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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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I'm on my 4th slow smoked bowl and pretty mellow considering I'm having auditory and visual hallucinations from the last 3days. lol. I Used IV coke and heroin in my late 20's and shot meth the first time I tried it meth at all and knew if I did that again it was On! or over. lol.
woke up feeling really shitty and fatiqued but went to buy 128 mg loperamide as a last resort, cos i was fuckin depressed and weak and therefore needed sumthin. worked ok on its own, relaxed me, gave me that dirty opioid high lope induces. then i found some chlorzoxazone, 500 mg, and scored sum weed. and just a couple of hours ago my mom was here with 180 mg codeine (old prescription) and chocolate croissants

so now im relaxed, sleepy, bloated from all the eating, watching the latest twin peaks
1500 mg Lyrica, 4 mg clonazepam, 4 pints of beer, and OG Kush weed. Yup, I'm high, and feel absolutely awesome. I wouldn't recommend that combination for the inexperienced but when you hit the sweet spot with these, it's like I'm floating on clouds, shrouded in warm blankets, and feel so absolutely relaxed it's hard to even describe.
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1200 gabapentin
25mg hydro

my hand is broken but has healed in the last months. Going in for MRI to check for glass. Fucked thing is I switched from Percocet to norco mid script with docs pa but when I saw the doc yesterday for review of X-rays I must have been anxious because right before he did the refill for the norcos he asked me to bring back the remaining Percocet I had. I got pissed and told him that is ridiculous I paid for them and I should not have to prove to you if you trust me. Long story short I ended up telling him I'll just finish my Percocet and call when I'm out. Lesson here is never show weakness at the doctor always be calm and calculated. Hope everyone enjoyed my novel.

Stay medicated....
1500 mg Lyrica, 4 mg clonazepam, 4 pints of beer, and OG Kush weed. Yup, I'm high, and feel absolutely awesome. I wouldn't recommend that combination for the inexperienced but when you hit the sweet spot with these, it's like I'm floating on clouds, shrouded in warm blankets, and feel so absolutely relaxed it's hard to even describe.

Idk if I will get to that point today, but nice combo!

So far:

10 mg IR Dextroamphetamine
600 mg pregabalin - staggered: 300mg
- + 2hrs. 300mg

So far, feeling great. ;)

Considering another 10mg Dextroamphetamine.

Plan is to stagger more pregabalin in 150 mg increments at 45 min to 1.5 hour intervals.

2 hr after last dose of pregabalin, will add
10 mg diazepam to start.

Absolutely love scullcap herb tea. Instant sedation.
Considering using passionflower also for the noticeable maoi effects, but that depends how I feel later.

So short answer is

10 mg Dextroamphetamine
600 mg pregabalin

The way I've dosed makes the combination feel much better then usual.

Edit: considering modest dose of e cig w/ 10 - 12 mg Nicotine.

Thanks ^^ above poster for nicoteine idea.

Party on folks!!
Idk if I will get to that point today, but nice combo!

So far:

600 mg pregabalin - staggered: 300mg

You don't need to stagger pregabalin (unlike gabapentin). Just take all at once, it will hit hard. Pregabalin has a bioavailabity of ≥90% so if you want to kick it hard, take all at once. No need to stagger. Gabapentin is crap compared to pregablin. Pregablin is so much stonger. And much more intoxicating and euphoric.
^^ I agree with you to a point.

For me, it depends where I want to go.

My staggering is simply taking my time getting to a level and staying in the headspace for a much longer period of time.

I feel better now (at the 600 mg dose after a week or so break) then when I have taken a gram in one shot.

There is a point where (depending on ones body chemestry) a persons body will only use a certain amount effectively.

Btw, your mileage may vary, but gabapentin is a great medication if you know how to use it properly.

I think I made my point. I'm not hi jacking this thread. We can chat about subjective pregabalin and gabapentin effects all day in OD.


Got a nice meal. Before I ate, I took 300 mg of pregabalin and 10 mg of dextroamphetamine.

New total

20 mg IR Dextroamphetamine
900 mg pregabalin.
^^ I agree with you to a point.

Just a shore note, pregabalin seems to boost almost everything (or the other way). Try nicotine. I don't smoke but I vape, and use snus, and holy fuuuuu vaping strong nicotine liquid boosts Lyrica (or is it the pregabalin boosting the nicotine?). I can imagine cigarettes do the same trick.
Just a shore note, pregabalin seems to boost almost everything (or the other way). Try nicotine. I don't smoke but I vape, and use snus, and holy fuuuuu vaping strong nicotine liquid boosts Lyrica (or is it the pregabalin boosting the nicotine?). I can imagine cigarettes do the same trick.
Yes, nicotine does seem to potentiate Lyrica, or vice versa. The same is true for Lyrica and coffee, Lyrica and speed, Lyrica and mephedrone, Lyrica and weed, Lyrica and booze, Lyrica and MDMA, Lyrica and opiates. There is hardly anything that Lyrica can't boost. Except maybe LSD – combining in with Lyrica resulted in very nasty heart palpitations and hypertension, and the trip was ruined :( For a minute, I would be hallucinating, and then Lyrica would take over, and I would zone out, and then I'd be tripping again.
And Lyrica and tobacco (I prefer snuff and snus) are complementary like beef and red wine, that is, taking them separately is a blasphemy. Smoking cigs on Lyrica is out of this world, but you just can't help chimney-smoking, I smoke rarely, and when I do, it is 3-4 cigarettes a day, but give me 750mg of Lyrica and I will smoke up your local smokeshop.
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when I got started on Lyrica after years on oxicodone for my scoliosis, it brought me out of a funk I thought I'd never overcome.
I'm still too prone to isolation though. To pull myself off the couch I gotta do a tiny bump of meth that fits on the end of my pen cap.
I've been able to avoid usin any more then that, but I just relocated to Ohio and I don't know where to find it.
Just a shore note, pregabalin seems to boost almost everything (or the other way). Try nicotine. I don't smoke but I vape, and use snus, and holy fuuuuu vaping strong nicotine liquid boosts Lyrica (or is it the pregabalin boosting the nicotine?). I can imagine cigarettes do the same trick.

