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How old are todays ecstacy users?

I'm 21 now, had my first bickie at 19, started taking them regularly about 4-5mths before my 20th. So have been taking them regularly (every 1-3weeks) for over a year and a half now. Glad I didn't start to take them any younger. 25 is definitely not too old to take. Most of the ppl I know who take em are aged 18-30. :p
39... started at 33... sometimes i am envious of the young kids who grow up with E -- when i was young there only was coke and speed and acid around. E definitely made me a happier person, improved my people skills and my outlook on life.

on the other hand, sometimes i think it's better this way -- had i come across E when i was younger it probably would have been way harder to stick to responsible, moderate usage...

anyway... i know of plenty of more people in their 30s, 40s, 50s who occasionally do E. :)
Haha, this is great. When I first opened this I expected I would be the oldest by far and am pleasantly surprised to find Im not the only older person to discover the delights of an E.

I am 43.

I do go clubbing with my young mates and believe in enjoying my life to the max albeit responsibly.

I agree with the comment that it depends on ur individual scene, mine is that as an ex football coach, I became friends with the players and started going out with them as I find younger people more enjoyable to hang with.

Stay happy everyone and play safe.

Cheers and Keep smiling all.
started at 18/19, currently 32... couldn't even begin to remember how many times I've had mdma... over 100 for sure. I take breaks for a few months or a year every once in a while.
im 24, started at 21, and as everyone has already said, its really your mindset. if you feel too old, than you should either take a break or stop completely. because once you lose the magic, the anticipation, and the excitement of the upcoming experience, and you just start doing it for the drug you are just a junkie....
started when i was 18, now 22.. 1500+ pills
Pills in England are dirt cheap & I had a mad first 3 years, have definately calmed down now :)
I started when i was 19 and am 22 now. Took a lot of all sorts of stuff during the first 6 months of 2002, then moved overseas for work for a year. Chose to give it all away and am due back home in less than a week :) Since being away from it all, i have pretty much lost interest in it, but nevertheless i imagine i will continue to take occasionally. :)

Oh and i guess i have gone through maybe 50+ pills.
Started at 19. 25 now. 200+ pills. Started slowly, had a massive six months ending about six months ago, and have slowed down a lot in the last 6 months. I Do not regret the things I have done, but those I did not do. :)
I'm 79 and still going strong! My grandson got me started at my retirement party. I love it, and now that I'm not the police chief anymore I can do it all the time. (does it matter how old....really? someone said "I was wondering if getting too old." Fucking rediculous! How do you measure your life? By the number of days lived, or the number of days remaining? Personally I don't keep track, because who knows how long we have left. Age is just a number....it's completely arbitrary. Shoot me quick if I ever get to an "age" and say "I'm too old to have fun like you kids now...I have to act my age"....FUCK THAT. Enjoy the time while you have it....tomorrow isn't promised to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
33 now. started 3 years ago. I've slowed down a bit, but it is mainly cuz the rollers aren't as good and harder to come by
I am 22. I started when I was 17.....can't do it anymore-Anxiety is a BITCH!
I tried it at 25. I am 29. I have done it probably about 30 times. Still lovely. Sometimes are better than others. Depends on the environment. If you are in a low place, the roll is low. If you are up, it's still great. I think most of it depends on where you are.
wishiknewachemist said:
I am a 25 yr. old female. I've done X a dozen or so times..Just wondering if I'm getting too old?

to old at 25???? I dont think so, I'm will be 32 this october, my girlfriend will be 27 at the end of the month and we still do it... We even have two kids so that's proof that it does not all need to end.
Started on my 14th Birthday and im 17 almost 18 now and wow my usage got way out of hand. Definalely feeling the effects now. But cut back dramatically and take 5htp and other anti oxidants now.