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How high are YOU? v. winter has come! time to face the white powders, eh.. walkers*

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@LSD: AFAIK the black market shifted to selling bigger quantities because dime bag sales dont make sense in legal states. so you could get a good deal on black market weed out here in the wild wild west, though you might be restricted to buying fractions of a pound instead of fractions of an ounce. of course i'm sure mr. cory trevorson in the bar would gladly share a joint :)

@devilsgospel: google tells me naltrexone is the generic name for vivitrol. is there something i'm missing? i looked it up and apparently it's OTC too. i didn't know a single thing about that drug before now. anyway if it doesn't take away your cravings, fuck it.

OT: i've had grams of caffeine today and breakfast was 4mg diazepam and 45mg dextromethorphan.
I graduated drug school guys.

Aka rehab

800mg gabapentin
200mg seroquel wearing off
50mg naltrexone ;)
That's more like drug quitting school

Wb to the real drug (web-) school. :D

OT: Took my 2nd x80mg Methadone since y'day (it's already the next day basically), 50mg clorazepate and some amphetamines to counter act the sleepiness, because that's pretty much all I did yesterday as soon as. I broke out the weed anyway. Which is what I'm about to do. Loving this strong ass strain. But after 6 months of no weed it is hitting me rather hard. :D we'll see how it goes with some amp thrown in I suppose.
I'm reading these posts and it's taking me back... The first 5 years of my "life's too short, fuck it all" attitude during and after college.. Diving deep into the heroin abyss...

And now that I climbed out my memories seem like an off the wall living nightmare/horror movie.

How high am I right now???????
.1g of some high cbd co2 extracted oil vaporized, another .1g of a different strain, indica based hybrid a lil higher in THC than the other. Combined with a good mix of rock, metal, ska and reggae playing and this new guitar I'm learning to play, I'm feeling pretty damn good
@STH: Naltrexone or Revia is the oral form which lasts about 24hrs, Vivitrol is a time release injection that lasts 30 days. I've been taking 50mg of the oral form for 3 days. It sucks dicks, I can't eat or sleep because of it and my craving reduction is hardly noticeable. Makes suboxone look like a good alternative, and I hate subs.

I'm gonna stop taking it and stash those pills away for a particularly bad day.

@P2C: I suppose you're right, but I did learn a lot about doing drugs there lol. Lots of dopefiends talking about doing dope. Plus some retard who was whacked out on Xannys and computer duster... But thanks for the warm welcome back c:

OT: Again, more gabapentin and hydroxyzine...fuck man this combo is missing a good opioid. I have some Kratom for when the naltrexone has wore off tomorrow.
^^^ good luck, and at the risk of sounding unnecessarily morbid, if you--or anyone reading this--is considering going after immodium mega-doses for a substitute high because it's "safer" or easier to rationalize than scoring other drugs, please remember that people have died this way. the bluelight member melange did. (RIP)

ok thats enough HR for one post. have a nice night everyone
@devilsgospel: naltrexone is an opioid antagonist. It's a longer-acting version of naloxone. They both block the action of opioids. Even someone who has never had opioids in their life would feel shitty from taking naltrexone because it blocks endorphins too. Buprenorphine (the substance in subs) is a partial agonist, meaning that it activates opioid receptors, albeit not to the same degree as full agonists like morphine. An opioid-naive person would get wrecked by 1 mg buprenorphine for example - it's by no means a weak opioid.

IMO naltrexone treatment for opioid addiction is about as retarded as it gets. It doesn't address the underlying problems, nor does it decrease cravings by tickling your opioid receptors (like bupe or methadone).

OT: 180 mg O-desmethyltramadol and 15 mg 3-HO-PCE half an hour later. Enjoying some drogas before I have to go to work.
@devilsgospel: naltrexone is an opioid antagonist. It's a longer-acting version of naloxone. They both block the action of opioids. Even someone who has never had opioids in their life would feel shitty from taking naltrexone because it blocks endorphins too. Buprenorphine (the substance in subs) is a partial agonist, meaning that it activates opioid receptors, albeit not to the same degree as full agonists like morphine. An opioid-naive person would get wrecked by 1 mg buprenorphine for example - it's by no means a weak opioid.