My last dose that put me up to 900 mg of pregabalin, made me pass out for 3 hrs , lol. I woke up in a trance.

I just pulled out a e cig ( :( no herb for a while ) and I can tell there is an additive effect.

I almost feel like ice. I have a trance going.

Im taking another 300 mg pregabalin and 10 mg dextroamphetamine.

Total since 7 hrs ago.

1.2 g of pregabalin
30 mg dextroamphetamine
I can't take lyrica anymore...it works well on my pain, and its nice not being treated worse than a child rapist/murderer when i go to the doctor or pharmacist....but the cognitive side effects are too much, I can't read properly on it, I'm slow, it really slows me down at work.

...since they aren't prescribing opiates to cancer patients with shattered spinal cords even these days due to kids injecting fentanyl....I guess I will start doing fentanyl and heroin. never had any cognitive slow downs with those...and to think all it would take to avoid fentanyl from the street and committing felonies all day is a script for 5 mg hydrocodones...too much to ask for these days I guess even after youve been through back surgery
^^ I am in remission from serious cancer. Chemo, no hair, the whole works. I was prescribed original formula Oxymorphone. That was great.

I came off Opana, in a week using 120 , '5 mg Percocet. I was able to dial down to 20 mg Percocet, with help from a nice benzodiazepine script.

I jumped off Percocet using medical grade herb.

A half ounce of medical for a year while taking a fair amount of prescribed benzodiazepines and dextroamphetamine.

Now, I am taking a break from herb.

I get Ketamine infusions every 2 months.

The ketamine worked so well, I have no desire or need for opiates.

I just started reading, but pregabalin or gabapentin keeps some effects of the Ketamine going. I noticed it today with the Lyrica dosing.

Not to hi jack, but I believe it has to do with calcium channel blocking effects, IMO.

When I piece it all together, I will start a thread.

I've been in so much pain, and I feel like I can tap dance.

If it's available to you through a doc, K works great, given in a medical setting.

Ramble On ....... ;)

Last thing lucid, taking a nice long break from pregabalin may help. Even switching to gabapentin helps because its method of action is different.

Don't give up. ;)
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^^ I am in remission from serious cancer. Chemo, no hair, the whole works. I was prescribed original formula Oxymorphone. That was great.

I came off Opana, in a week using 120 , '5 mg Percocet. I was able to dial down to 20 mg Percocet, with help from a nice benzodiazepine script.

I jumped off Percocet using medical grade herb.

A half ounce of medical for a year while taking a fair amount of prescribed benzodiazepines and dextroamphetamine.

Now, I am taking a break from herb.

I get Ketamine infusions every 2 months.

The ketamine worked so well, I have no desire or need for opiates.

I just started reading, but pregabalin or gabapentin keeps some effects of the Ketamine going. I noticed it today with the Lyrica dosing.

Not to hi jack, but I believe it has to do with calcium channel blocking effects, IMO.

When I piece it all together, I will start a thread.

I've been in so much pain, and I feel like I can tap dance.

If it's available to you through a doc, K works great, given in a medical setting.

Ramble On ....... ;)

Last thing lucid, taking a nice long break from pregabalin may help. Even switching to gabapentin helps because its method of action is different.

Don't give up. ;)

I've done plenty of medical grade k...no lasting effects on pain...only relief when severley impaired.... Depression it has a residual effects though for me, mxe more so.

Don't worry I've had chronic pain for ten years and havnt given up.

I'm sure you've been through worse, the physical sickness plus fear of death on top of the pain has to be brutal, but there was a solid year that I was bedridden and suicidal before and after my surgery so I understand the emotional component to pain quite well.

Lyrica would be all I needed the if I had more of a labor based job, but due to the fucked back I had to take a job that's much more mentally laborious....hence the lyrica being a problem. I still use it nights and weekends though.


1mg sub (for pain)
3 beers (for fun)
^^ I am in remission from serious cancer. Chemo, no hair, the whole works. I was prescribed original formula Oxymorphone. That was great.

I came off Opana, in a week using 120 , '5 mg Percocet. I was able to dial down to 20 mg Percocet, with help from a nice benzodiazepine script.

I jumped off Percocet using medical grade herb.

A half ounce of medical for a year while taking a fair amount of prescribed benzodiazepines and dextroamphetamine.

Now, I am taking a break from herb.

I get Ketamine infusions every 2 months.

The ketamine worked so well, I have no desire or need for opiates.

I just started reading, but pregabalin or gabapentin keeps some effects of the Ketamine going. I noticed it today with the Lyrica dosing.

Not to hi jack, but I believe it has to do with calcium channel blocking effects, IMO.

When I piece it all together, I will start a thread.

I've been in so much pain, and I feel like I can tap dance.

If it's available to you through a doc, K works great, given in a medical setting.

Ramble On ....... ;)

Last thing lucid, taking a nice long break from pregabalin may help. Even switching to gabapentin helps because its method of action is different.

Don't give up. ;)

Sorry to double post BL fix your mobile app.

I believe K is a Ca channel blocker as well isn't it?

High dose lyrica visual effects are sort of Kish (except for the spatial distorution)and more so nitrousy ...I'm talking about the strobing effect
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