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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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Small line of bupe (one of maybe 2 doses)
1.5mg etizolam
Bowl of indica and sativa strains mixed
Adderral IR 20s and some gabapentin for later

Been working 6 days a week (12+ hours each day) And trying to lower my tolerance to sedatives....not going great but I'm starting to see progress. These last few weeks were terrible, but I made it through the worst. Allowed myself 60mg morphine sulphate + 800mg gabapentin last night after a few weeks off.

I always somehow gravitate back here to BL and drugs, I feel like this is my own little corner of solitude. The real world sucks. I'm supposed to see a psychiatrist very soon, that is, if I get off work before his office closes so I can make an appointment...
Last day of my holiday. Celebrating with:
80 mg morphine (rectally administered)
A couple of hits 4f-nep vaped on foil
8 mg norflurazepam (great benzo!)
Two moderate lines of coke
Snus (stopped smoking cigs)

Btw, sirtophamhat, nice there with the dipa. I recently moved and we have a pub with 120 different types of beer. I'm not a big drinker (bjj practitioner, powerlifter) but I'm there now and then to try something new and tasty. One of the bartenders is a childhood friend so it doesn't cost a fortune either.
Well last day before the Arctic Ocean again. Back to the oil field patch, back to what I love/hate good thing I got my refill on methadone before going up things are looking great. I'm done with my oxy stint I realized I really never got High so what's the point. I think the subutex for two years messed up my receptors. I felt something for a like rush then mins later nothing but being tired. Lame sauce!!!

BurntOfferings sounds like commercial fishing correct? Glad y'all did well. I know it was hit and miss for a lot of boats. So what I heard!
Chillin at the beach again, smoked a few spliffs, wax and drank a good amount of kratom. Feeling great, about to go out for dinner.
hi burnt offerings, glad to hear things are going well for you. weed is great, huh?

OT: smoking pot, having some hard cider with it. work week is almost over for me. overall i'm in a good state right now %) there's a perfect opportunity to attempt a DMT extraction this weekend, so i'm going to do my best to seize that. i say attempt because the source of my acacia this time is sadly suspect.
Just watched the leaked s07e06 of Game of Thrones. Wow!!

I've also ingested:
  • 0.25mg brotizolam
  • 12mg bromazepam
  • 140mg methadone
  • Spliffs (I have a babies' tolerance so 1 fat spliff lasts me hours. It's great. (3,5months ago or thereabouts since I last smoked a decent amount of good weed).

So haaaigh
For me this is the How High Were You? thread lol. Last night I took 120mg MSContin and 500mg Soma, first time in a while that I got that perfect morphine high :) felt very content this morning and still buzzed since I staggered the two 60s. Wish they weren't so expensive, I see why H is so damn popular.

OT: Adderral 20s, bit of weed, benzos, caffeine, suboxone. The workplace cocktail.
Just got a hold of some more high quality, relaxing coke. Insufflated a moderately large line. Aaaah! The euphoric contentment.

Now time to play some swedish crust and just enjoy
Well Today I've had
115Mg methadone
2Bowls of super dank roach weed
350Mg tar heroin
10-15Mg methamphetamine
lots of cold brew and whole milk

picked up an ounce of darth vader OG to prepare for armageddon on monday

got a lot of things to do around the house but right now having too much fun relaxing
Hope everyone has a great a HIGH weekend!!

I'm back at work yahoo! Least I'm making some paper. Ended up getting another 10 30mg oxycodones for work to test my theory that being on subutex for two years did something to me receptors. It's either that or it's the methadone but I should have felt something as much as I did in that week. But not sure maybe I'm Trippin lol I think from now on I'll just stick to done and not waste the money on oxy. I can get way more done and just have fun every few days or so. Maybe try some Tagamet also. Never have tried it with opiates so might age well try everyone's body's are different could make me high as a kite again. Miss that feeling of opiate bliss and euphoria!

50 mg oral methadone
5-10 mg done snorted
30mg oxycodone snorted

I'm deft high and noddy but I also didn't sleep very well last three nights/days
250 more mg of tramadol (600 mg in total), with no tolerance
Probably 0,5 gram of amazingly good quality coke (my heart rare is 68 bpm, normally im 42-43, no sweating or hyperactivity, just a calm, focused, mildly euphoric and boosts your social activity. no comedown. will be after the next drug im about to consume:
a fat joint, loaded with 1,3 grams of potent hash
4 mg norflurazepam
^^^ sounds absolutely delicious my man.

im ready to devour a salmon fillet before throwing on some toons and getting down with some marijuanas and valium. feeling much of the sloth today
^^^ sounds absolutely delicious my man.

im ready to devour a salmon fillet before throwing on some toons and getting down with some marijuanas and valium. feeling much of the sloth today

Weed is a necessity. And yes, its delicious; i've been mildly euphoric the whole day. And that RC NEIH was like crack but lasted longer, vaped 20 mg and was in fullblown euphoria for 40 minuters
Will do one fat line (i have 4 gram, and some mdma for tomorrow), play nioh for three hours (then it's 10 am over here, smoke the last half of my fat joint, take 4 more mg of norflurazepam (loving this benso) and go to sleep. ill try to get 5-6 hours of sleep -- don't want to miss the football/Soccer, then take a powernap and later do some more coke, and hook up with a supercute chicl.
75mg liquid methadone
3mg alprazolam via green bar and a half subL
Fat Tire Amber Ale
1mg clonazepam subL
45mg Adderall (15mg IR + 30mg XR)
Marlboro Reds
Feeling fucking invincible!!! Took a handful of Dexedrine 15mg Spansules (I think like 6, I also made sure to take antacid first) around 7pm, it's now 5am where I live and it doesn't feel like I'm gonna be coming down anytime soon! After checking my stash earlier I found out I had a lot of extras from my last couple prescriptions (always great to find out you have a lot more drugs than you thought.) I hadn't abused them in quite awhile and didn't even take as many as I was prescribed when I didn't need them. The 3mg of bupe (I normally take 4mg) took away pretty much all the jitteriness that usually accompanies speed and added to the euphoria, also been vaping and smoking a lot it seems like every time I do I feel even more amazing. Doubt I'll sleep tomorrow night either. I decided I'm going to binge a few days (at least two) and will continue to redose with 15-30mg as needed. I fucking love to binge on speed, but I limit it to just every now and then because I know it's really bad for you and I get sick of it fairly quick.
Really wish it was possible for me to get some clean needles I'd love to shoot this stuff up. It sounds really easy to extract and I bet it'd feel amazing... but anyway

Hope everybody's feeling as good as I am!
I've dropped 1500mg pregabalin 20 minutes ago. Haven't done it in higher doses for a long time, so I'm pretty excited...

Hope everybody's feeling as good as I am!
Hey CC, guess I'm gonna get close in about 1-2 hours.

Wish you all a great day!!
Bump of suboxone
800mg gabapentin
2.5mg alprazolam
20mg diazepam
20mg baclofen
Shmokin pot
+gaba supplement, magnesium, melatonin, diclofenac
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