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How High Are You? v. Meff For The People

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140 mgs oxy (afternoon dose) - perfect. Satisfied. Don't reeeally get high anymore, just pain free and comfortable. WHich is why I'm prescribed em.
Tramadol 400mg XR, 12mg bromazepam. The weed is synergizing nicely.
Taking a break from amphetamines.

Found a new doctor for trams & bromazepam.
Man I'm feeling good. The amp crash has turned into an extremely pleasant high. Awesome! =D
Sounds more believable now. Was also immensely irritable last night. Just don't get in over your head! know they a lot stricter in the states with oxy - it's like being caught with a street drug from what I hear so be careful.

Well... The inevitable happened. I got in over my head real quick. This came back to bite me in the ass in 1 day :\ I went to go see the surgeon who did my operation. I forgot I had this standing appointment. First thing she asks me is how's the pain. I tell her it's alright. Then she immediately asks me why I've been refilling and picking up pain scripts without her knowledge. I freaked out. I told her the truth, minus the part where I actually picked up the meds. She didn't believe me, at all. She told me she saw on the computer that I picked them up and had signed for them and everything. I stick to my denial of using them. She then asks me if I would be willing to take a piss test, I said yes, even though I would have failed. She asks me if I would be willing to do blood or even hair. I said yes to all. We then moved away from that discussion and started talking about how my shoulder was doing. In my head I was still freaking the fuck out though. After our brief examination, she says point blank "I would schedule some drugs tests, because I know you're not telling the truth, but I honestly don't care." 8o I was blown away. I thought my life was about to be ruined. I was also super lucky because my dad wasn't there. He was supposed to come and at the last minute he had an issue. If he was there, he would have sent me to rehab...

After the doc told me she didn't care about the pills I started distracting her by saying I didn't want to tell her this, but I've been smoking copious amounts of ganja. She sorta laughed and said she would prescribe it if it wasn't for the fact that she's a doc at an HMO. We talked about how effective it is, then I was on my way.

I was super lucky to randomly get the meds. Then I got super lucky that my doc was chill as fuck. I almost fucked myself over, medically, for life AND I almost would have been sent to rehab for this stunt AND I could have possibly gotten arrested, lost my insurance, and gone to jail, but somehow I just got unbelievably lucky. Once in a lifetime type lucky. Of course I didn't find a total, never ending, loophole. That shit might work a few times, but with such an advanced computer network, I should have known my doc would find out. I will never push my luck like this again. I don't believe in god, at all, but if I did... I'd be on my knees praying, crying, praying, laughing, praying.

I'm so goddamn lucky. I came within an inch of ruining my life. Good thing I still have 100's of mg's of oxy to help me nod out and forget this bullshit. =D
Damn Benny, luck was def on ur side. Like I said before, lucky bastard lol ;)

I ran outta weed =( Got money but no one around. Grr.

So, for my thrill today I took.....6 mg alprazolam & 4 mg kpins. Now I'm slowly sipping on a beer, 10.6% alcohol.


I'm only drinkin the one & my benzo tolerance is insane!! 20 mgs alprazolam, 100+ mg diazepam. Tolerance sucks but at least I'm enjoying myself lol.

Anyone have plans for today?
I'm still freaking out. Although surgeon said she's going to delete the scripts right after I leave, so this should be done, buried, issue over. But what I did is a big fucking deal, way bigger than an "I don't care if you're still taking them." She might follow up with the prescribing doctors, or something. Though since she didn't schedule any drug tests, I think I'm fine. I just really, really, really hope I don't get a call today or tomorrow saying that I actually do have to go in for a drug test. I'm most definitely not picking up any unknown numbers for a couple of days. I should probably lay off the oxy too, but I'm an addict and having a fuck ton of oxy sitting around is impossible not to use. I put out the word that I want to sell a bunch on the cheap, but no one seems to be interested. No way I have the willpower to toss or flush them. I did also get a fuckton of methadone too, I probably will toss those. They aren't very euphoric and I've pretty much died type OD on recreational methadone. Btw, did I mention I just got accepted into my HMO's financial assistance program and this fuckton of opiates was free...

I'm so lucky. As Stark's always warn: "Winter is Coming" and you can't avoid winter...
It's a glorious morning thus far. Morning sex, a fresh pot of coffee, this china white heroin that. i'm LOVING (way prefer it over tar, easier to prep with, and if I don't have a rig. i can snort instead of wasting it on tinfoil). Also it's raining in LA, odd.
Really? That's odd, here up in The Bay it's hot and sunny, and I know you Southern Californian's despise the "cold and wet" San Francisco weather. The rain season still hasn't started up here.