IMO naltrexone treatment for opioid addiction is about as retarded as it gets. It doesn't address the underlying problems, nor does it decrease cravings by tickling your opioid receptors (like bupe or methadone).

OT: 180 mg O-desmethyltramadol and 15 mg 3-HO-PCE half an hour later. Enjoying some drogas before I have to go to work.

I've done extensive research on what you've described, but naltrexone is fairly new to me. The rehab center I went to kinda drilled it into everyone's head that they need to be on naltrexone, so I tried it to see if it works. Definitely doesn't. If have to agree that it's completely ass backwards. I don't feel normal on this shit and it just makes me want real opiates/opioids.
Added 100 mg 3-fea on top of the 50 mg that i took this morning, vaped 35-40 mg, took the rest 60-65 mg orally
0,2 mg hash

I’m high. And happy!
IMO naltrexone treatment for opioid addiction is about as retarded as it gets. It doesn't address the underlying problems, nor does it decrease cravings by tickling your opioid receptors (like bupe or methadone).

Yeah I wonder why they use opioid antagonists to treat addiction. Maybe it's some kind of long term strategy where it up regulates opiate receptors and somehow make people more sensitive to endorphins once you stop taking it.
Maybe that could help with the PAWS and/or cravings?
No idea if that's actually the case, I'd have to look into it but the idea of prescribing daily antagonists so people can't get high even if they try to seems pretty dumb and counterproductive.

OT: Today I had 30-35mg of meth (mostly vaped), 0.25mg of alprazolam (so far) and ~6g of red thai kratom but half of it has already worn off.
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Took even more 3-fea (last redose), vaped 50 mg
0,2 gram morrocan hash
10 mg oxy

the eye wobbling has become apparent. there’s still a clear, awake, focused feel to it. Will probably save the rest for another time. Can be functional in lower doses, but recreationally i feel that it’d lose its magic abruptly, or leave you with a hellish comedown and couple of days of depression and despair.

Totally worth if used sparsely. Or maybe as a functional stim at lower doses. Yet to try to use it functionally under correct circumstances.
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Welcome back Devilgospel!! How was your stint in rehab? Glad you are doing well and realizing what your body or mind can do and what you can do. I’m the same way I’m never going back to he way I was few years ago. I was taking crazy amounts of any opiate really and I was going to a methadone clinic on top of it. I lost everything before I realized what I was doing. Was on subutex for two year and then and now methadone for pain which is a lot better for my pain then subutex. Plus I feel better on it.

well I’m off to bed I took a bunch of methadone today and I’m sleepy. Total today was 85-100mg methadone night y’all
Welcome back Devilgospel!! How was your stint in rehab? Glad you are doing well and realizing what your body or mind can do and what you can do. I’m the same way I’m never going back to he way I was few years ago. I was taking crazy amounts of any opiate really and I was going to a methadone clinic on top of it. I lost everything before I realized what I was doing. Was on subutex for two year and then and now methadone for pain which is a lot better for my pain then subutex. Plus I feel better on it.

well I’m off to bed I took a bunch of methadone today and I’m sleepy. Total today was 85-100mg methadone night y’all

Thanks buddy! I'm glad to be back. It was a tough time, but I made it. Being sober is pretty lame though. I'm starting to remember why I started using shit in the first place, but I'll give it a chance. Maybe some use here and there with some tramadol or methadone. Only 2 things I care to use, as I'm sick of everything else. Things are good right now though.

Gonna take my morning gabapentin. I took 150mg seroquel last night, and I didn't even hear 4 new kitchen appliances being moved into my kitchen directly above me. God damn that seroquel doesn't play around.
I have also quit using methadone after years. It was quite difficult in the beginning and I just couldn't deal with myself. I felt as if I was thinking and acting like someone else other than me but with time things got better. I still have to take Seroquel as prescribed so that I can sleep normally but it's so difficult to deal with the morning after.

