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How long can you go without choking the chicken (US) / playing pocket pool (UK)?

The longest I even went without masturbating, since i discovered it, was about 4 months. I noticed an increased sociability, confidence, energy, and quickness of thought...among other things. I was a virgin at the time. After month 1 I had met an amazing girl, and lost my virginity. I kept it up for a while, until one time we couldn't see each other for about a week and all the sex had my body's threshold for abstaining pretty low, so i went at it.

I'm not so strict about not masturbating nowadays. But i still like not doing it. I don't know, it just seems reminds me of being a boy. I find myself more passionate in my life and relationships when I don't. Even when I do, i don't like to use pornography. I find porn to be a huge disappointment. While i find it highly alluring, I have my problems with the sex industry. Sans-feminist arguments aside, I generally look at it(porn, and sex tourism/industry as a whole) to be a social ailment.

This whole thing about ejaculating every single day to maintain health is bullshit. It is social engineering. Jerk the lion so he remains placcid and tame. There's enough people who've tried holding it back so to speak to show there is an increase in alertness and energy.. the elite want you to be docile and calm, not energized and vibrant. More energy = more thinking.. which is bad for them. The health bodies/institutions are right about some things but on this issue they are dead wrong. People in the East understand the value of sexual energy. The West does not.

word. if people really wanted to reduce their risk of colon cancer they would stop eating meat as well. lol.
i would say forever, but i know someone would tempt me at some point. the less i cum the more powerful my body is, period. i think any time i try to go for a long time without any orgasm ive lasted about 10 days before someone beautiful convinces me to surrender very easily.
Probably 10 days or so..

but nowadays I'd say I'm almost addicted to porn, no matter if I have real sex that week I still have to do it at least once a day, but usually twice... sure the downside is that orgasms are weaker but the upside is I can last a bit longer, even in real sex and without drugs. I don't think I would feel better if I stopped/limited myself. It's possibly what makes me so calm person and I want to be that person.

Don't get me wrong, sex is better than masturbation for me but for some reason it cannot replace it for me, not even partially.

On the opposite extreme topic, when I was crazy on mephedrone a year ago, on one week I came more than 40 times a week, maybe 50x. I loved and hated it at the same time because I felt absolutely no orgasm at all. Just couldn't stop and spent many hours a day doing it 8(
Male control of ejaculation
Many Taoist practitioners link the loss of ejaculatory fluids to the loss of vital life force: where excessive fluid loss results in premature aging, disease, and general fatigue. While some Taoists contend that one should never ejaculate, others provide a specific formula to determine the maximum amount of regular ejaculations in order to maintain health.[3] The general idea is to limit the loss of fluids as much as possible to the level of your desired practice. As these sexual practices were passed down over the centuries, some practitioners have given less importance to the limiting of ejaculation. Nevertheless, the "retention of the semen" is one of the foundational tenets of Taoist sexual practice.[4]
There are different methods to control ejaculation prescribed by the Taoists. In order to avoid ejaculation, the man could do one of two things. He could pull out immediately before orgasm, a method which Joseph Needham termed "coitus conservatus".[5] The second method involved the man applying pressure on perineum, thus retaining the sperm. While, if done incorrectly can cause a retrograde ejaculation, the Taoists believed that the jing traveled up into the head and "nourished the brain."[6] This method is referred to by some Taoist scholars as "The Million Dollar Point" (reference Mantak Chia), regarding it as either a cheap lesson for income or a backup method, believing that it somehow lessened the loss of "jing" from a full ejaculation. Some modern teachers have come to the conclusion that the method should not be used because of potential dangers.[7] Another method involves the Taoist to train himself to separate the impulses of ejaculation and orgasmic contraction (the contraction of the pelvic muscles that "pump" the prostate and the ejaculate). By separating these impulses, at the point of orgasm, the man can halt penetration but remain inside his partner, and forcibly clench his pelvic floor ("stunting" the initial prostate contractions), while simultaneously adopting a meditation like "intention" that these Taoists believe redirect not the physical sperm, but the life energy (jing) it contains up the back and to the center of the brain. This way the man will still have an orgasm, but will not ejaculate, and most importantly will not lose his erection. This formula prescribes the man to climb a "ladder" of escalating orgasms in conjunction with the meditation like "intention", in order to cultivate and store massive amounts of "jing". If performed successfully the male should have no stagnating pain in the testes, and should have no semen in his urine, as well as the health benefits expected by practitioners[citation needed]. Those that practice this method believe that it is one of the keys to immortality.
I masturbate everyday basically. I went a couple days not long ago but i get so aggressive and on edge if i dont cum everyday. Its like withdrawls off stimulants almost.

