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How long can you go without choking the chicken (US) / playing pocket pool (UK)?

Over masturbation is a myth.

Hmmm IMO it isn't a myth. Production of your little warriors and all that is involves is the culmination of all your energy intake into the body. If you're spending that production every single day or multiple times a day it is going to place a strain on your body. You might not feel it or see it but it probably depletes you of essential minerals or something that in the long run would become more manifest as other illness.

This whole thing about ejaculating every single day to maintain health is bullshit. It is social engineering. Jerk the lion so he remains placcid and tame. There's enough people who've tried holding it back so to speak to show there is an increase in alertness and energy.. the elite want you to be docile and calm, not energized and vibrant. More energy = more thinking.. which is bad for them. The health bodies/institutions are right about some things but on this issue they are dead wrong. People in the East understand the value of sexual energy. The West does not.
"if we can just keep them wanking, they won't notice us fucking them in the ass!"
spanking the monkey.
peeling the carrot.
uncoiling the cobra.

Wait, what was the question again? I got distracted cause I was holding my fire hose.
one or two weeks?? It has been since I took a break but maybe 12 to 32 hours is average.
"if we can just keep them wanking, they won't notice us fucking them in the ass!"
Jesus Christ now masturbation is a conspiracy theory too? XD

And if you knew about sexual energy as the east does and my personal qi/ect balances you'd know that my sacral chakra (and many many people in the western world) have extreme buildups at their sacral chakra. ANd the best way to redistibute this energy is through controlled orgasm; And that is why there is a whole fucking sutra for it. Congratulations, try harder.


Effects of sacral chakra blocks.
Excessive or obsessed sexual fantasies or suppressed desires.
Lack of self-esteem
Feelings of listless
Out of sorts
A negative attitude

May feel emotionally explosive
May lack energy
You are over-emotional, being ruled or swamped by your emotions.
You find the expression of emotions difficult.
You tend to suffer from lowered vitality
Picky or distracted behavior
Nervous debility
Childhood issues and emotions that still need to be healed.
Co dependency
Creative blocks
You may be self-serving with sex and with your emotions.
Sexual sensations will be weak and disappointing.
You may have problems with guilt and sin, especially in the religious sense: the body is sinful, or sex is dirty
You have excessive or uncontrolled power or sexual energy

Side Note. I scare ReiKi people
I think I'm addicted to the chemical changes haha.
also masturbation is good for you, please continue.

masturbation IS good for you.

Habitually it's not...once a day is definitely too often for men...unless you don't cum.

Women also can masturbate a lot more than men, due to the fact most women don't often ejaculate when they cum. We as men lose prana everytime we cum.

Over masturbation is a myth.
Hmmm IMO it isn't a myth. Production of your little warriors and all that is involves is the culmination of all your energy intake into the body. If you're spending that production every single day or multiple times a day it is going to place a strain on your body. You might not feel it or see it but it probably depletes you of essential minerals or something that in the long run would become more manifest as other illness.

This whole thing about ejaculating every single day to maintain health is bullshit. It is social engineering. Jerk the lion so he remains placcid and tame. There's enough people who've tried holding it back so to speak to show there is an increase in alertness and energy.. the elite want you to be docile and calm, not energized and vibrant. More energy = more thinking.. which is bad for them. The health bodies/institutions are right about some things but on this issue they are dead wrong. People in the East understand the value of sexual energy. The West does not.
pretty much the case.
One week tops, I never had a wet dream in my life thats because you have to not jerk off for 2-4 weeks for that to happen.
Jerking off in your bed while sleeping is clearly for losers. =D
I just started learning Tantra, (with the aid of a tantric masseuse). I am not supposed to spank it any more, and fuck, it is only day three, and it is so hard. It is really good to hear from you others about the loss of energy, and the noticeable effects you get from not overdoing it. Quitting weed was easier than this!
It's hard the first week, then you just don't do it and that's that. I feel much better when I don't masturbate, I've been doing this for six months now. I don't do it for about a month and I feel great, then I'm turned on by something, do it and I can't stop for a couple of weeks then stop again for about a month. My brain works a lot better when I'm not doing it. I make more rational and better decisions.
The first week is definitely the hardest yes. It was only last year when I went more than a week (within memory anyways...I guess I never thought about it before, so it's possible that I had a week before).

Now I don't find it hard at all not to masturbate - it's only when I expose myself to pornography again that I start to have problems.

My energy levels are great when I don't masturbate - there is no denying it saps your energy, I guess it's just more noticeable if you don't have much to expend to begin with, like me (vata-pitta constitution).
It definitely drains your energy to do it too often. I did it like daily in my younger years, but I eventually realized that 1) my orgasms are way better when they are spaced out, and 2) my confidence and drive declines after too many orgasms. I usually go once every few days now. I may try to space them out further in the future but I am happy with my current balance as of now.
9 weeks. Have done multiple 2-3 week stints. I currently have Myofascial pain disorder in my pelvic floor from over-masturbating on stims...who would have fucking guessed that one) so my body has been all messed up for past 9 months. I can't have an orgasm without developing pain afterwards and I live with my girlfriend! Not easy... Haven't felt the "I feel great because I'm not jacking off everyday" feeling but has taught me to not fixate on having to orgasm everyday.
Hmmm IMO it isn't a myth. Production of your little warriors and all that is involves is the culmination of all your energy intake into the body. If you're spending that production every single day or multiple times a day it is going to place a strain on your body. You might not feel it or see it but it probably depletes you of essential minerals or something that in the long run would become more manifest as other illness.

This whole thing about ejaculating every single day to maintain health is bullshit. It is social engineering. Jerk the lion so he remains placcid and tame. There's enough people who've tried holding it back so to speak to show there is an increase in alertness and energy.. the elite want you to be docile and calm, not energized and vibrant. More energy = more thinking.. which is bad for them. The health bodies/institutions are right about some things but on this issue they are dead wrong. People in the East understand the value of sexual energy. The West does not.

absolutely spot-on
For a while last year I was going 2-3 times a day. It was crazy. Lately I go once a day tops, though. Sometimes getting horny is annoying, when the physical urge is there but mentally I just don't feel like getting into it. It seems practically impossible to ignore, though.

I need to get laid.
To rejuvenate and virilize I am going to have to go a month without masturbation, also redirecting sexual thoughts and fantasies to zero, no sex, or anything arousing bar waking up... Not sure when I'm going to do this.

This book on ayurveda I've just finished studying says that unfulfilled sexual urges actually take out more of your energy than if you whacked off...like if you were perving on someone for an hour and thinking of what to do to them, that would drain you more than actually fucking them (to an extent) or jerking off.
The longest I've gone without doing it is a little over 6 months. I was learning how to conserve essence as part of a tantra practice. By learning to channel the sexual frustration/energy through your second chakra upward, you can have divine spiritual experiences. But you have to build up the essence first by waiting. It's hard, but worth it. I also learned how to orgasm without ejaculating. Eventually you feel blissful all the time, and not just when you orgasm. The channel you form by learning to syphon the pleasurable energy upward becomes automatic, so life just feels grand and blissful. Tantra is difficult though and not for everyone, especially the young!
i do it every day and if i am unable to do it every day (for example I can't like i'm sharing a room with 2 strangers for a week) I get stressed and aggressive, I can go weeks without, providing I can do it if i needed to if that makes sense?
I have been celibate by choice since around 2002-03 and I would say that I probably masturbate twice a year at the most.
You would think my ball bag would be down to my knees by now but its still same size it ever was.