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How old are todays ecstacy users?

I started the beginning of February, last year when I was 20.

My first pill was when I saw Infected Mushroom in LA. The pill was bunk and I didn't feel anything, though. Fortunately I got a legitimate pill the next time and had the time of my life. Since then I've taken about 40 pills. Good times.
I'm 31 and had my first pill in 1990 or 1991 when I was 19 and rolled every weekend for a year or so before easing off a bit. I had a break for a few years whilst I was married but got seperated two and a half years ago and started up again. Now just go out and roll every few months. =D
Rolled a single time over 20 years ago back in 1981. I remember thinking it was a damn good thing I had no connections to buy more, because I would probably become an addict. Didn't roll again till I turned 40 and started reading about it. I'm now 44 and roll at home with my wife/friends every month or two. Moderation seems to be the key to keeping the magic.
like everyone before has said it will have to do with the scene that u are in... its just that nobody wants their friends at the polio club to know that they are tweakers or rollers hehhee..

Luckily ive been able to work in the hospitality industry and u meet people over 50s who use.

but u just arent likely to see a 50 year old at a club or a rave....
wishiknewachemist said:
I am a 25 yr. old female. I've done X a dozen or so times..Just wondering if I'm getting too old?

I think once your 90 your too old, hehe

Nah, your not old at all....

I'm 24........but I've only done it 3 times, guess I prefer drinking

At clubs or raves for example, it seems like everyone is really young, but once you start talking to everyone, most people are in their 20's-----but who gives a shit? I don't!

I was 20 when i rolled for the first time. 22 now. But recently i went to a NYC party and it was an all ages party. No shitting you there were kids who looked like they were 11 or 12 rolling face....that was freaky.
A good friend

A good friend of mine who is a very "old school" bl'er like myself is almost 60 and started over a decade ago. So all of you people in your 20's and 30's who are saying your old are dillusional :)
19 male

and age is just a number for how many years you been alive for =)

used to be drink and smoke a bit now thats almost non existant
"dont smoke weed it will just lead to harder stuff"

dang lol

webguy said:
53. there's another whole scene of "mature" users who use happily, read bluelight to get more ideas, do house parties, but rarely comment here. Been rolling 7 years, but never more than 2 or 3 times a year. Pace yourselves, people. If you want to be having those "that was the best night of my life" moments for decades on decades, you need to save some brain cells and let them recover. amazing as it might seem, i've been doing psychedelics since the mid 1960s ---yes, acid once was legal-- with little or no impact on being able to lead a successful, happy life. MODERATION.

very well said!

started at 21, now i'm 22. rolled about 15 times.

glad that i didn't touch any drugs when i was younger (i didn't know enough)! moderation is truely the key...
I'm 17, started at 16. I've done it probably once a month, a little more at times 8). I sort of wish I had started later, but I do believe that it has been benificial more than its been detrimental. I've learned to be more sensitive, and much more open with my feelings.
Also, it was easier for my parents to find out being that I still live in their house. They know what bluelight is now. I do feel I need a break though. I need to learn better moderation, but more importantly I wanna be able to roll face when I decide to do it. I want to forget what it's like again and just go crazy. When I do it now its so planned, its not as much fun.
I'm 17 started at 15. Rolled around 15 times and have ate around 25 total. I really wouldn't suggest tabbing until you atleast graduate high school. Why you ask? Well there are a few kind of people in this world. 1. drinks a few beers smokes a little in highschool then when they go to college and discover other drugs such as X and become ravers and have a good time with it and after a few years give it up become respectable American citizens 8) Then we have people like ,unfourtunatly, me that drank a little freshman year, smoked alot sophmore year, and by the later stages of their high school life are taking harder drugs such as X. Then these people go to college and now that they have no chains on their rist they go fucking hog wild and well overdose..... So in conclusion I'd say that in moderation X is great for someone 30-xx age for a meaningful night with a loved one but after 30 or so you really need to grow up and stop going to the raves, think about your children.