It has a long half-life so it stays with me for almost 24 hours. I thought of parachuting so that it would only affect me at night but it was too intense. Too drowsy, not the nice and good drowsiness, more like lethargy.
I have also quit using methadone after years. It was quite difficult in the beginning and I just couldn't deal with myself. I felt as if I was thinking and acting like someone else other than me but with time things got better. I still have to take Seroquel as prescribed so that I can sleep normally but it's so difficult to deal with the morning after.

It has a long half-life so it stays with me for almost 24 hours. I thought of parachuting so that it would only affect me at night but it was too intense. Too drowsy, not the nice and good drowsiness, more like lethargy.

That's exactly how I feel man, it's insane. I get 300s in half as well as 50s (prescribed 200mg) so last night I just took 3 50s and that was still a lot. I'm gonna try 100mg along with melatonin.

Like I said, two guys moved a fridge, a stove, a microwave, and a dishwasher into my house and I didn't even wake up...
Drinking beers, happy for the fact that it's the weekend. Could have worked overtime this weekend but I said fuck it; I've done heavy overtime for years and I think it's time for me to go out and experience life. As of the last couple months, experiencing life means going out to the very vibrant night life right down the street (bars..). Funny how things either go good or bad at the bar. At least for myself. Worst case I can chill with my neighbors :)
70mg Dexedrine part IR part spansule
300mg Lyrica to make me a bit less jittery
Nicotine (cigarettes, chew, dip and vape)

I like this combo pretty good. I figured they'd cancel each other out but it seems to just reduce the side-effects from Dexedrine.
Thanks buddy! I'm glad to be back. It was a tough time, but I made it. Being sober is pretty lame though. I'm starting to remember why I started using shit in the first place, but I'll give it a chance. Maybe some use here and there with some tramadol or methadone. Only 2 things I care to use, as I'm sick of everything else. Things are good right now though.

Gonna take my morning gabapentin. I took 150mg seroquel last night, and I didn't even hear 4 new kitchen appliances being moved into my kitchen directly above me. God damn that seroquel doesn't play around.

Thats good man well kinda I guess lol but giving it a shot is better then not trying so I have much respect for ya either way I know how it is. It’s people who don’t know what it’s like being in a trap of loving each day with something to make you feel better to cast judge on others when they have no fucking clue what it’s like. Myself I enjoy being on something this world is a ducked up place least I can do is stay high till I’m gone lol I know others look down on it that way but I rather take opiates then drink myself to a alcohol blurt least with opiates I know what’s going on and damn that nod is lovely which I don’t have much of it anymore. Another thing is people with chronic pain like myself my family thinks I make it up or they believe lots of people have pain issues and don’t take meds for it. Honestly if I could smoke weed I would be a happy camper and probably wouldn’t take as much opiates or methadone or maybe none at all!! I love weed and what it has to offer! But losing my career over it would be lame as fuck! I’m hoping to get to where I’m self employed one day so I can smoke and enjoy it and maybe be off my meds.

Enough rambling about shit that pisses me off lol glad you are doing well my friend! I’m sure if you do try to do dodging every now and then start real low on methadone don’t wanna over do it I’m sure you know that. And you might be stupid high the first time lol also I tried seroquel in jail a few times holy fuck that shit made me sleep too I’m sure if someone wanted my booty hole they could have taken that shit I wouldn’t have noticed lol kinda fucked us but it’s true I was put out almost worse then a black out Druck sleep I was bad on those too hot tons of pictures of me doing random shit passed out drunk thanks to my great best friends lmao!! I’m gonna use kratom I think for when I get off methadone and see what sober living is about and see if I can handle it myself. I can say like you I have it a shit whether it works or not!

