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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Lotsa kratom
Methylphenidate 20mg ER
Unknown ratio mixture of cocaine and ketamine (and who knows what else) scraped from the mortar and pestle my friend uses to crush up all his drugs LOL
A few bumps of straight ket
Decided to go out before drinking all the coffee.

Will probably grab a beer at the local watering hole if it’s open by the time I am done eating.
Unknown ratio mixture of cocaine and ketamine (and who knows what else) scraped from the mortar and pestle my friend uses to crush up all his drugs LOL

Haha mystery lines from the surface you do your drugs off are always fun. I used to have a good few ketamine + oxy lines like this.
I can't leave much about because my cat is curious and drinks/eats most things he sees, like some sort of toddler. We joke he's a lush because he's always trying to drink any liquor we leave around. Pawing at my grinder if I leave it out. Always wants to 'hang out' when I'm toking.

I'm real stoned right now, I think the last bag of bud I bought was a grab bag of sorts. This nug seemed different from many others in the bag (taste/scent/high).
Your cat tries to drink your booze? That's crazy. =D Most cats are super picky.

I never get my cats high on purpose, but one of my cats, whenever there's group weed smoking happening, comes and hangs out in the cloud (doesn't care if it's just me). The other one peaces out as soon as a trace of smoke gets near him.
last night was nice

today is hell TELL ME GOD WHY does 3.5g of shatter go by so quick like it's a hard drug whywhywhywhy TEARS I'm like the only fucking person I know who would go bankrupt over fucking CB-1 activation. :(

coffee + dabs.... or whatever I have left (one gram left sighhhhh should last me at least 2 days)
Feel like shit again this morning.
Tryna feel better with:
1 Latte
3 Cigarettes
300mg Sertraline
5mg Bisoprolol (chewed to break time-release)
8mg Chlorphenamine
90mg Dihydrocodeine
1000mg L-Tyrosine
250mg Naproxen
400mg Sodium Calproate
125ug Vitamin D
10 Drops 5% CBD Oil
Strong Vitamin B Complex
Omega 3,6,9
75mg Trazodone
Coming up already <3
Just in time, too. I took 32mg Lope yesterday but the diarrhea was settling in hard-core. Like, have you guys ever seen the tsunami scene in The Impossible?

I just saw this post and you freaking crack me up, good one bro...


if my tolerance was ever that bad i'd quit but I'm not judging

just a bit amazed is all, take care bro we all love you :)

Much love for the concern plus I'm actually not to suffering from severe WD when I skip a few days.
But I think that's got to do with my short breaks, tho it seems it doesn't bring the tolerance down that much, weird..

Still sober. I might smoke some weed tonight but it might also give me anxiety as I'm kinda feeling a bit of rebound from this weekend's festivities. I have some skullcap, that's rather relaxing. Just kinda craving something. If I still had 2-FMA I would for sure be doing some, so I'm really glad I threw it away. I have etizolam but trying to really limit my usage of GABAergics as I've been using a variety of them too often for a while (either alcohol, etizolam, gabapentin or phenibut most days - yeah I realize gabapentin isn't a GABAergic but I still think of it in that way). And anyway I'm just bored with a low-grade bit of anxiety.

I always feel phenibut for about 36 hours, with a full dose (about 2-2.5 grams for me).
Just something I have noticed for myself, I stick to pure indica joints after a party session or any session where I had a lot of mental stimulations regardless where it came from, so indica is always my choice as its relaxes and Sativa's stimulate more which I believe can bring on anxiety or make existing worse. But this my own personal exp.

Feel like shit again this morning.
Tryna feel better with:
1 Latte
3 Cigarettes
300mg Sertraline
5mg Bisoprolol (chewed to break time-release)
8mg Chlorphenamine
90mg Dihydrocodeine
1000mg L-Tyrosine
250mg Naproxen
400mg Sodium Calproate
125ug Vitamin D
10 Drops 5% CBD Oil
Strong Vitamin B Complex
Omega 3,6,9
75mg Trazodone

What a list... Like a Boss
As for me
18mg bromo
1.5mg alzam
2 joints ( 70% sativa/30% indica )
O quartz beer (lol) no beer ! :D
100ml vodka

Much love to all
Coffee : the tolerance doesn’t go away due to neurological changes at the receptor sites according to djsim the alpha 1 and gamma subunits dissociate destroying the BZD binding site.

I don’t know everything but I felt the explanation to be sufficient.
I’m in just mild pain and am waiting for the perfect window to dose benzos to alpraz my world up a bit.

I would take a different benzo or avoid but I have my vampire abilities to avoid daylight entirely and what not.

And then I’ll dab when the Xanax kicks in - that’s Cpt’s plans to get high as shit and I’m pretty much sober except for lingering baked feels.
I just saw this post and you freaking crack me up, good one bro...

Much love for the concern plus I'm actually not to suffering from severe WD when I skip a few days.
But I think that's got to do with my short breaks, tho it seems it doesn't bring the tolerance down that much, weird..

Just something I have noticed for myself, I stick to pure indica joints after a party session or any session where I had a lot of mental stimulations regardless where it came from, so indica is always my choice as its relaxes and Sativa's stimulate more which I believe can bring on anxiety or make existing worse. But this my own personal exp.

