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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Well I'd like to know because it doesn't follow theory. This forum sees a lot of judgement, mostly in favor of drug use.

I don't think there's anything wrong in asking once more. This is partly because a lot of people who use drugs are all about bettering themselves when they use, and heading straight for the next fix when in withdrawal. I knew this guy who was all happy about leading people to acquire opioids, then would apologize to them profusely after the needle was pushed in. It's a pattern.
Well I'd like to know because it doesn't follow theory. This forum sees a lot of judgement, mostly in favor of drug use.

I don't think there's anything wrong in asking once more. This is partly because a lot of people who use drugs are all about bettering themselves when they use, and heading straight for the next fix when in withdrawal. I knew this guy who was all happy about leading people to acquire opioids, then would apologize to them profusely after the needle was pushed in. It's a pattern.

Well my personal philosophy is that unless someone is specifically bringing their shit to my doorstep, I'm not going to question their choices in any way. Theory or pattern or whatever.
Had a decent acid trip and now I'm glowing so hard, the whole block can't sleep cuz my glow is too bright!! :eek:

Took 20mg Zolpidem
6mg Bromazepam
2mg Clonazepam
300mg Pregabalin
0.25mg Triazolam insufflated
and I also had to crush an Oxycodone 40mg which was mixed with 20mg Oxycodone instant release and then insufflated.

until now it's a pretty relaxed come down. if I should have any problems with sleeping I can take 0.25mg - 0.5mg Brotizolam, then I'm sure the lights will go out soon. :D

Wish you all a nice Sunday! <3
Had a decent acid trip and now I'm glowing so hard, the whole block can't sleep cuz my glow is too bright!! :eek:

Took 20mg Zolpidem
6mg Bromazepam
2mg Clonazepam
300mg Pregabalin
0.25mg Triazolam insufflated
and I also had to crush an Oxycodone 40mg which was mixed with 20mg Oxycodone instant release and then insufflated.

until now it's a pretty relaxed come down. if I should have any problems with sleeping I can take 0.25mg - 0.5mg Brotizolam, then I'm sure the lights will go out soon. :D

Wish you all a nice Sunday! <3
fuckk mannn, i'm so jealous wish i could be that high atm haha. I'm justdrinking coffee :'( well at least yesterday i got like 10 good ringers from smoking crack haha.
Had a decent acid trip and now I'm glowing so hard, the whole block can't sleep cuz my glow is too bright!! :eek:

Took 20mg Zolpidem
6mg Bromazepam
2mg Clonazepam
300mg Pregabalin
0.25mg Triazolam insufflated
and I also had to crush an Oxycodone 40mg which was mixed with 20mg Oxycodone instant release and then insufflated.

until now it's a pretty relaxed come down. if I should have any problems with sleeping I can take 0.25mg - 0.5mg Brotizolam, then I'm sure the lights will go out soon. :D

Wish you all a nice Sunday! <3

You somehow hit like every one of my favorite drugs in one post lol

I almost did snort some of that 4-aco-dmt but I decided against it and drank like 300ml of vodka instead and passed out, now I'm awake with some kratom and 1ml GHB
You somehow hit like every one of my favorite drugs in one post lol

I almost did snort some of that 4-aco-dmt but I decided against it and drank like 300ml of vodka instead and passed out, now I'm awake with some kratom and 1ml GHB
ikr, benzos+ a good dose of pregabalin and a strong opiate= BLISS. i don't even smoke weed anymore since i discovered these drugs lol.
^^ I'd love to help :love:

/edit: gn8 everybody. cyall l8ter.

Nope, lying still in bed didn't feel right, so I've decided to just go on.

Did 0.25mg Brotizolam
It's all nice and relaxed. Not sleepy at all.
insufflated 60mg Oxycodone
0.5mg Alprazolam
0.25mg Triazolam nasal

/edit: added 2mg Clonazepam and I'm gonna vape some goooood weed

/edit2: just going with the flow. preparing a bulletproof coffee. I just have to taste it. :confused:

Ok, it was like a creamy quad espresso with a lil bit of cinnamon. /edit: made it with unsalted butter and pure MCT C8 Oil
Taste = 6.5/10
Energy = 8/10

/edit3: Alright, with this extreme surplus of Energy from the bulletproof coffee, lol. I'm super wake and can immediately start to bake... wh00t!? 🧐
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Morning blue world

feeling a bit hang over and not from booze but the dopaquel i took. anyhow

10mg valium
6 hits H
200ml vodka
2 joints so far..

Feeling baked but groggy and a bit mush. but my body will adapt just now.
Well the day went by without a hitch.

Feeling semi intoxicated but more baked but just had some good stuff.

1 bag h ( finished like an hr ago )
150ml vodka
1 quart beer ( still sipping on the last bit )
0.25mg triazolam ( had it now )

All is done and eveyone sorted and happy, sunday afternoon nap next.
I ate 2C-B last night at 1am. Took 3mg of etizolam around 6am. Didn't put me out. Eventyually got up, took some caffeine and decided on a hit of LSD and a morning foggy hike collecting wineberries
Well I'd like to know because it doesn't follow theory. This forum sees a lot of judgement, mostly in favor of drug use.

I don't think there's anything wrong in asking once more. This is partly because a lot of people who use drugs are all about bettering themselves when they use, and heading straight for the next fix when in withdrawal. I knew this guy who was all happy about leading people to acquire opioids, then would apologize to them profusely after the needle was pushed in. It's a pattern.
Not with me it’s not I beat every drug going since my first joint in 92 through the rave then the jelly years I always had a fear of the brown powder but loved every other opioid and beat every addiction I had then once I had my accident and I was put on oxy those fuckers got a hold of me so bad I lost my family my job my life and I’m only recently back with my baby mama and taking my meds in a controlled environment I hate what they have done to me and sincerely hope that fills your morbid sense of curiosity.
Anyway rant over
So far today I’m very hung over as iv drank more the last two weekends than in the last year and had great coke fuelled sex with the baby mama but my nose is fucked so just ate my dose of oxy but also washed it down with five times 10mg diazepam so starting to become a bit more human feeling thank god
If my nose gets better I may rail another 20 of ox to see what that brings to the party
your morbid sense of curiosity.

Nothing of what I said is morbid. Ironically enough, your relationship with drugs is morbid.

  1. 1.
    characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease.
    "he had long held a morbid fascination with the horrors of contemporary warfare"

    of the nature of or indicative of disease.
    "the treatment of morbid obesity.
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