fuck forgot what drug I did lol ? 40 mg methadone oral and 20 mg methadone snorted I have some Valium and might try some I know it will make me nod tho and I can’t be doing that to the point I can’t control it not a good thing to nod of at work or when you go sit down on the toilet and time passes by when you are supposed to be working realizing you were gone 30-45 min lol might have to wait on that
@Joe Bean : Long time no see man! How you doing with your chronic pain? They did a test and found out my nerve injury isn't permanent (thank God) that was a few months ago and I'm actually doing well enough now that I've almost completely kicked the painkillers. My doctor still wants me to stay out of work for now something about if I re-injure it now it could make it permanent, I can't pay for school right now either, so I feel like a total asshole loser because I'm having to rely on my parents for just about everything, I try to help around the house so I don't feel like a complete waste of life. Nowadays weed, Lyrica, OTC shit and the occasional tiny dose of codeine (which is the only opiate I seem way more sensitive to than other people, believe it or not 30mg with no tolerance and a bit of K gives me a buzz, no tolerance without K 60mg gives me a decent buzz and 120mg actually has me nodding. Yet with no opiate tolerance but moderately high benzo tolerance I can take 4x OxyContin IR 10mgs + 5mg Valium + 15mg temazepam + 0.5mg Klonopin + a couple shots of Old No.7 and a promethazine 25mg It definitely makes me drowsy but I can still function and even act sober if the need arises.) It sucks that you're employer won't allow you to smoke weed, because I know how much it helps with nerve pain. Didn't you say you were in Alaska or am I completely confused? If so don't they have medical and if so do employers have to respect it? We don't have medical in my state yet unfortunately, so idk how that works. There are a couple other things I could think of to make it possible. The first is tell your doctor how much weed helps and explain your dilemma and try to get them to let you try Marinol off label for pain (in my experience they're either completely fine doing so or will just look at your like a retard. So not much to lose by trying I guess lol) If you do manage to aquire a prescription (btw most insurance won't pay for it and I can't give prices so I'll just say it ain't cheap) you can try it out and see if it works, but personally I found it to be a lot different than smoking bud/hash or even eating edibles. The other option would be use the script to make your employer ignore any THC positive tests (because it's nearly identical to THC only difference is it's FDA approved and schedule 3 federally instead of 1) then you can smoke without the fear of getting caught on a drug test because I'm fairly sure (I'd check for myself tho) that the two should be indistinguishable on a drug test. If the other options aren't something that you're interested in you could always try CBD which is nowhere near as good as the true stuff but is somewhat helpful and shouldn't be tested for. Also topical lidocaine and using a TENS unit seems to give mine a bit of relief at times.

Update: This is more to do with the actual topic. So I scraped together enough weed to get a tiny buzz, but I really needed to get higher to get my pain down to a more tolerable level. Then I remember I have a chunk of hash hidden, only problem is it wasn't/isn't just hash. Anyway awhile back I purchased a bit of hash that was more expensive than normal which I assumed just meant it was higher grade. Anyway I'm about to smoke some so I open the bag and it has the smell I normally associate with hash but also a hint of something that reminded me of vinegar and the color was glossy rather than dull black. So I call my guy and I'm like "is there something different about this stuff besides what grade it is?" And he's like "that stuff is rolled in black tar heroin. I thought you knew." So I just kinda set it aside because I don't mess with H but I didn't wanna throw it away because I paid quite a bit for it. Anyway tonight I'm in pain and all my other weed and hash is gone so I'm desperate and get the bright idea that I can cut through the outside and get just hash. So I cut it up take several small chunks and roll em up in a spliff. After smoking I definitely felt good and stoned then I felt something different that hit me like a ton of bricks and all of the sudden my vision got kinda blurry , even though I'm stoned I start to feel really sick (maybe happened once or twice in all the times I used opiates over the years), a wave of complete euphoria hits and I got so dizzy I had to sit down. Then I feel a high that honestly reminded me of fentanyl, and was almost overwhelming then it gradually started to feel more like morphine or Oxy and the side-effects subsided. I'm pretty sure I made a big mistake... How long will this last (honestly wanna enjoy every last second), should I be ok I'm nodding like crazy and how bad am I going to wanna repeat this after my high wears off?
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Sorry for breaking board rules P2C. I'm almost sure I was given some kind of blend. Maybe I will try it again next weekend, but only low dose. A buddy of mine tested about 8-10mg and had a super relaxed evening (his high lasted 4-5 hrs.), though he was unable to think clearly as I was too. My buddy speculated it could be some kind of blend with a cannabinoid.
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