well, thats not true, i love the bay, I go up there all the time. I actually like cold and wet weather.
Well... The inevitable happened. I got in over my head real quick. This came back to bite me in the ass in 1 day :\ I went to go see the surgeon who did my operation. I forgot I had this standing appointment. First thing she asks me is how's the pain. I tell her it's alright. Then she immediately asks me why I've been refilling and picking up pain scripts without her knowledge. I freaked out. I told her the truth, minus the part where I actually picked up the meds. She didn't believe me, at all. She told me she saw on the computer that I picked them up and had signed for them and everything. I stick to my denial of using them. She then asks me if I would be willing to take a piss test, I said yes, even though I would have failed. She asks me if I would be willing to do blood or even hair. I said yes to all. We then moved away from that discussion and started talking about how my shoulder was doing. In my head I was still freaking the fuck out though. After our brief examination, she says point blank "I would schedule some drugs tests, because I know you're not telling the truth, but I honestly don't care." 8o I was blown away. I thought my life was about to be ruined. I was also super lucky because my dad wasn't there. He was supposed to come and at the last minute he had an issue. If he was there, he would have sent me to rehab...

After the doc told me she didn't care about the pills I started distracting her by saying I didn't want to tell her this, but I've been smoking copious amounts of ganja. She sorta laughed and said she would prescribe it if it wasn't for the fact that she's a doc at an HMO. We talked about how effective it is, then I was on my way.

I was super lucky to randomly get the meds. Then I got super lucky that my doc was chill as fuck. I almost fucked myself over, medically, for life AND I almost would have been sent to rehab for this stunt AND I could have possibly gotten arrested, lost my insurance, and gone to jail, but somehow I just got unbelievably lucky. Once in a lifetime type lucky. Of course I didn't find a total, never ending, loophole. That shit might work a few times, but with such an advanced computer network, I should have known my doc would find out. I will never push my luck like this again. I don't believe in god, at all, but if I did... I'd be on my knees praying, crying, praying, laughing, praying.

I'm so goddamn lucky. I came within an inch of ruining my life. Good thing I still have 100's of mg's of oxy to help me nod out and forget this bullshit. =D

WOW, that literally made my heart race reading that, jeepers. Thought it seemed too easy.

Her laughing must have made you sigh with relief inwardly !

On topic: my comfort level, pain relief is fading. bout to take my second nightly dose. Dunno whether to go with an OC 80 and 2 oxynorm IR 20's, or 1.5 oxy 80's (pill cutter)... Hmmm
well, thats not true, i love the bay, I go up there all the time. I actually like cold and wet weather.

Most SoCalians I know hate it up here. Especially the 40F summers. I love the weather here. I hate hot weather and I dislike cold weather. So it being between 60-70 on average all year round is fine with me. It also hasn't been nearly as wet as it used to be. It use to rain all winter, I think it rained less than 15 times last winter.

WOW, that literally made my heart race reading that, jeepers. Thought it seemed too easy.

Even though I'm opiated right now. I'm still wondering if I screwed myself. Goddamn. I shouldn't have picked up those fucking scripts!
Anyone have plans for today?

get high and go to a bookstore, maybe buy a sixpack on the way back. went for a nice walk w/ the dog earlier.

Even though I'm opiated right now. I'm still wondering if I screwed myself. Goddamn. I shouldn't have picked up those fucking scripts!

Your biggest mistake was telling your doc you didnt pick them up when she had access to information showing you did, and anyone could have made that slip-up in the moment. It may be harder for you to get pain medication in the future, but that's nothing legal. Just be glad you're not getting tested. If this is the last of it, consider it good karma. Forgive yourself and forget about it, yknow... I have to do that sort of thing all the time ;)
Your biggest mistake was telling your doc you didnt pick them up when she had access to information showing you did, and anyone could have made that slip-up in the moment. It may be harder for you to get pain medication in the future, but that's nothing legal. Just be glad you're not getting tested. If this is the last of it, consider it good karma. Forgive yourself and forget about it, yknow... I have to do that sort of thing all the time ;)

I know. I thought up a perfect story that would have made me not look so bad, and totally explain why they were refilled... to bad I only came up with this perfect story afterwards. I think I'll be okay though. I kinda deserve this luck though. I'm a really nice person who is generous to a fault IRL, at the same time, life has been taking a massive shit on me for years. I should be a good karma millionaire. It's about damn time something happened in my favor. I'm definitely not going to do anything like this again. I maybe a good karma millionaire, but what I did was probably really expensive in the karma department.
I know. I thought up a perfect story that would have made me not look so bad, and totally explain why they were refilled... to bad I only came up with this perfect story afterwards. I think I'll be okay though. I kinda deserve this luck though. I'm a really nice person who is generous to a fault IRL, at the same time, life has been taking a massive shit on me for years. I should be a good karma millionaire. It's about damn time something happened in my favor. I'm definitely not going to do anything like this again. I maybe a good karma millionaire, but what I did was probably really expensive in the karma department.

You and me both buddy. Karma/good fortune deficit here!
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