and started rolling before the summer.
I'm only freaking out and i wonder what it's all about to close my eyes and finally see a piece of paradise in me.
almost 21, had my E cherry popped just last October 30, now I'm hooked.
Hi there, I am 30 but look 23!!!!!!!! I have been doing e for almost one year! In March it will be one year and I have loved every minute of it. My fiance is 36 and we started together...
I'm 22,yeah a dinasour compered to most of you guys,and also a rookie.
I've rolled three times,newyears99,new years00&yesterday.
feels soooo good that its scary
I rolled for the first time in Atlanta on my 28th birthday in September. I was hesitant at first but then I wondered - why didn't I try it sooner. Probably because I am more responsible now even though I have no intention of stoppin any time soon. I never knew something could feel so good.
I'm 27. I hadn't seen anything decent since the Chocolate Chips of '92-'93 (feel sort of like clovers) until about a 6 months ago. I guess I was looking in the wrong place for a while there.
21 and better than ever----started rolling choclate chips in 95'----Hazy Daze parties in Dallas--early Funky Techno Tribe and Wicked Crew parties in Dallas, Austin, and Houston----dropped out of the rave scene for the most part but I still love the music----do a little spinnin' these days myself
27 here and lovin it.... just seems to be gettin better and better...
love ya NYC, PA, bluelight crew...
some of you prolly didn't know how old i was huh? hee hee ...
*****BEAN me up Scotty*****
19 yer old here, 20 after this summer hehe.
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
i'll be 19 in march and i've been rolling for almost a year...maybe four or five times
26 from toronto and loving everyone minute of it.Been involved in the scene since 1994
Im 19, look and act 16
I havnt rolled yet
but i plan to very very soon!!

~~}<>>>*I wish I were a raver*<<<<>{~~
everyone i meet swears i look around 25.....
but alas....its not to be,
for i am a youthfull, exhuberant 33!
my girl is 28...our crew ranges from 17 to 40!
now thats cool!
i was at an outdoor rave on new years day (SummaDayze- Melbourne) and there was a guy who mustve been pushing 50 and the music was just bursting thru was awesome!
whats up? I'm 20 and i'll be 21 in august. Been rollin for like 10 months now and i must admit i like it alot =)My first pill was a Mercades and it ruined me b/c it was the shit. The best pill was in florida this past summer. It was a chocolate chip. Best pill ever =) PLUR =)