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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Hey long time no see man! Good luck quitting dope I'm rooting for ya.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. It's pretty much at morning dose time and I'm feeling a bit odd but I think I'll be ok. I've already taken 2mg of Klonopin and 20mg of Propranolol like 50 minutes ago, plus ate some cannabis oil, and I'm about to take a Loperamide. I've got enough comfort meds to keep myself comatose this weekend, and then I picked now because I have Monday off and with COVID no one will question me taking the 4-day week off if I'm super sick (plus everyone at work knows I have Crohn's, so I can say it's a flare--which is kinda lucky cause I haven't even had a bad one since I started there almost 2 years ago, so I've never taken an emergency week off when I told them it would likely be twice a year).

Anyway, starting to feel spacey from the Klonopin already. Any recommendations on what I should limit myself to on that? I have over 100mg so plenty to just get fucked up for a couple weeks, but I don't want to trade opiate dependence for benzo, not one bit... Should I take it on schedule or just PRN?
Thanks man, I appreciate that. It's pretty much at morning dose time and I'm feeling a bit odd but I think I'll be ok. I've already taken 2mg of Klonopin and 20mg of Propranolol like 50 minutes ago, plus ate some cannabis oil, and I'm about to take a Loperamide. I've got enough comfort meds to keep myself comatose this weekend, and then I picked now because I have Monday off and with COVID no one will question me taking the 4-day week off if I'm super sick (plus everyone at work knows I have Crohn's, so I can say it's a flare--which is kinda lucky cause I haven't even had a bad one since I started there almost 2 years ago, so I've never taken an emergency week off when I told them it would likely be twice a year).

Anyway, starting to feel spacey from the Klonopin already. Any recommendations on what I should limit myself to on that? I have over 100mg so plenty to just get fucked up for a couple weeks, but I don't want to trade opiate dependence for benzo, not one bit... Should I take it on schedule or just PRN?

Those Kpins have a nice duration and potency so I would see how 1mg twice a day treats you. Sounds like you're gonna have a decent go of it though, that's a great regimen there. The time off especially, for me that's my limiter in times of withdrawal.
A bloke I sort know and likes me invites me round for a tea and then says his morning routen is a bit of mandy and do I want a little bit so I thought fuck it not had uppers since was at as rave February 2019

That lead to me and him popping to mine for my mdma I've had for 2 years as not been raving

So I've had mdma, now he said for me pop home and he'll call me and he hasn't, so I'm on a downer

This is why I like K and benzos not uppers unless at a rave
Fucking mediocre dose of Tina
150mg tramadol
Much coffee
8%malt liquor, two pints
14% long tall drink
Hydroxyzine and minut abilify
Sad about the speed dosage still..
On 900mg pregabalin today, plus 1.5g phenibut, 300mg modafinil, 250mg phenylpiracetam, probably 120mg of tianeptine sulphate over the day, 140mg fasoracetam, 80mg NSI-189 because fuck knows, 80ug GSB-106 because hopefully it'll protect my brain somehow and I just have a compulsive need to take stuff constantly.

Been building up a healthy clonazepam habit the last few weeks... it's such a nice clean benzo but I can't keep this up for sure.
MOrning Blue world

250mg tramadol
150mg pregabalin
15mg valium
rooibos tea with whiskey ( wellcome change)
few bong hits
Sunday, around 7pm.

Slept half the day away, then had two Lyrica caps and a cup of poppy tea.

Got a sealed bag of phenibut here, trying not to open. Think I'm having withdrawal symptoms, feel kind of horrible at the moment.
16 shots of Whiskey
40mgs of Delta-8-THC orally
Vaping off a Delta cart

On my way to buy another eight shots 🥳
Yeah nodded off today but bad news, missed the pharmacy today. so gonna be a long night.

40mg xycan 40mg
10mg valium
2.5mg nitrazepam.
lots of bong hits. having lapses in time?

No opiates so far and can feel the sweats come and go. Just moh ganja
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