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How old are todays ecstacy users?

started when i was 14,don't regret it but i think it depends on the individual,age doesn't really come into it unless you were like very young then it would be different.17 now and still rollin,can't even count how many times i've done it,maybe 100 or so,i don't know,maybe more,i don't really keep track.
*shakes head*

..... seriously, no offense to those who did start at 14 & 15, because you're obviously smart enough to make your way here, but WHAT THE FUCK. That's way too young. If my 14 year old future daughter told me she wanted to pop a pill I think I'd handcuff her to her bed. I'm so glad I didn't start until 26. You open a doorway you can't ever fully close. The later the door is opened the better, in my opinion.
I agree

14, that is way way to young. I also don't agree with people that young to do booze. Be a kid while you can, your only a kid once.

I would have NO problems at all if my kids want to do drugs, once they are 18, I will seriously freak out if they do before that.
started when I was 15...now 18, about 10 times at most, haven't rolled since July 31 last year...but planning on doing it after I get off probation
33.... started 33, been going steady about 6 months. Where have you been all my life baby. rolled about 20 times. Trying to make it a bi-monthy thing.8)
25 years old. I was worried I was getting too old, but hey I love the scene, the music, and the E! I can't deny myself b/c I "feel" I'm getting too old. The scene is for everyone.
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
*shakes head*

..... seriously, no offense to those who did start at 14 & 15, because you're obviously smart enough to make your way here, but WHAT THE FUCK. That's way too young. If my 14 year old future daughter told me she wanted to pop a pill I think I'd handcuff her to her bed. I'm so glad I didn't start until 26. You open a doorway you can't ever fully close. The later the door is opened the better, in my opinion.

dam.. i started at 14 >.< It wasnt like i was lIke HEY I WANT SUM ECSTACY tho.. it just sorta happened.. im 16 now.. iv popped 20 times or so. I wish i had started later.. perhaps now coz i think it would be a better experience..
40...and still haven't tried it, yet. I was wondering about the age thing, too. Did LSD back in college in the 80's and had a blast. Really getting curious about E, just don't think anyone of my friends would be up for it and I can't see myself going to a party by myself and being the oldest person there. Probably not many kids want to roll with their father there!
first time i took a pill i was 20, i'm 23 now..i've rolled maybe 7 to 10 times at the most...heh...i havn't dropped a pill in 7 months..in about 2 months though,i probably will again :D
first time was about 1 week ago at my first rave, 16 years old and was simply probly the best night of my life... or so it seemed at the time heheh.
I will probly roll about once a month or less from now, Pills are pretty expensive here.
Kevin8049 said:
40...and still haven't tried it, yet. I was wondering about the age thing, too. Did LSD back in college in the 80's and had a blast. Really getting curious about E, just don't think anyone of my friends would be up for it and I can't see myself going to a party by myself and being the oldest person there. Probably not many kids want to roll with their father there!

Do it at home dude!!, it will rock...

dont go to partys ONLY to do drugs