However, after reading this thread it has inspired me to no longer masturbate. Im going to see how long i can go without making myself cum. Im sure i can mentally do it so why not. I dont know how long teh aggressive/edgyness lasts, hopfully not as long as i dont masturbate. I see alot of people saying that its good for you and so on, however i dont know if it is really. I do remember getting alot more done when i didnt masturbate, my testosterone levels drop when i cum(is what i figure, from my reaction) but testosterone is often higher than average in successful men so... >.> ill give it a try.
I have embarked on a month's celibacy starting from today. To revirilize myself, and change the way I see some things. That includes masturbation, and the process of quickly changing sexual thoughts and fantasies into other thoughts or actions. Gonna be tough, but totally worth it.
After a while you won't even remember how it felt to cum and it won't seem all that difficult to abstain. I went 6 months without cumming at all, maybe in my sleep but I never noticed. It was during a period of homelessness for me, I couldn't bring myself to masturbate on the streets and just hope I didn't get caught. I mean I probably could have pulled it off but any dignity I had left at that point made me keep that shit to myself.. I was working on myself, learning to be around others again and open up to others.

Totally got laid after 6 months and came the biggest came anybody ever came. It was awesome, I don't want to do it again tho now that I'm having regular sex and I have a room. Seriously. Shit sucked lol.. But in that time it didn't really matter. Just don't think about it cuz I don't remember thinking about it at all over those 6 months.
being a woman in my early-mid thirties my sex drive has dramatically changed (from how it was in my 20's) and for the better.

i must release myself daily or suffer the consequences of being moody and highly strung. my hormones have changed now that the peak of my child bearing years arent as apparent, and my view of my body and overall sexuality has morphed into something that im fully in tune with and grateful to accept as a beautiful and natural thing. i appreciate feeling sexy and highly sexualized without the fear of ever looming consequence (emotionally and physically) and its wonderful.

I'm not actually sure. I've never tried seeing how long I can go. The longest I could remember is about 2 weeks. I've just started today to see how long I can go. I'll report back once I've continued sexual activity.
24 hours out of choice but then again it is a habit for me most of the time when I do it. The only instance where I don't do it everyday is when I am sleeping over at someone's place.
24 hours out of choice but then again it is a habit for me most of the time when I do it. The only instance where I don't do it everyday is when I am sleeping over at someone's place.
I'm visiting family. 24+ hours just went between the last time I did.... and to all you semi-infertiles out there that was at least a tablespoon.
haven't cum in a week. just been strung out, totally forgot the first couple days, yesterday and today got really horny and agitated, frantic fapping, no juice. tomorrow i shall resist and shall be:


Warning: serious heresy, risk of complete and total implosion of fundamentals within

Male control of ejaculation
Many Taoist practitioners link the loss of ejaculatory fluids to the loss of vital life force: where excessive fluid loss results in premature aging, disease, and general fatigue. While some Taoists contend that one should never ejaculate, others provide a specific formula to determine the maximum amount of regular ejaculations in order to maintain health.[3] The general idea is to limit the loss of fluids as much as possible to the level of your desired practice. As these sexual practices were passed down over the centuries, some practitioners have given less importance to the limiting of ejaculation. Nevertheless, the "retention of the semen" is one of the foundational tenets of Taoist sexual practice.[4]
There are different methods to control ejaculation prescribed by the Taoists. In order to avoid ejaculation, the man could do one of two things. He could pull out immediately before orgasm, a method which Joseph Needham termed "coitus conservatus".[5] The second method involved the man applying pressure on perineum, thus retaining the sperm. While, if done incorrectly can cause a retrograde ejaculation, the Taoists believed that the jing traveled up into the head and "nourished the brain."[6] This method is referred to by some Taoist scholars as "The Million Dollar Point" (reference Mantak Chia), regarding it as either a cheap lesson for income or a backup method, believing that it somehow lessened the loss of "jing" from a full ejaculation. Some modern teachers have come to the conclusion that the method should not be used because of potential dangers.[7] Another method involves the Taoist to train himself to separate the impulses of ejaculation and orgasmic contraction (the contraction of the pelvic muscles that "pump" the prostate and the ejaculate). By separating these impulses, at the point of orgasm, the man can halt penetration but remain inside his partner, and forcibly clench his pelvic floor ("stunting" the initial prostate contractions), while simultaneously adopting a meditation like "intention" that these Taoists believe redirect not the physical sperm, but the life energy (jing) it contains up the back and to the center of the brain. This way the man will still have an orgasm, but will not ejaculate, and most importantly will not lose his erection. This formula prescribes the man to climb a "ladder" of escalating orgasms in conjunction with the meditation like "intention", in order to cultivate and store massive amounts of "jing". If performed successfully the male should have no stagnating pain in the testes, and should have no semen in his urine, as well as the health benefits expected by practitioners[citation needed]. Those that practice this method believe that it is one of the keys to immortality.

