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How many people have you had sex with?

1) How many sexual partners have you had?
4 guys
2) What is your age?
3) What is your sex?
the moments I have lived through have been incredible, although indescribable, understood only by those who have shared them with me.
8 fems
Larry Short
MENTASM MINDS - Those that know, KNOW
Red Dawn Productions
"This isn't a god damn carebears movie, its reality" - Amanda
19 year old male
Lost virginity 11 days after my 17th birthday
Had 0 male partners (and will keep it that way)
Had 2 female partners
Had about 20 intimate female partners (i.e. everything but sex)
Everyone that wanted to know must thank FairNymph for being the girl that NAGGED me into posting this... she just couldn't leave it alone and had to resort to making this about double-standards - but hey, it worked .. so thank her.. you also get a healthy dose of PhreeX Diatribe... and rather then just give you numbers I am going to torture you with the brief stories of each..
I am a HETROSEXUAL MALE that just turned 22 years old ..
I have had sex with a total of 0 (ZERO) MEN .. I have nothing against homosexuality, I have found that gay people are the most acceptinng, and I generally only go to gay clubs because, well, they are the best... but I simply have NO INTREST in exploring ANYTHING SEXUAL with ANY MALE .. I can honestly say that I have NEVER had the desire to kiss a guy, or to have sex with a guy, and certinly not to take it in the ass from a guy... now if you offered me a very large amount of opioid drugs I might be willing to work something out - so if any of you gay guys are willing to give me a full pharmacy bottle of OC-40's, and all you want to do is suck me off, shoot me an e-mail! If we are talking OC-80's then I might be willing to sell my virgin ass to a mantrain...
I have had sex with a total of 5 (FIVE) WOMEN .. and I can honestly say that each girl ment a lot to me.. with the exception of one, I was in a signifigant relationship with each.. and now that I look back on it, with the exception of two girls, I was in love with each (if you're doing the math, I have been in TRUE LOVE 3 times) .. I can, and WILL defend each of my sexual experiences..
I lost my virginity at the age of 18, and I couldn't have picked a better partner.. to this day we are still best friends, and have always loved each other on one level or another.. she ended up moving in with me only about 3 days after we met, and we had sex about 3 months into our relationship - I lasted for about 20 seconds, but she was previously a lesbian (prior to her last boyfriend that would often put ciggerates out on her arm) .. so she trained me in the ways of oral sex .. we were together for about 6 months before I lost her because *I* fucked up and let *MYSELF* get hooked on meth..
The second girl was really the re-bound girl.. I had broken up with my first true love, was hooked on meth (again, my OWN FAULT!) and so I quickly jumped into a relationship with a girl.. we were together for about 3-4 months and had lots of sex.. at the time I thought I loved her, but once away from her and once I ditched the meth, I realize I didn't truely love her - I can't really explain it, I mean, I REALLY cared about her, but I just couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life for her.. or I couldn't see myself willing to give anything for her... so while I have NO REGRETS (we learn from our mistakes), this would be the one girl I had sex with without properly thinking it through (shit, we had sex after being exclusivly together for only like 2 weeks) ..
The third was my longest and most serious relationship.. I had moved away from my wild lifestyle on the coast, back home with my parents, away from my home in a meth lab, away from the shady people and assBackwards dealings that I used to know... I met this girl at a party right after I moved back (though I had been single for sometime before moving back) .. I INSTANTLY knew we would have something special when I first saw her .. we hung out after her party, and over the next few weeks we saw a lot of each other - like daily I was at her place.. prior to us being "exclusive" she let me go down on her, but after that, we decided that so there would be no weirdness, until we were exclusive we wouldn't do anything sexual... we started dating about a month later, and then she made me wait.. usually sex isn't a big deal for me, but I was crazy about this girl, I knew I loved her (but didn't say it as I didn't feel it was the right for her to hear that) .. after like 3 months we had sex, and it was incredible.. after that we were like Mr and Ms Nympho for awhile .. in all, we had a 2 year relationship, we loved each other, I would have married her, etc.. sadly we were at differn't times in our lives and she was just getting into the party scene while I had been doing the club/rave/drug thing for a few years, while the party I met her at was her first introduction to ecstasy or that culture.. basically after 2 years she wanted to go to every rave and party that hit town, but I didn't want to leave the house.. we were drifting apart and she wanted to go out with her friends to clubs and leave me at home.. I knew something was up, so I had to be deceptive to find out she cheated on me.. after that happened I went into a horrible withdrawl and depression... the girl I had visions of marrying and it was over... she posted to bluelight a few times and went to one meetup..
