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How High Are You? v. I'll Trade You My Shirt For A Grilled Cheese

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I'm recovering from a flare-up yesterday, fucked my whole weekend.. Been eating RSO and oxy, taking dabs of OG
2000mg of phenibut and .5mg clonazepam a few hours ago and a nice nap. Woke up feeling great. Now I'm tense I think the phenibut wore off real quick maybe? This feels like rebound anxiety. Perhaps I got greedy throwing a klonopin on top of the phenibut.

1 tbsp bali kratom
.5mg clonazepam
an ice cold beer
a valerien root capsule

Valerien root is to help with my mental withdrawal from cutting back on booze and pot. It's mainly the pot that's bothering me. I only really drink at night but I like to smoke constantly so I'm always craving.
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Same as yesterday, just coffee n tobacco. Seriously considering driving to Colorado tomorrow so I canbuy and smoke legal pot for the first time in my life.
I didn't read the post before you changed it...
(and I usually have a good memory but I don't remember our conversation? gimme a hint?)
I'm recovering alright though, think I may have some chicken and rice soon. This has also finally convinced me to get the enteroscopy that the Dr ordered. Goddamit.
^I encouraged the enteroscopy in the Lounge. I didn't want to push though. I am going to be an enterostomal nurse. Don't want to see you with one of those. I said if you know which kind of colitis you have, they can treat you properly. Thank God you are doing it. I really feel better about that. Really.
Rockin with my greenery today, kratom and buds which is always nice. Kind of wanted to take some etizolam as I haven't had any this week. But I think I will wait until next week to dry me out a little longer.
This DabFace GSC BHO is FIRE---- 2 big rips and I'm on a plain.........
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Tiny piece of sleep suboxone making the daily total about 2mg, felt great all day. Now 3mg etizolam, lots of valerian root, melatonin,alcohol and a few calms forte pills.

Isnt it crazy, a normal person would just go to sleep haha. I consider this not necessarily sober, but doing good.(staying away from heroin an high doses etizolam.
Weed man looks like he's gonna fall thru, I'm pissed, took my benzo and its too late to buy booze. Not so very happy right now. May double up on the benzo but that isn't gonna make the night much better eh? I just want an ice cold beer and a spliff damnit.
Smoked about 3 semi decent bowls of top shelf dispensary bud with 2 friends

Smoked a small bowl of meth, but enough to get me goin......well I might have smoked a fat fucking bowl haha ;)
60mg adderall IR (snorted 20mg the rest orally)
Drank 7 beers workin on 2 more before I call it quits.

I'm feelin a bit tweaked out and feel fucking great. When the upper crash comes I've got a double shot of Jack and 5mg Xanax calling my name
1.5 clonazepam and a cig when i woke up and i was good to go

Right now im just chillin n doin some whippets w the boyz lol feels funny
Thx for the tip train, I don't get how less is more? I've heard this before people say "spit the juice out" like don't swallow it u know? I've never gotten that, like if u spit it out or use less why would it be more effective? My exp with every drug I've tried is more is better. Just curious about this phenomenon? I know dick about pharmacology and chemistry so I was just wondering , in simple language why .2-.3 mg would even be effective for anything? I think I'd get sick still from taking such a small amount I know your right probably but I'm just curious as to why this would work?

Its the way the drug works man it sounds weird I know but buprenorphine converts to Nor -Buprenorphine( A full agonist) but you need room in the receptors for bupe to make this change if you take large doses it won't convert it will stay plain Buprenorphine which is only a partial agonist this is the reason small doses work better than large ones it feels like a took a few vicodan or a perc or 2 every microgram dose I take whereas on 8mgs a day I felt fuck all except shitty. Large doses block themselves from giving any euphoria and it feels pretty weird at first to feel this but this is the reason doctors would rather prescribe someone 16 mgs a day when 2 mgs would've been sufficient but on 2 mgs a the user would be getting a buzz each dose on 16 mgs you can't feel shit except a tummy ache from being constipated and a headache. Bupe stops giving any euphoria around 2mgs(IV) and around 4mgs(Sublingual) and once you reach that point any more you add is just gonna add to the duration its on your body and add side effects such as constipation but you won't get any higher then eventually after a couple days of taking the high dose any feeling you got from taking bupe is gone and each dose you can even tell when its kicking in since it all just overlaps.
Tiny piece of suboxone sublingual...only .25 id say. Some coffee and 1mg of etizolam (couldn't help myself). Also 2 beers. Feeling normal. Tomorrow should be a better day with the suboxone. The first 3 days transferring from daily heroin use are the hardest then I seem to feel better an get better effects from the sub.

Still really trying to.cut down on etizolam :(
Kratom with 30mg of vyvanse and with my low tolerance I am feeling pretty good. Doing some studying right now.
maybe 12 grams green vein kratom
a gram of regular weed
several mg etizest
1 valerien root capsule

Almost don't notice that I'm not drinking tonight. Almost...
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800mg tagamet 4 valerian root capsules and a few other pills withccalming herbs also 3mg melatonin.

The good stuff an hour later .5 of suboxone and 2.5mg etizolam an picked up some bud!! So smoking that when.errthing seems to be peaking its gonna be great.
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