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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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Feeling great enjoying the methadone and oxycodone mix. I actually have energy to do things. With just methadone I tend to be lethargic and sleepy ?

40mg methadone oral
90 mg oxycodone snorted thinking tomorrow I'll try plugging some first thing see if I get a rush from it ? Time for Pepsi and a movie!

Oxy has a higher bioavailability orally than snorted...and significantly higher.

I still snort a portion of it tho when I use it BC it's fun.

Rectal is very good but u need to have proper technique in that your boweles have to be totally clear of shit inside otherwise u could waste a lot of the dose

I get a rush from IV if I'm in withdrawals or use it regularly since I IVed it everyday for years. nothing like dilaudid of course .... But I found years later that when I IV while not dependent on opioid as a one off there was no rush. Weird
I had a really good night last night with 70mg dexedrine , 2oomg lyrica , 1 mg Xanax and 3 pints.... Felt like a mild roll at a point.

This morning....more dexies....I've only been using it for a few days and have lost 4 lbs....which is my main motivation for getting a bottle
Thanks I'll keep that in mind ! I think I'll go clear myself out first even tho I already have started my morning ritual I fucking forgot I was going to try plugging it dammit! I get so excited and happy when I wake up time to get high again that I popped my done and snorted a 30 so I'm thinking of plugging 45mg see what happens after I clear myself out tho :)
Well finally just got to plugging 45 mg oxycodone see what happens seems like since I got these Oxys it's hit and miss on feeling high or energized from them. Must be the methadone. I was taking quite a bit higher mg then I should it was around 80 mg a day for a week or so at work and now I been home I've stuck to around 40mg a day so maybe here in a few days my tolerance to done should be down again. I hope then I should feel the oxy I might even cut back to 20 mg a day for a few days to really cut back. So far nothing has hit me and it's been almost 5 min.

We will see

Joe bean

Everyone have a safe and great weekend stay high my friends
Anus Ate 5 800mg pills gabapentin this morning, and another 5 around 7pm along with 10 30mg dxm pills. About2 hours later don't feel too much...
had a few beer and a couple hit of weed with dinner. now drinking water and taking antihistamine/valium before bed. got work 8-16:30, don't mind it on a Sunday because there are no bosses to breathe down my neck.
50 mg dexedrine

.8 mg suboxone ( from using .0001 for a week, hoping to nod)

500 mg soma

100 mg lyrica

1 mg xanax

half a hit of weed found left in grinder after not smoking for 2 weeks.
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Mixed a few ounces of coldbrew coffee into whole milk to watch GoT S7E5 with. That was some real good shit. Definitely my favorite season yet.

Gonna smoke some weed soon.
100 mg Methadone
500 mg Tramadol
800 mg Pregabalin
24 mg Bromazepam
4 mg Clonazepam
6 mg Etizolam
0,3 g cocaine (99% purity)
28 mg Diphenhydramine

Today I am trying without methadone whatsoever. But hwen you have taken methadone you two years it is hard to go without. I miss it. In the first 3 hours everything is good, but when the IR and IV'ed opioids stop working, ER oxycodone Hydromorphone just isn't strong enough for the rest on its day on its own.. So I am going to add more oxycontn or just take some methadone (It is 7 hours since I took what I write below:
20 mg Ketobemidone IV
50 mg Ketobemidone IV
150 mg OxyNorm (IR oxy)
240 mg OxyContin
48 mg Hydromorphone
600 mh Pregabalin
2 mg Clonazepam (I got more than enough benzo's yesterday)
266mg DXM
4mg Subutex (spread throughout all day)
Nicotine (gum, cigarettes, vape and even a couple cheap cigars)
1.75mg Klonopin

The DXM is kicking in as I type this. This is the most DXM I've ever taken with bupe. Oh god this is amazing it's like my mindset is getting really trippy but I have a very opiate like body high (the type I get from a good dose of IV morphine to be specific) with very intense euphoria. It reminds me a lot of IV Demerol which I only had once or twice but I loved it so much, it's a shame I'll probably never get anymore in my life :'( . That made me really sad for a minute but now I'm back to intense happiness so it's ok.
Anus Ate 5 800mg pills gabapentin this morning, and another 5 around 7pm along with 10 30mg dxm pills. About2 hours later don't feel too much...

For around 4 years I've been on gabapentin. 300mg ech.. 3 pills 3 times a day. I forget to take them a lot, I really don't notice a difference. I've had 2 lower back surgeries and I'm still screwed up.
I self medicate now. But it's getting expensive.
Some snus and a big line of coke.

Coke is so relaxing for me, intense euphoria, sure, but I'm mostly just very content, enhanced with sharpened focus. One joint nighttime and i sleep for 12 hrs. No real comedown.
drinking beers and smoking weed. been going light on the beers as of late, the thing is that it's my roommate's birthday, ergo beer. so far the tally is one porter, one hot pepper ale, and just starting on a DIPA now.
How is everyone here? I haven't posted here for a bit, couple months I think.

I get off work late next month. Not a moment too soon, either...I wake up in pain pretty much every morning nowadays, sometimes my whole body will hurt or sometimes it'll just be an arm gone numb, something like that. This job is hard on people. On the plus side, business was pretty strong this year...already beat last year and we still have a month left.

I've been sober for the past few months (well, except for a bit of toking in the late evening...but we all know that weed isn't a drug...hehe). A lot of the times when I'm out on the water though I'll think of drugs longingly...that, or think about money and try to calculate how much I'm making...or think about pussy...or think about any possible combination of those three things. LOL.

Hope everyone is well!
How is everyone here? I haven't posted here for a bit, couple months I think.

I get off work late next month. Not a moment too soon, either...I wake up in pain pretty much every morning nowadays, sometimes my whole body will hurt or sometimes it'll just be an arm gone numb, something like that. This job is hard on people. On the plus side, business was pretty strong this year...already beat last year and we still have a month left.

I've been sober for the past few months (well, except for a bit of toking in the late evening...but we all know that weed isn't a drug...hehe). A lot of the times when I'm out on the water though I'll think of drugs longingly...that, or think about money and try to calculate how much I'm making...or think about pussy...or think about any possible combination of those three things. LOL.

Hope everyone is well!

I know you mentioned living in Alaska... Are you one of those Deadliest Catch fuckers? If so I am thoroughly impressed.
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