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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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baked and eating iced cream, custard with berries. oh cheah!
Sober, I didn't get more ketamine this time. Go me.

I could go for some opiates right about now though.

400 mg tramadol like 30 mg codeine 300 mg meprobamate - nothing remarkable. Gradually shaking this desire to be euphoric 24/7.

You're doin' good. Keep it up. =D

Also, carl's post cracked me up, if he's ok that is. Come on here and tell us you're okay so I can be cracked up.
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Just snorted some of the best base I've had in a long time.Cranking up the music and feeling chatty and euphoric,and ready to take on the world =D

Such a great feeling!
Just 200 mg of tramadol IR and 300 mg meprobmate. Not actively high but feels good not to be so heavily dependent and desperate for a drug like oxy any more. day 5 off oxy - think it's probably out of my system by now.
Still kinda stoned from last night, after smoking for the first time in over a year. I ended up getting way too high though. I should've taken 2-3 hits from the blunt of afghan kush x bubblegum rather than 5 hits.
400mg tramadol XR, lets see if it decides to work today.

I'm currently prescribed 400mg XR daily and I've gotta say,Im not feeling much from it sadly :( I have zero opiate tolerance,and the last time I had Tram (years ago) 50mg would do the trick.What's with that? :(
I'm currently prescribed 400mg XR daily and I've gotta say,Im not feeling much from it sadly :( I have zero opiate tolerance,and the last time I had Tram (years ago) 50mg would do the trick.What's with that? :(
That might be the problem there. Granted Im no expert on Tramadol, so PTC might have a clearer answer for you.
i think i might clean out and fold my clothes drawers more often. i just found a cut blister psck with 5 x 40mg oxycontins from a few months back before i switched back to morphine.

needless to say those suckers were crushed up and washed down with a cup of coffee without a second thought, straight away just now:D

nice! spent all day nicely high on morphine now to pull an all nighter on oxy.
I'm currently prescribed 400mg XR daily and I've gotta say,Im not feeling much from it sadly :( I have zero opiate tolerance,and the last time I had Tram (years ago) 50mg would do the trick.What's with that? :(
Yup, seyer got it.

I find that if I take just tramadol XR the effects are not pronounced at all, and you can barely feel them kicking in, if at all. Usually I would go 200mg IR and 200mg XR to get a decent buzz. I've also used benzos to potentiate tramadol with great success. Though this might be dangerous without any tolerance.

I'd say try parachuting one and taking the other XR. If the time mechanism is beaten (which is not always the case with parachuting), the XR tramadol will keep your buzz going alot longer. If you get one that is.

Good luck taking the tram. :D

OT: got that ketamine. About to IV 50ish mg then IM a good 120mg and be incapacitated for a little while. :D
Yup, seyer got it.

I find that if I take just tramadol XR the effects are not pronounced at all, and you can barely feel them kicking in, if at all. Usually I would go 200mg IR and 200mg XR to get a decent buzz. I've also used benzos to potentiate tramadol with great success. Though this might be dangerous without any tolerance.

I'd say try parachuting one and taking the other XR. If the time mechanism is beaten (which is not always the case with parachuting), the XR tramadol will keep your buzz going alot longer. If you get one that is.

Good luck taking the tram. :D

OT: got that ketamine. About to IV 50ish mg then IM a good 120mg and be incapacitated for a little while. :D

Excellent thanks for clearing that up! I've only got time release ones,and they are green pills with a white coating on one side.I'm assuming the harder white coating is the time release bit? Should I pick that off then crush it and parachute it? I also have plenty of Xanax and Ativan here,so I'll see how I go and add on a small amount of benzos if I feel the need :)

Btw very jelly of your ketamine.I've been waiting for some for WEEKS now!
^Will edit inabit, atm I'm a bit K'd. :D

Going for K-hole.

/e: Still not baseline but o well.

Can't really say whether or not you can defeat the time mechanism since I have other pills. But yeah I would go about it as you described. Mine are just plain white 200mg without coating, if I parachute them as a fine powder the onset is definitely quicker and (more) noticeable. I'm pretty sure they're still not 100% IR when I do so since part of their time mechanism is gelling up in the stomach.

Oh and alprazolam is pretty much the best benzo (aside from maybe bromazepam) to combine with tramadol to get buzzed IME. But, ofcourse, be careful and keep tolerance in mind!

OT: This k-hole was epic. Yet again. :D
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2 bags and 25mg methadone.....first day at the clinic did 2 bags rite after cause im a fucking junkie and because 25mg done wouldnt hold me...gonna be good tmrw tho think the methadone might really work for me
2 bags and 25mg methadone.....first day at the clinic did 2 bags rite after cause im a fucking junkie and because 25mg done wouldnt hold me...gonna be good tmrw tho think the methadone might really work for me
Its about time you went to a clinic man :\ Hustlin xmas lights and shit.
I'm on 3mg of clonazepam. Aint feeling shit. Benzos suck for me. All i got is shitty dank too. My parents took 100% control of my money and I'm 23 years old. I can't buy ANYTHING now without them knowing. First they took my debit card so I couldn't get cash. Then I weaseled my way around that and started using my credit card for cash advances. They caught on to that too. Now they are monitoring my debit account summary and my credit card statements. I'm totally fucked now. I can't get high on anything but weed. Or when I get the occasional free high from a friend. This is driving me nuts. Even if I used my credit card to get the cash advance they will see the statement and I'll automatically get kicked out of the house. I'm in such a shitty situation right now I don't know what to do. They really got me by the balls this time...
I'm on 3mg of clonazepam. Aint feeling shit. Benzos suck for me. All i got is shitty dank too. My parents took 100% control of my money and I'm 23 years old. I can't buy ANYTHING now without them knowing. First they took my debit card so I couldn't get cash. Then I weaseled my way around that and started using my credit card for cash advances. They caught on to that too. Now they are monitoring my debit account summary and my credit card statements. I'm totally fucked now. I can't get high on anything but weed. Or when I get the occasional free high from a friend. This is driving me nuts. Even if I used my credit card to get the cash advance they will see the statement and I'll automatically get kicked out of the house. I'm in such a shitty situation right now I don't know what to do. They really got me by the balls this time...

^Been there, kinda still am. Sending some strength your way bro.

OT: Ketamine round 2: Go. (IM ~150ish mg)
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