this also leaves out the idea that a man harvests energy from vaginal secretions during sex, as well as that the more healthy and sexually charged the woman is, the stronger the energy that is received from her. women lose little to no vitality from sexual activity, while men have quite a lot to let out. it makes perfect sense in terms of biological advantage, for a man to please a women until she is fully satisfied before releasing his vitality to her. the male can retrieve her sexual energies before losing his own (though still typically having a total net loss of vitality). everyone wins in the long run. optimal states of health can be achieved by being highly aware of one's levels of energy loss vs energy retained from sexual activity.

the Taoists arent the only party wise to the cosmic rhythm: there is a Buddhist proverb which states that "enlightenment can be found within the vagina."

even just kissing a new partner for the first time can offer an explosive energy exchange, charge in vitality, boost in metabolism, and increased immuno response. why else do we so often hear expressions like "feeling like a kid again" ? flirting alone can be a powerful source for charging up our cellular health. dancing provides an excellent atmosphere for the electromagnetic charge of two bodies previously unfamiliar with each other to mingle energies. who could possibly feel old after a night of dancing with many attractive potential mates?

the electromagnetic connection created with sexual activity can certainly be used to keep the body strong, healthy, and youthful. the potential for such vitality maintenance is only increased when multiple bodies are involved. provided the females are properly stimulated to unleash their full sexual potential upon their male counterparts, and the males do their part to maintain their energies until the women are fully released, a relaxed, sweet, and harmonious orgy will do more for the maintenance of youthful vitality than the finest anti aging products available on the consumer market.

therein lies the big secret: we dont need a whole lot more than each other, but we live in a society that teases our sexualities while repressing our energies with cultural taboo, and consumption of material goods.

sex: it does the body very good. humans are hard wired for some frequent and heavily intimate interaction. its a shame how culture has taken away our vitamins for the last many tens of centuries.
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Ever since I discovered this somewhere around the age of 12 I kind of made a hobby out of it (and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this respect). Masturbating at least once every day is quite a common thing for me.

At this moment I'm trying to cut back on the frequency (because I'd like to jizz all over my girlfriends pretty face next week, so I need the biggest of loads, lol, the choices a man can take). It's day 5 now without masturbating. Its been hard (no pun) since day 2 really but I'm not giving up anymore now. I can't fall asleep that easy anymore, I'm more aggressive in my responses, I sometimes have this urge to punch somebody in the face. Also my concentration in general is slacking quite a bit, I'm really thinking about sex now about every minute or so. Fighting the CONSTANT URGE.

So to put this in a question: how long can you go without it (so I mean no sex also actually)? And when does it start to thrive you crazy?
YOur crazy your mad! If I had a girl friends I would never masturbate are you mad? Even being close to having one I hate my self for masturbating. Once a day sounds reasonable. Yeah when I was 12 I always thought I was the only one then I was soon to find out that 90% of all the people I knew did it lol... :D ...
Sex is not a drug so theri are no withdrawl symtoms exsept for the cravings.
Ithink my record on not masturbating was like 2 weeks when I really started. I could go for along time without I just done feel the urge to yet.
Oh and by the way I think I might should not tell you this but after 2 days you got the full lode already :D BAAAAAAAAAM
I failed in my quest the day after my post. However, now i only jerk off one every 2 days or so, i decided its way way way to hard to stop cold turkey, so im weaning myself off of it... but cumming feels so good!!!!!!!!!!
I failed in my quest the day after my post. However, now i only jerk off one every 2 days or so, i decided its way way way to hard to stop cold turkey, so im weaning myself off of it... but cumming feels so good!!!!!!!!!!

You are mad cold turkey quiting with masturbating? bahahahaha lol. Dude stop masturbating and have sex with your GF more. I meen if you have to masturbate that often it meens shes not hot enough to forfill you fantasies.
I cant spend too much time chasing girls and fucking them, i am a bit busy these days. So, in turn, i get less sex. Sex is less of a release for me anyway, i can just fuck, orgasm, and repeat over and over endlessly. My legs are the first thing to give up, like ive been for a hard sprint and they are on fire.