TDS How many fish in the sea?

I'm going through a break up and as much as I hate to say really just is time. I was very much in love for the last 2 years of my life and was under the impression that he was as well. But alas, we are young and still have very much to experience in life. I DO believe that it is possible to find and experience true love again. You keep your head up and your mind open to the opportunity. It's ok to look back at this past relationship with fond memories, but if possible, try to learn from what worked and what didn't. I believe it could do worlds for having a successful relationship the next time. I wish you the best in your journey and hope that your heart heals quickly.
We share each other's socks!

No, you shared each others socks, you don't know what socks she is wearing right now.

Well if nothing else it will be interesting to see what she finally has to say to you if you do make contact again, wishing you all the best mate whatever happens.
No, you shared each others socks, you don't know what socks she is wearing right now.

Well if nothing else it will be interesting to see what she finally has to say to you if you do make contact again, wishing you all the best mate whatever happens.

Good point, it pains me so to write in the past context though. Thank you for your best wishes, I am sure things will be as they will be. I do believe she will contact me again, but as its now been over a month I don't know how long until she does. Nicki, a friend of mine; the one that introduced Jessie and I to Stuart's house in Sydney (as I do not know where he lives), as she would like some closure as well - she was sleeping with him previously. It is just heresay from her that they are screwing and saying that the last thing she heard Jess say was "as far as she was concerned, the relationship was over (between me and her) and I think she could possibly have ulterior motives in suggesting that though. As I get a vibe from her, not flirty but friendly friendly.

Once again, thank you all for your posts. Without your replies to ignite some kind of attack on this problem, I may very likely have overdosed intentionally by now. <3
You will get through this, I can see from your posts that things are getting clearer and lighter for you every day, time is a great healer bro, and we are all sure glad as hell you didn't end it all, chin up, it only gets better from here mate.
Well, I finally heard from her - after 9.5 weeks.. Thank whoever should be thanked. We hung out for a couple days before she got arrested on a breach of a good behaviour bond, so she's in jail now. We talked. We're just friends now. She is clean from the gear (heroin) and has been since I last saw her when I went into detox (just over 2 months). She had sex with this guy, twice she says. And felt guilty as hell, like I knew she would. At this stage, like she says we need to focus on ourselves and if I can prove/regain my/her trust as a friend, then come what may. I'm just glad she's okay, she's lost heaps of weight and looks really healthy and happier. My head is all over the shop.

Ash. <3
not sure, but Jesus said that if you only throw back the bad ones, then that is all that will be left.

something to that effect.
"I no longer have any feelings for you, is that clear enough? You're the one that fucked up what we had, you had a year to fix it and you didn't, and now you have to own it."

NOW, I can move on. :(

Ash. <3
^I'm so sorry, Ash. :( I know how painful it can be to hear words like that. I hope you do find this as an opportunity for closure and though it takes time for the heart to mend, I hope the process can go relatively quickly for you.

All the best. <3
It really was what I needed to hear. The closure that I needed, I guess. Since then I've felt a lot more motivated to get on with my life.

Naturally deep inside I am so very wounded, but I realise sitting around watching the days pass as if turning empty pages isn't going to improve anything, especially my mood. I have embraced a sort of acceptance.

Thank you all for your replies. I mean that. <3

Aww, Ash, I'm sorry. This has been so harsh right from the start. (((((<3)))))
I'm so sorry Ashley :(

Breakups are never easy, they're always going to sting and hurt. I find it impossible to be 'just friends' when I've been in a relationship with someone. To me, it's just not something I could personally do.

I know this has been tough on you, and I know you love her. Things may look bleak right now, but they will get better. I'm sorry for sounding so cliche, but it's true. In a month or two when you realize how great being independent is you'll get a little bit stronger. You'll realize one day this doesn't hurt like it did before, and it'll just be a memory. But right now, because the wound is so fresh- it WILL hurt. You're going to deal with this however you deal with pain (crying, anger, etc) and that's okay. Just remember to love yourself. We were born alone & that's how we'll leave this earth. Plus, we spend 365 days 24/7 with ourselves, so we may as well start loving ourselves now.