The 4th girl I was with was a bluelight girlie, there was a party comming up and I didn't know anyone that was really going, so I posted a thing to the meetups forum .. this girl e-mailed me a response and we met at the party where I was INSTANTLY attracted to her.. I wanted to kiss her that night but I could tell it would have been too much, plus this was the first time I felt emotion for a girl since the rough breakup of the previous girl .. the night after the party we had like a 6-7 hour phone conversation and found out that while there was a lot we didn't have in common, there was a lot we did have in common .. so we started to "date" .. we only waited about a week to have sex because we were lusting for each other so bad we were both waiting for the other to rip the other persons clothes off.. we had some amazing sex, I mean, really good, mind-blowing sex.. a lot of sex.. you could say I broke her in half! But after about 4 months together we decided we had our differances .. she too liked to go to parties - I wanted to sit on the internet .. HOWEVER, while we both knew this relationship was dying, I feel like I should have dont a LOT MORE for her bcause she did SO MUCH for me.. I took her for granted .. I think we just drifted apart .. I did truely love her, she is a wonderfull person and deserves someone better then I... I think that after having been with the 3rd girlie, and having been with her for 2 years (we lived together more or less - I spent 24/7 at her house, I came home maybe 3 nights a month) .. I just forgot that when you get in a new relationship you have to make sacrifices for the other party, and you have to be willing to do things.. yeah, after you're with someone for 2 years you can be casual, but then when you move on to someone else, you can't be as casual as you were with the last person (ie with this girl #4 I didn't take the time to buy her roses every few days, buy her the weekend at a lavish hotel, romantic music, just us, etcc...)
The 5th girl was also a bl girlie, and I am not sure what the title for this one would be.. we had been exchaning emails for awhile, she said she had a crush on me and lusted for me.. this is normal, I have a vast stable of ho's.. from what she wrote, I think I lusted for her too... she said she wanted to come visit me - yup, fly across the country just to spend a weekend with me .. I was nervous as shit, because we had traded pics but I thought she was WAAAAYYYYY out of my league .. she got her tickets, the date was set, and at the last minute I almost copped out .. but then my heart took over, and I had a wild fantasy of her and I either running back to her place, or her movin here - we would see how the weekend would go... I had no real plans to have sex with her as this would be our first time meeting... well, she arrived, we went back to may place, talked a LOT, and I could tell she wanted me to make the first move (which she later admitted) .. I will spare you the details, but I can honestly say that *PHYSICALLY* this was the most powerfull and incredible sex I have ever had... the OVERALL "best sex" award goes to girl #3 as it was out 1 year aniversery, we had a place setup, and there was so much there emotionally that night we made true love for over an hour... buy this girl (#5) ... we had sex for HOURS .. she gave me multiples (only one girl before honestly gave me a secord orgasam - girls #5 gave me 3 in one session, and after that it was ALWAYS at LEAST 2 .. we fit together so perfectly.. at that moment, I thought I might be falling for her, but I took a step back and realized I HAD JUST HOOKED UP WITH A GIRL I HAD JUST MET! Still, we are VERY differn't ..
Every girl who's world I have rocked is surely a better person because of me.. I am certin that one or two would have killed themselves had I not entered their world and gave them a litte of the ole vitamin P ... ok, thats a lie, my penis is like that of a toddler and usually I am done before she knows I am in...
I don't use condoms unless requested, however, because I am paranoid (one of my MANY disorders) I insist on a full Proto-DNA analysis (? they test not for the anti-bodies, so you don't have to wait 6 months) ... I am clean to date, and I get tested for EVERYTHING ...
"I am not one of those weak-spirited, sappy Americans who want to be liked by all the people around them. I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is: 'What are they in a position to do about it?'" (William S. Burroughs)
i throughly enjoyed reading the entire story of a strangers love life. hrm. thanks.
3 boys.
0 girls.
im 16. im a girl.
I think Phreex must have had one too many of the ecstasy bean rolls to be sharing that much.

29 male
7 girls
0 boys
I do long term monogamy. Boring huh?

(not a raver, btw).
No, not e-bean-rolls for me... I simply felt I would explain my sex, as oposed to just giving some number... see, with the exception of one girl I was in MONOGOMOUS (sp!) relationships... I don't fuck for the sake of fucking, to me it's special, something more... even the last girl whom I was NOT in a relationship with was (and is) VERY SPECIAL... we spent hours and hours talking before hand...
I have been TRYING to get the "casual sex" thing down for awhile.. once I even had it all setup with a girl I met online - when I got to her place, and it was basically "ok, lets go" (as she started to take her clothes off) I was just turned off by it.. I dunna, I had all of 30 minutes conversation with this girl and it just seemed like she didn't respect herself to be fucking a stranger... I gave her a kiss on the cheak and said "I'm sorry, I can't do this" and left... if anyone wants, I have her info - she is down for casual sex with, well, most anyone I guess... she hadn't even seen a pic of me and she agreed to go all the way...
This brings me to my point of MALE SLUTS ... yes, I know the addage about "If aguy fucks a lot of girls he is a stud but if a girl fucks a lot of guys she is a slut" - personally I think it's BULLSHIT! Guy or girl, if you just fuck anyone because you are looking to get off, and there is NO bond there - well, I think it's wrong... now this is my OPINION, some see nothing wrong with sex for the sake of sex - and ya know what? I WISH that I could do it ... I WISH that I could fuck some stranger just to get off... sadly I am to emotional and sensitive for this to work.... bleh..
To each his own .. I just think sex is a special thing between two people...
