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How High Are You? v. Dark Mermaid Technology

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75mcg fent, 1/2g H, 100mg hydrocodone. About to turn a movie on for the kids so I can relax for a few before I start their nighttime routines.

May I ask where everyone is from?? I am in Virginia, and it got super cold on us the past few days. It was almost *freezing* temps last night. Got down to 36°.
I am from/in Vermont, the 14th state and best territory ever.

We like beer and cheese and guns

The state is so small I saw the governor in the grocery store today and it wasn't even weird
Rolled a nice joint really quick, went outside and it was windy out so i smoked it in like 30 seconds. Took big hits i didn't breath air until it was a roach.

I'm stoned =D
Nope it is still 60s-70s Fahrenheit during the day, been a really nice summer. Feels like it will never end. Leaves did start falling a week or so ago.

Damn. Our summer was mild and great but the last 2 weeks it's like winter is creeping up on us, totally bypassing fall. Out leaves began changing/falling the end of August. Today's high was like 56°F.
You guys have piqued my interest for anime. I'm currently watching Cyber City OEDO 808, and it's a badass series.

OT: Found some samples of kratom that my vendor sent me, so I took 7g's a couple hours ago, and just took a massive dab. I'm pretty fucking faded n zoning the fuck out haha. I'll likely end up taking another dab before going to sleep. Which will probably be pretty soon... ;)
lets see, aside from the fact that i've been smoking weed all day, i'm gearing up for a lonely night with 3600mg of gabapentin and 6mg of ativan. i have a four loko in the fridge for later and more weed on the way...
joint number 4 but who's counting?

I should finish this outside :)
Im toasted!! Eating on a ice cream sandwich watching tv as i nod here and there. Been vaping some high quality cannabis wax, iv been in a haze since iv got it yesterday. Probably vaped a half g throughout the day today. :)
.15gs of Tar Heroin (smoked)
40mgs of Hydrocodone (oral)
2mgs of Alprazolam (oral)
25mgs of Doxylamine
60mgs of DPH
5mgs of Melatonin
Caffeine(Sweet tea and Coca-cola)
Cannabis and Hash

Good day/evening, iv been really on my level after i smoked that great quality H.
First hour to a hour and a half i could not keep my eyes open at all lol, i was awake and could speak but i was for sure on cloud 9.
Love it when i can get some better quality tar since that is the only kind of H in my part of the US and when i cant get my Morphine tablets(3rd favorite opiate next to Oxycodone IR and Hydrocodone).
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Joint 3 is starting to wear off I think im gonna eat some pizza bites and roll #4.I got 2kg of pizza bites for $10
2lbs of good poppy seeds and 3 dabs since iv been off work , I'm also chuckin clouds with my e cig mod, feelin pretty chill
Woke up in the middle of the night to drink mtn dews and read wikis
I was gone and out by 1030pm haha.
A good size dose of methamphetamine (IV), 475mg glaucine (Rectal), 45mg hydrocodone, 15mg temazepam, 2mg alprazolam, 1.5mg clonazepam, 300mg pregabalin (Lyrica), 30mg cyclobenzaprine, and 75mg diphenhydramine+600mg cimetidine as potentiators. Also smoking an e-cig (just nicotine and caffeine). Did the meth 15 minutes before I started writing this and everything else about 2 hours earlier except the glaucine which was divided into 3 doses, first one like 20 or 30 minutes before others, last maybe an hour after.

Wasn't planning on using meth, but was going to trade something for some morphine, and the morphine was gone (told it was lost, maybe it was as the pills are small and the guy was looking for them in his truck for a bit, but needed to leave in time for work). I was just given a good dose of meth for free and I asked to have him give it to me like that - I wasn't sure I could do it right myself as I don't IV things normally.

The glaucine does not produce the type of colorful visuals Wikipedia suggests, but it seems to produce visual effects with some color and colors brightened, objects breathing, and a mindspace that's consistent with a low dose serotonergic psychedelic at this level - I'd say at least like a +1.5 along with opiate like effects which become apparent at much lower levels (100mg plugged). Before the meth, I was feeling quite sedated and glaucine itself seems to have significant sedative effects by the time you hit 400mg, so if you want to explore higher levels you don't want to mix with other downers or you may just sleep.

If you have no opiate tolerance and glaucine is actually an opiate, it may be dangerous to use more. Definitely start at 150mg max and don't go up too fast, side effects include vomiting but it was not a problem for me. I used rectal dosing - you'll need to use very hot water, it won't dissolve well in just warm water. Maybe it is both an opiate and serotonergic psychedelic - Wikipedia does say it has a phenethylamine structure and I think I can see that in the molecule's shape, but don't know how to judge likely effects from that.

I do know this feels really damn good! Felt damn good before the meth. IV meth feels very good, but it doesn't do anything so great that I'd seek out meth to IV or put into my body in any other way - it isn't a psychedelic. It isn't quite as good as IM morphine - the first ten minutes are significantly better, but I don't think the rest of the high is as good. It might be, it is hard to tell with this drug mix. This mix is probably better than say 120mg morphine by intramuscular injection, certainly better than 90mg morphine.

