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How High Are You? v. Well I'm Pretty Darn High

My O-desmethyltramadol arrived. :) Sweet. Not sure if it will work with the sub I took last night. I'm still gonna try though, it was only 1mg. Gonna dose ~50mg inabit and take it from there.
0.75mg bupe total (IV'd 0.25mg+plugged 0.5mg)
2 cups o' cawfee
Bowl of potent sativa
Nicotine (Marlboro reds)
900mg gabapentin
1.5mg clonazepam sub'd
^Omg where is your avatar. Now it'll take forever to get used to your new one.

OT: I am feeling the O-DT, somewhat. Just dosed another ~70mg, orally, waiting for that to kick in. :)
^Omg where is your avatar. Now it'll take forever to get used to your new one.

OT: I am feeling the O-DT, somewhat. Just dosed another ~70mg, orally, waiting for that to kick in. :)

Was nice and high from the O-DT, though it did prevent me from sleeping. Slept only 2 hours, last night too. I'm pretty tired now. Gonna take a nap. :p
Codeine and phenibut. Nicely relaxed after a long day, but have been feeling quite down this week. Going to try to take a break tomorrow and not take anything, which I imagine will be... ugh. Good luck to me I guess.

P2C, is O-DT as speedy as tramadol in the beginning?
200Mg tramadol 150mg codeine and about to smoke some green crack cannabis strain for the first time anyone heard of it? o_O
P2C I'm sorry! I got sick of it, it's a band Young and in the Way (crust/thrash/black metal) and I just got tired of it, although I still love YAITW. My new one is the Tibetan symbol for the "Rainbow Body" is a third-person perspective of attaining complete knowledge/absent of delusion.

Plugged 1mg bupe
1mg clonazepam subL
L-theanine+magnolia bark+ashwaghanda
DMAE with choline
Chelated magnesium
600mg GPN/gabapentin
Nicotine via Marlboro Reds
Caffeine via Monster Energy (has a nice nootropic synergy with the L-theanine)

Since I'm on 3 years of probation and very rarely will be able to smoke cannabis, I'm quite interested into starting a nootropic stack. Plan on ordering the Racetams e.g. nooept, colouracetam, piracetam ect.
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Codeine and phenibut. Nicely relaxed after a long day, but have been feeling quite down this week. Going to try to take a break tomorrow and not take anything, which I imagine will be... ugh. Good luck to me I guess.

P2C, is O-DT as speedy as tramadol in the beginning?

I find it is when taken intranasally, but if you take it orally it's really not all that speedy. I feel it has a lot to do with the opioid effect being instant, as opposed to tramadol where it takes a while before you start to notice any opioid effects. It definitely has some speedy effects, but not as much as tramadol and the opioid effects mask it somewhat. I prefer it to tramadol by far.

P2C I'm sorry! I got sick of it, it's a band Young and in the Way (crust/thrash/black metal) and I just got tired of it, although I still love YAITW. My new one is the Tibetan symbol for the "Rainbow Body" is a third-person perspective of attaining complete knowledge/absent of delusion.

Very well then.. You have my blessing. =D

OT: Around 100mg O-DT orally, feeling good! :)
Just smoked some very fine cannabis. I'm entering that coma with joy, SirTop

P2C, that's all I needed to hear, now I can go on happily with my ramblings hahaha :)
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Nodding ever so gently. :) I've taken 45mg of oxy today as well as many dabs of some CO2 oil. I feel incredible. I've got 45mg more oxy waiting to go up my nose. Also picking up some Valiums later so I'm going to be noddy as fuck tonight. I already keep nodding off while typing this and it's hard to type/read when my eyes keep going crossed and out of focus. Will update later but for now I'm going to nodsville for a while so peace all. =D
It seemed someone had left a line of cocaine for me on my desk, so when i awoke this morning and saw it, I disposed of it the best way i know how ;)
^You flushed it, I guess?

OT: feelin' nice from the O-DT! Gonna take like 20more mg to boost the effects and prolong them.

/E: ended up taking like 50mg more, I'm feeling really opiated now. Mmmm. GN BL! <3
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Finishing my night with gin and tonics and weed. Haven't taken valium yet today so I might take some of that too.

Tomorrow I'll start with some dissociative, benzo, and weed probably. To prep for thxgivin of course.
Kolonopin 2mg
Hydroxizine 50mg
DXM 300mg
Dilaudid 8mg
MS Contin 120mg plugged
Sleep good tonight!!
44 hours awake. I feel like shit. In those hours, I've consumed gabapentin, Adderall (yep, responsible for insomnia..fuckers lol) and a few sips of a hurricane. Think that's it as far as recreational drugs.
10 mgs methylphenidate
1 mg lorazepam
bowls of weed
2 beers

i wish i was a little more sedated because i have to wake up in a couple of hours