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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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why belgium? i know they have some lovely ladies. what's there drug wise that would be worth a decent drug fuelled and backpackers fucking vacation?
Oh, if only you knew ;) If it was lovely ladies I was looking for, Id start attending the trade school here.
Thanks PillToChill, I need all strength I can get right now. I've lost everything I've gained in my life.
Nowadays I just dose 450mgs of codeine and I'm fairly content with that! Just had 300mgs of tramadol and waiting for it to kick in.

I remember at one stage I spent 2weeks in a private hospital with my own private room, hd tv and ps3, laptop with wifi, seeing as it was a private hospital I could get cans of coke etc free whenever I wanted and order pizza etc to the room with the added bonus of having my mam bring me in any DVDs or games I wanted.

But the best part was I was prescribed 50mgs oxycodone, 400mgs pethidine im, 400mgs tramadol im, fentanyl patches, 20mgs valium, Ativan and zoploclone everyday.

Probably the best 2week holiday I ever had and it was all paid for by my beloved insurance company, man those where the days
Nowadays I just dose 450mgs of codeine and I'm fairly content with that! Just had 300mgs of tramadol and waiting for it to kick in.

I remember at one stage I spent 2weeks in a private hospital with my own private room, hd tv and ps3, laptop with wifi, seeing as it was a private hospital I could get cans of coke etc free whenever I wanted and order pizza etc to the room with the added bonus of having my mam bring me in any DVDs or games I wanted.

But the best part was I was prescribed 50mgs oxycodone, 400mgs pethidine im, 400mgs tramadol im, fentanyl patches, 20mgs valium, Ativan and zoploclone everyday.

Probably the best 2week holiday I ever had and it was all paid for by my beloved insurance company, man those where the days

Damn I wanna go whre you went! Sounds heavenly :)
Had about 1.5-2 points of base,dosed over the last 12 hours and still going strong :)
Yeah it was amazing, heaven is a word that comes to mind, and they where also nice enough to send me home with a bottle of methadone to help with the withdrawals afterwards :)
Feeling very little off this 300mg of tramadol, pretty disappointed
Parents tell me I can't have anything to drink.

So what do I do?

I steal their booze and say fuck you.

*sip sip*
Fuck yeah bluelight friends I finally got some xanax! Wooo did about 50 dollars worth of heroin today now chillin in the room popping xanax and vaping marijuana.

Feeling soooooo relaxed. Not a worry in the world puffing on an e cig and just straight chillin. :) gonna sleep like a mufucking baby.
ugh, long day. time for my favorite poor man's combo: alcohol, caffeine, marijuana and nicotine. whee
Fuck yeah bluelight friends I finally got some xanax! Wooo did about 50 dollars worth of heroin today now chillin in the room popping xanax and vaping marijuana.

Feeling soooooo relaxed. Not a worry in the world puffing on an e cig and just straight chillin. :) gonna sleep like a mufucking baby.

Congrats on the xanax! I freakin love that stuff....between my boyfriend and I we're prescribed 9-10mg a day.I love knowing there's always plenty around :)
150mg hydrocodone, 45mg temazepam, 3mg lorazepam, 4mg clonazepam, 600mg pregabalin (Lyrica), 5g Kanna (Scelitium tortuosum, potentiates cannabinoids and is pleasant by itself), 150mg diphenhydramine, 1.5g phenibut and cimetidine to potentiate the HC.

I'm just started smoking synthetic weed 30 minutes age. I took the other things maybe 75 minutes ago.

Feeling such peace and inner warmth washing over ne. Unbelievably pleasant feeling in mind, body, and soul (if it exists).

Will continue smoking the synthetic cannabinoid blend and an occasional cigarette for at least 5 hours. Don't want to end up falling asleep and not getting to enjoy the drugs.
Seriously is all the ketamine in fucking europe? I haven't been able to find any for a over a year now. Oh well at least I got some MXE...stuff is great until tolerance kicks in. I want some Ket instead and some heroin (but i'll get some tomorrow :\).

OT: I'm on a shitload of MXE and a bowl of some verrrry good weed.
scored some ketamine and morphine, currently on 65mgs of the former and 10 of the latter, both IM, although the k has pretty much worn off. maybe do andother shot of morphine soon...
oh yeah and 2000th post!
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