Here is some info on that glaucine stuff I had been talking about from eBay when taken by itself at the 425mg dose a couple of hours before any hydrocodone or benzo and general effects at lower levels -

At doses of 100-300mg it has a pleasant, opiate-like effect and is really nice with hydrocodone. It definitely starts to enhance and make music sound better when you get around or above 200mg. Things also start to just look more beautiful and emotions are intensified if you are exposed to stimuli that would normally produce significant emotional reactions, but the feeling is of an opiate-like contentment along with a glowing radiating love (I'm not sure how to describe it, I am pretty high right now). There were hints of a psychedelic mindspace, but not much and definitely not the colorful visuals described by Wikipedia.

A 425mg dose caused that hint of a psychedelic mindspace to become more than just a hint, but it would only be what you'd expect from something like a +1 level trip on something such as Mescaline. Things looked different in a way I can't describe or define and it seemed like patterns were trying to form in the popcorn like texture of the ceiling. The opiate type effect did not seem to get much if any stronger but it seemed like mild empathogenic and entactogenic effects were manifesting. Mood became very serene and peaceful. Feelings of gratefulness for the ones I love came forth strongly and I wanted to tell everyone how I felt, but this was at night so I ended up spending much of the next 5 or 6 hours with my raccoon (his name is Lucky - if I thought I could tell how I got him, you would see how well the name fits but I doubt I'll ever let anyone know that). I went to the computer 3 or 4 times to listen to a few songs during that period.

One song (From My Hands by VNV Nation, if you want to know - and actually the song before that started to make me cry: 4th and Pine by Monster Movie) made me really suicidal and I started to think about jumping off of a particular building in January if I was too depressed to go back to university. I quickly became very paranoid for about 10 minutes or so, feeling like up to three people at my university knew what I was thinking and it felt like someone was putting thoughts of not wanting me to jump and trying to put a guilt trip on me by inserting his thoughts into my head (I mainly believed it was my counselor and thought the university psychiatrist might be doing it as well. I had no idea who the third person might be (if there was a third person, my counselor and the psychiatrist at the university are the ones I mainly feared, the third person was not as important as they were less likely to have connections to get me sent to a mental institution as far as I was concerned at the time). It was alarming that I had no control over how my thoughts were flowing out of my head and into the minds of others. I've felt that before - it is never pleasant. For a couple of minutes, I feared the police were coming to take me to the mental institution and I kept looking out the door and through my living room windows. For some reason, I just all of a sudden started laughing my ass off and I don't know why. The paranoia and suicidal thoughts left instantly and for a few minutes, I could not control my laughing and had no idea why I felt this way out of the blue. I then went back to how I was before. Spent more time with Lucky, then it was morning. I'm sure my mom knew I was on something because I rarely tell her or anyone else I love them, but did so to everyone at least once. It was wearing off by now and in 2 or 3 hours, I was ready to go to bed.

I had a number of bad panic attacks and lots of anxiety before I got the glaucine and became very paranoid that the police were going to search my house (something involving someone other than me was going on causing me anxiety, I will not go into the who or why but if it happened, my existence on Bluelight and the Earth would have been self-nullified, if you know what I mean) and I felt like the cops knew I was thinking this and were inserting both suicidal thoughts and fear into my mind. I had this bad anxiety with frequent panic one night and was fucking terrified to get near the window because I thought someone would come through the window with a knife to kill me (I used to have this irrational fear every night as a child). I think it was this series of severe panic attacks with paranoid delusions (thought broadcasting and thought insertion are the names for these particular delusions - the one where your thoughts are broadcast to or read by other people/another person or thoughts are put into your head, I did not mean the one about someone coming through the window with a knife to kill you - that doesn't have a name as far as I know and I don't know if the fear I had as a kid would be considered a delusion or a phobia - it also did not always involve knives, just someone coming through the window to kill me and I was just as fucking scared of being burned to death while sleeping - I was fucked up).

Yesterday and the day before, I was pretty sick and felt horrible. This always causes severe panic attacks and often with bizarre thoughts. When I kept puking and dry heaving really bad, I thought I was puking up pieces of my liver and was going to die. When feeling sinus pressure and a headache, I thought growing brain parasites were pushing my eyes out as well as killing me.

I normally don't have those thoughts. I do get them when I feel as though a loved one is being threatened though. I also sometimes get those delusions when I am really suicidal. Severe depression also sometimes results in other delusional thoughts, some of which are a lot more unpleasant (I am dead and this is the Hell I am being punished in, I am very evil, I am alone and every other living thing is just deception from God until he decides to show me the true horror of existence, I give people I love cancer, I am the product of rape and incest, I am just part of an experiment, I am part alien (this would not bother me now, I'd think it was awesome!), my biological mother tried to have an abortion but it failed and I was born alive, I have an accelerated aging disease, I am the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler, the smell of vomit constantly emanates from my body, I am mentally retarded, I was not meant to be born/I should not exist, I am related to Adolph Hitler, etc. - not all at once, some of this was as early as age 16 but much of it repeated).

Think I'll add 75mg glaucine, rectal in two doses 15-30min apart as it seems like I am close to like a psychedelic breakthrough point - visuals have increased and it feels trippier than when I started typing at the top.
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Pitifully breaching sub-normal for now, but a TD post to read is a nice distraction.

Edit: glaucine, havent heard much of that before. I've had some of it in me via corydalis yanhuso (extracts were my key to occasional insomnia, STRONG ones where 50mg does it, less with the crystaline extract I had - put me in a weird headspace once. Bit too much of the 98% THP extract from corydalis, oral, with a few bowls.) An isolate of this alkaloid sounds cool. Hang in there pal, I am. We still <3 you here.
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