Then again, I just turned 22 and have only been with 5 people, perhaps by the time I get into the double digits I will change my view...
I am compiling all the stats but it's harder then I thought to average all these ageas and whatnot...
"I am not one of those weak-spirited, sappy Americans who want to be liked by all the people around them. I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is: 'What are they in a position to do about it?'" (William S. Burroughs)
Phreex, I agree with you entirely. Sex with no emotion behind it is a pointless proposition. For me, sexual attraction begins well after the emotional base is built...even if I'm absolutely stunned by how someone looks (a 'crush' sort of thing), I wouldn't actually want to have sex with them without having formed some kind of bond or relationship.
Keep your numbers legitimate...as pathetic as it sounds, man, follow your heart on this one.
Alright, to hell with trying to average all this... figuring in the male/female ratios are all wack when you try to average in age as well as people that are bi/gay and a few people even have 3-somes...
So enjoy the thread I created, read it and use the info wisely... see who's numbers are a little high and consider using multiple forms of protection (first dip it in latex paint, then throw on a condom, then stick it in a soda can, etc...)
"I am not one of those weak-spirited, sappy Americans who want to be liked by all the people around them. I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is: 'What are they in a position to do about it?'" (William S. Burroughs)
I'm a 19 y/o heterosexual female.
0 girls.
3 guys.
Does anyone else think it's weird that A LOT of ravers are either bi- or homo-sexual??? More so than non-ravers? Does anyone else think it's due to the drugs that ravers are exposed to?
If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, lets all get wasted and have the time of our lives!!
Well, here is my HONEST theory -
The "rave culture" attracts those that might be considered "outcasts" in the other social circles... so we have a bunch of kids tht are all onfused about their identity, they go to a rave, take ecstasy, then it "makes sense" to make out with another girl/guy/whatever...
Some are bi because it's trendy, some are REALLY bi... but the WORST excuse is "well a girl can do things a man cant" ... fuck that!
"I am not one of those weak-spirited, sappy Americans who want to be liked by all the people around them. I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is: 'What are they in a position to do about it?'" (William S. Burroughs)
I disagree. I see this openness to bisexuality as a result of the honest self examination that is often enhanced by MDMA. Here is Shuglin's description of the MDMA's effect:
"It was a new type of action. I found myself able to remain completely clear, completely lucid, I had excellent recall. I had none of the cloudiness of recall that sometimes does come with some of the delusional drugs. None of that was there at all. I found myself being able to think honestly. That's a strange term because you think of honesty as interaction between two people. But to be able to be honest with yourself and think, 'Why did I do that? Well, I'll tell you, I did that because of such and such', was fantastic. It was an honest answer in an area where we're so used to denial or to disavowing, or to just hiding our feelings. I felt myself come open. I found it extremely exhilarating because I'd discovered a completely magical place."
I think this openness and self reflection is a large reason for the large number of bisexuals here, not that ravers are somehow confused and mentally immature.
If there is a factor outside of simple self examination causing the larger numbers of bisexuality, I think it has to do with the open acceptance that gays lesbians and bisexuals are greeted with by this community. But this is a sign of maturity, not confusion.
[This message has been edited by snap (edited 29 November 2001).]
heres one to fuck up ur stats

22 y/o female
(although that will change in the future because i am head over heels in love with my boyfriend, and hes making it difficult to think pure thoughts
"We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell them stories that don't go anywhere. Like that time I took the ferry over to Shelbyville; I needed a new heel for my shoe. So, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickle, and in those days, nickles had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war; the only thing you can get was those big yellow ones"
lost virginity at 17 (to a threesome)
jesus i'm really not going to embarass myself, i look at all these replies and feel like a total whore....
all i will say is that every single one of my sexual encounters has been with women....
I've had 3 threesomes and 1 foursome, all of which involved myself and other women.....no bi or homosexual experiences for me, just not my thing.....
I was gay long before i even knew about the dance culture. And my sexuality has never made me feel like a social outcast. Meh... i suppose the theory is right for some cases though.
one, my current boyfriend of 5 years, and he likewise. i'm proud of what we have together & people often congratulate us for it.
21 year old female.
To this question...
1) How many sexual partners have you had? 3 males (1 was my ex-fiancee, the other 2 were my friends) =^..^= They are all guys of course!
2) What is your age? 21
3) What is your sex? Female
[This message has been edited by djkatiebear (edited 01 December 2001).]
[ 25 December 2001: Message edited by: djkatiebear ]
we waited a lot longer then a week, phreex!
-all you need is love-
Well, everyone else seems to have answered, I might as well put my $.02 out there:
1) How many sexual partners have you had?
Men: 10 (mostly serious relationships, a few one-nighters I'd like to forget about)
Women: 1 (I'm too picky with the women, not picky enough with the men)
2) What is your age?
19 years old
3) What is your sex?
Bisexual Female
Lets just first mention that I am surprising myself by replying to this post, anyway....
Male: 8
Female: 0
I am an 18 year old female!
I would like to think that I am very straight, however, on drunk occasions I have "slipped" into bisexual activity! (Say no more)
I surpose that I am "raver".... very jaded at that!