What a list... Like a Boss
As for me
18mg bromo
1.5mg alzam
2 joints ( 70% sativa/30% indica )
O quartz beer (lol) no beer ! :D
100ml vodka

Much love to all

Haha, thanks! Glad to hear I make you laugh xD
Ok had a dab. Going to wait on more benzos for now but kind of really want to smile a bit more.
Well I just added .5mg alzam and my first beer with another joint but this is more of a 50/50 split
So total for the day so far ( updated )
18mg bromo
2mg alzam
2 joints ( 70% sativa/30% indica ) + 50/50 split joint ( 3 total now )
1 quartz beer
100ml vodka

Feeling good but nothing special
oh my god coffee, coffee you have no idea how good I'm feeling

I finally *finally* caught the tail-end of a comedown feelgud and I *am now* just getting my shit together, gonna dose alpraz. with WGFJ down the hatch first and am gonna video game as much as I want for a few hours until sleep comes, or it doesn't and it won't matter because

I'm in love with these feels

probably won't last but a few hours until I wake up again but I'll take this, woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo

have just had 1 dab, wgfj poured on ice, alpraz sitting by for the *perfect timing* gonna queue the perfect drug by nin for the hell of it... and think of pills raining on my sad sad life

Your cat tries to drink your booze? That's crazy. =D Most cats are super picky.
That's why we joke he's a lush hahahah.

Actually, I get worried sometimes. Cats can't process alcohol, yet he's adamant about having gin/vodka cocktails if we make them. Like he will not leave them alone. I think his coming around when I smoke is a mixture of drug/attention seeking. He likes to sit in my lap when I smoke, but only when Mrs. Gravy isn't around (?) and if I don't pet him he starts to get nibbly. He honestly gets a bit more chill when I smoke around him. I don't blow any smoke his direction, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got a minor dose from it.

I know it can't be good for cats in larger amounts. A friend's cat went psychotic after finding some of his bud and eating it. I try not to let him get any smoke but I really think he wants it most of the time. He gets right up in my way lol. I figure, as long as he's not eating any, he'll be fine. I've smoked around many cats and the one that ate pot on her own was the only one to get poisoned.

I don't smoke around our reptiles at all though. Their lungs are too weak. Snakes only have one lung for some reason.

Oh yeah, how high am I? Not at all. But I'm about to fix me up a fat breakfast bowl of some dank :)
oh my god coffee, coffee you have no idea how good I'm feeling

I finally *finally* caught the tail-end of a comedown feelgud and I *am now* just getting my shit together, gonna dose alpraz. with WGFJ down the hatch first and am gonna video game as much as I want for a few hours until sleep comes, or it doesn't and it won't matter because

I'm in love with these feels

probably won't last but a few hours until I wake up again but I'll take this, woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo

have just had 1 dab, wgfj poured on ice, alpraz sitting by for the *perfect timing* gonna queue the perfect drug by nin for the hell of it... and think of pills raining on my sad sad life

What is WGFI? Sorry don't know all the abbreviations for everything. But happy you feeling good. I just cracked my 2nd beer and my last beer or drink for the day even tho its still early like16:45pm but I plan on having some flurazepam or triazolam, depending what's available but I'm hoping for some halcion. Then its that with a combo of alzam and a repeat when I wake tomorrow as I'm of and I wanna sleep the whole day till I can take some subutex. But that's tomorrow, willnlet you all how that turns out lol
That's why we joke he's a lush hahahah.

Actually, I get worried sometimes. Cats can't process alcohol, yet he's adamant about having gin/vodka cocktails if we make them. Like he will not leave them alone. I think his coming around when I smoke is a mixture of drug/attention seeking. He likes to sit in my lap when I smoke, but only when Mrs. Gravy isn't around (?) and if I don't pet him he starts to get nibbly. He honestly gets a bit more chill when I smoke around him. I don't blow any smoke his direction, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got a minor dose from it.

I know it can't be good for cats in larger amounts. A friend's cat went psychotic after finding some of his bud and eating it. I try not to let him get any smoke but I really think he wants it most of the time. He gets right up in my way lol. I figure, as long as he's not eating any, he'll be fine. I've smoked around many cats and the one that ate pot on her own was the only one to get poisoned.

I don't smoke around our reptiles at all though. Their lungs are too weak. Snakes only have one lung for some reason.

Oh yeah, how high am I? Not at all. But I'm about to fix me up a fat breakfast bowl of some dank :)

If he's seeking out some secondhand smoke, I'm sure there's no problem. It's fucked up when people force their animals to inhale weed smoke, but if they repeatedly choose to do it, then it's their choice. I mean, clearly animals enjoy drugs too, or some do anyway, animal testing proves that (in a fucked up way, but still). Animals are people too, they're just not human people. My mom hates being intoxicated, and I love it. Different people are different. :)

I know a lot of dogs that are into alcohol. My friend's dog will knock your drink over on purpose so she can drink the whole thing. My other friend's girlfriend's old dog (passed on now, sadly, he was a good old dog) would literally whine and bark at you when you had a beer in your hand, until you poured a little puddle for him, and then drink it. He'd get wasted if he could (I saw him wasted before when a lot of people were over and he would get into drinks every time someone wasn't looking).
What is WGFI? Sorry don't know all the abbreviations for everything. But happy you feeling good. I just cracked my 2nd beer and my last beer or drink for the day even tho its still early like16:45pm but I plan on having some flurazepam or triazolam, depending what's available but I'm hoping for some halcion. Then its that with a combo of alzam and a repeat when I wake tomorrow as I'm of and I wanna sleep the whole day till I can take some subutex. But that's tomorrow, willnlet you all how that turns out lol
white grapefruit juice

if I hit the I not J my bad

not a fancy drink or RC benzo, a legit beverage
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